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Miscellaneous Thoughts (a.k.a. The Ranting Corner)
Friday, 12 March 2004
Cheap-ass Bastards
Let me tell you a little about my day, kids. There?s so much crap that goes into this job it?s not even funny. Most of the time I find myself blatantly lying to the people we?re supposed to be, you know, helping. But that?s not what?s annoying me right now. Right now, two things are pissing me off.

First, for whatever reason, I can no longer check this site from my desk at work. It?s been ?blocked? by the Helpdesk over at Corporate. So that?s nice. The one place where I used to come when I was bored (read: constantly) to waste time and post funny things for you to look at is no longer accessible.

Second, and the reason for the above title, is that I just had to call our New York office and ask someone there to send me more FedEx Airbills (the thing you fill out and attach to the package you?re sending out, just in case you didn?t know). Why do I need to call the New York office? Why can?t I just call FedEx? Because. My office doesn?t have an account with FedEx. We used to have an account with Airborne Express and it was wonderful. I loved it. Then, for no reason, Corporate stopped paying the bills. Huh? you ask. Stopped paying the bills? How can they do that? Well, they just can. You know how I know? They just did. We are in collections because my cheap-ass company stopped paying the bills for services that they asked for. Classy, eh?

It?s not enough that I hate my job and find it mind-numbingly dull, soul deadening, and just plain irritating. No, that?s not enough. I also have to have no respect for my superiors (with the exception of one or two) or the company itself for that matter. They are constantly crying poverty and getting rid of people. I haven?t had a raise in over a year. There were no Christmas bonuses. The holiday party amounted to some take-out food thrown in the conference room. We ate and then had to be back at our desks forty-five minutes later. At the same time our Big Giant Heads drive Porches and vacation at their houses in the Caribbean. They live the kind of life most people can only dream about.

This was supposed to be a transitional thing, something to pay the bills while I finished my thesis. Now I think if I don?t get out soon I?m going to become impossible to work with. I?m very crabby when I?m here.

But it?s not my fault. I have a bad attitude because my company is full of cheap-ass bastards. So there. Yes. I?m four.

Posted by freak2/katertot0208 at 8:08 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 12 March 2004 8:22 PM EST
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