Favorite Luke & Lorelai Moments - Season Five

5.01- Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller

Lorelai: We kissed. You and me we kissed?

Luke: I remember

Lorelai: and it was unexpected

Luke: Lorelai, relax. I’m fine if you want to just forget it ever happened, really.

Lorelai: No, I don't want to forget it ever happened. It was a great kiss.

Luke: Yeah?

Lorelai: If one of us had been a frog, it would have had some seriously impressive consequences

Luke: Okay

Lorelai: So, what do you think?

Luke: I think I’m really relived you feel that way

Lorelai: so you concur?

Luke: Dear God, yes.


Luke: that was a hell of a test run.

Lorelai: you mean the inn of course

Luke: of course

Lorelai: Yes, it was. Although, you know, until you have a successful second go-around, you really don't know if everything’s gonna work.

Luke: Then I guess there's got to be a second go-around.


5.02 A Messenger, Nothing More

Lorelai: Well, huzzah and Prithee Art thou?

Luke: Stop

Lorelai: Sorry. How are you?

Luke: Good

Lorelai: Sorry, that was incomplete, how are you, you big fat liar?

Luke: What?

Lorelai: You said you would be home yesterday

Luke: I’m coming home today for sure

Lorelai: "Oh, what’s that, Lucy? A football for me to kick?"


5.03 Written In The Stars

Luke: Coffee will be ready in a second (Signaling Lor with his head)

Lorelai: Be back in a sec. (Walks over to the counter) You gestured?

Luke: Those jeans are really working for you.

Lorelai: Yeah?

Luke: They're working for me, too.

Lorelai: You're flirting with me

Luke: Something like that.

Lorelai: Finally, do it some more.


Lorelai: Oh, Food. Thank God

Luke: Hot Plates

Lorelai: See? He called me "Hot Plates" He so likes me

Luke; Jeez


Lorelai: Is this a Mafia thing?

Luke: Excuse me?

Lorelai: The whole coming in, special table, reserved sign. Are we gonna have to whack someone before the soup course?

Luke: No, I've filled my whacking quota for the week. Dirty?

Lorelai: Extremely


Luke: She told me to hold onto the horoscope put it in my wallet, and carry it around with me. (Pulls out a paper from his wallet) One day it will bring me good luck

Lorelai: Well, man. I will say anything for a cup of coffee. (reads the paper) Um... I can't believe you kept this. You kept this in your wallet?

Luke: Eight Years

Lorelai: Eight years

Luke: Lorelai, this thing we're doing here -me, you- I just want you to know I’m in, I’m all in.


Luke: How did I get rooked into this?

Lorelai: Uh, I’m irresistible

Luke: Yeah, well, have I mentioned I hate town meetings?

Lorelai: No, I thought you said I hate clown bleedings, which I totally agree with.


5.04 Tippecanoe and Taylor, Too

Lorelai: Wow, Where did all this come from?

Luke: What?

Lorelai: The food, the pans, the bowls, the spatula

Luke: Food’s from Doose's, pans and bowls you had, and the spatula is mine

Lorelai: You travel with a spatula?

Luke: Sometimes

Lorelai: You've actually found yourself in scraping and flipping situations without the trusty spatula before?


Lorelai: Oh hey, the night of the rally, we're gonna need a sort of backstage gathering area.

Luke: You cannot gather here

Lorelai: But is right across from the...

Luke: You cannot gather here

Lorelai: See, the stage is right over...

Luke: You cannot gather here

Lorelai: Do you like my hair like this?

Luke: Yes, and you cannot gather here

Lorelai: Wow, sleeping with you is getting me nothing.


5.05 We Got Us A Pippi Virgin

Lorelai: Wait, have you never seen this movie before?

Luke: Never

Lorelai: We got us a Pippi Virgin


Lorelai: I've always wanted to lift an immense quadraped over my head

Luke: Shhh

Lorelai: What?

Luke: I can't hear anything

Lorelai: Oh, I'll speak up

Luke: Not you- the movie


Lorelai: Hey, Cool Hand?

Luke: Hmm

Lorelai: Try to drop the 'tude

Luke: What ‘tude?

Lorelai: You practically barked at Dean to pass the popcorn.

Luke: I didn't bark at him, Besides, he was hogging it.

Lorelai: Mmm-Hmm say "popcorn" more nicely please.


5.06 Norman Mailer, I’m Pregnant

Luke: Why don't you just change the porch light?

Lorelai: Ugh, have you seen how dirty it is up there? With those creepy moths that fly in your face, and you could swallow one, and end up with some kind of hand-to-moth-to-mouth disease.


5.07 You Jump, I Jump, Jack

Lorelai: My mother is insisting on having dinner with us

Luke: That’s it?

Lorelai: Did you just hear what I said- mother, dinner, us? That’s on a par with car, test, crash test dummy. I’m gonna do whatever it takes to get us out of this.


Luke: This is a house?

Lorelai: This is a house

Luke: What a waste, see this is what causes peasants to revolt, This is how heads end up on pikes

Lorelai: Open with that, that’s a great icebreaker. Now listen I want you to be careful about your consumption of booze.

Luke: I’m not gonna drink to much.

Lorelai: You got it backwards, Pable- Ride the pink elephant, baby. 'Cause its your only defense against Emily Gilmore unless you're packing a Kalashnikov.


Luke: Unbelievable

Lorelai: I know, She didn’t make nearly enough

Luke; I meant you. You're acting crazy

Lorelai: She's insulting you

Luke: No she's not, Your mom's being great

Lorelai: What? Were you in the room? Did you hear the awful things she said?

Luke: What did she say?

Lorelai: Rustic Diner "rustic"

Luke: So?

Lorelai: Backhand slang for "Crap Pile"

Luke: Or she was admiring its vintage feel

Lorelai: What was the other word she used?

Luke: Charming?

Lorelai: Slang for "Doggy Poopy"

Luke: Unbelievable

Lorelai: Wait, Wait, what about the beer thing? Oh, my god

Luke: That was nice, I wanted a beer. She was considerate enough to anticipate that that might be the case.

Lorelai: The word beer- backhand slang for "Nitwit Juice"


5.08 The Party's Over

Lorelai: You're the perfect man.

Luke: Thank you.

Lorelai: I used to think it was Kelsey Grammer, but its not, its you.


5.09 Emily Says Hello

Lorelai: Okay, so you know what’s great about this country?

Luke: Nope

Lorelai: If you try hard enough, you can eventually find a showing of "St. Elmo's Fire" on the big screen.

Luke: Yes, that’s what gets us the good seats at the summit.

Lorelai: Come on, admit it. Rob Lowe pretending to play the saxophone was incredibly hot.

Luke: Oh, I admit it.


5.10 But Not As Cute As Pushkin

Lorelai: In my hand ladies and gentlemen, sits the true advantage of dating a diner owner, I am never more than ten feet from pie.

Luke: I thought is was the way we always smell faintly of meat.

Lorelai: It’s heaven, One quick trip downstairs, and I have all the treats I want. You're like Willy Wonka but hotter

Luke: I am not hotter than Willy Wonka

Lorelai: Slap on a purple top hat, and you're close.