Being Honest - Part 3

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters, just the story idea.

Rated: PG-13

Lorelai was very busy for the next few days preparing for Rory’s graduation. Luke attended and things were strained between them to say the least, but they made a good show and she didn’t think anyone noticed. In the days that followed she and Rory prepared for their trip. In most instances she was able to talk Rory out of any diner talk, but on their last morning in Stars Hollow, Rory was adamant. “Mom, I want to say good bye to Luke. Our plane takes off tonight, and we’re pretty much packed. If you don’t want to come with me that’s fine, but I’m going.”

Lorelai heard the challenge in her daughter’s voice and said, “I’ll come. I want to say good bye, too.” She was such a liar. Rory knew something was up, but she didn’t press her and Lorelai was grateful.

The walk to the diner was short and they sat down at a table. Luke walked over and said, “Morning. Coffee?”

Thankfully, Rory took over talking. “Yes, please. It’s our last chance at your coffee for six weeks. Fill ‘er up!”

“That’s right,” he said. “Leaving for Europe, huh?”

“Tonight. The plane takes off at seven.”

He poured. “Well, have fun. Do you know what you want?”

The entire time he had not addressed Lorelai, but she felt that this was directed at her and had absolutely nothing to do with breakfast.

“I’ll have pancakes,” said Rory.

“Same,” said Lorelai.

“Coming up,” said Luke as he walked away.

“Did you guys have another fight?”

“What? No, no fighting. There’s been nothing, I swear.”

Rory wasn’t buying it, but she said nothing.

Luke brought their plates out a minute later and they ate. When they were done, Rory left to say good-bye to Lane and Lorelai walked home alone.

As she did some last minute cleaning she heard a knock at the door. She opened it to find Luke standing on her front porch looking a little lost.

“Hi,” she said.

“Hi,” he replied.

There was an awkward silence. “Can I help you?” she asked frostily.

“Yeah, I was wondering if you know yet.”

She nodded. Of course, all he wants to know about is the baby. God forbid he ask about her! She was aware that she was being ever so slightly unreasonable, but she didn’t care.

“Not yet. It’s a little too soon.”

He nodded. “Six weeks in Europe.”


“I’m guessing at some point you’ll know over there.”


He sighed. Why was she making this so hard? “I would appreciate it if you’d call me. Let me know.”

“What’s the difference? If you know when I’m gone or if you know when we come back, what’s the difference?”

“I’ll just feel better. I’ll worry about you both anyway, but it will be nice to know one way or the other.”

Her heart softened a teeny bit. “You’ll worry about us?”

“Jesus, Lorelai, of course!”

His tone hardened it back up again.

“Fine. If I can find a phone to use without Rory overhearing me, I’ll call you when I know.”

He let out his breath. “Thanks.” He didn’t leave and it became even more awkward, if that was possible.

“Anything else?”

He shuffled his feet and fidgeted with his hands. “Just, take care of yourself. I’ll miss you.”

She nodded. “How’s Nicole?”

He gaped at her and his own anger flared up. “Are you kidding me?”

“No, I’m serious. How is she?”

He felt his blood pressure spike. “You wanna know how she is? Ask her! I haven’t spoken to her since we broke up,” and with that, Luke stormed down her porch steps.

“Gah!” she shouted and slammed the door shut. He was such a drama queen! She paced her first floor.

She was impatient to know, too. Why was she pissed off just because he was impatient? She’d even driven to Hartford for a home test. It had come back negative, but she knew those things weren’t always on the money. She would know for sure in about two weeks.

Part 4
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