Hey! We are assuming that you are here to see pictures of us. You could be a friend, curious, or some sick fuck. Well there really isn't a way for us to stop you, is there? We could put up password protection, but thats a hastle. So we really hope that you enjoy yourseves, you fuckin' sickos!

Currently we are scanning and taking as many pictures as humanly possible. So, SHUT THE HELL UP! We're working on updating the site! If you think you can do any better then use up all of your spare time keeping a site current! Is there some amazing idea that you have thats better than what we have so far? Just fucking tell us then! You ungreatful bastards! Sometimes you guys just piss us off. Why can't you just appreciate what we are trying to do? We don't have to share our online photo album or our hilarious stories. FUCK YOU!


Oh yea, e-mail ideas to punk4_jocose@hotmail.com

stupid bitches...