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Miscellaneous Thoughts (a.k.a. The Ranting Corner)
Friday, 11 March 2005
One Last Kick to this Dead Horse

In a new TV ad, Progress for America exaggerates the true state of Social Security's finances by comparing it to the Titanic. The ad claims the system will go "bankrupt" if nothing is done and that we must rescue the program "before it hits the iceberg." Actually, neutral experts predict the system can pay between 70 and 80 percent of currently scheduled benefits even if the Trust Fund is exhausted, which isn't predicted to happen for another 37 years, at least.

The ad also touts Bush's plan for "voluntary personal retirement accounts" as though that would improve the system's finances. But even the White House now acknowledges that individual accounts alone do nothing to fix the system's long-term financial shortfall.


The lies just keep getting bigger and bigger and no one seems to care.

Posted by freak2/katertot0208 at 8:45 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 12 March 2005 9:26 AM EST
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Social Security Stage Craft
Now Playing: Annie Lenox
I just read this article in Newsweek and it only served to solidify my first impressions of Bush's Stump-fest a week ago.

Here is my favorite quote:
"Bush received respectful coverage from the town's newspaper, the Westfield Leader, which said the meeting was simply meant to "gauge opinions of New Jerseyans." In fact, a day before the event, an advance team of White House officials held a dress rehearsal for the participants so they could fine-tune their testimonials. They do this before each show, usually with a stand-in playing Bush. It helps the people "say things clearer," says one FreedomWorks member."

Posted by freak2/katertot0208 at 1:24 PM EST
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Wednesday, 9 March 2005
Two Miscellaneous Thoughts
From the Center for American Progress:

CULTURALLY INSENSITIVE RIGHT-WING QUOTE OF THE DAY: "We don't do Lincoln Day Dinners in South Carolina.?It's nothing personal, but it takes awhile to get over things." ? Sen. Lindsey Graham, explaining that, in his opinion, South Carolina is still reeling from the Emancipation Proclamation. His thought process was probably news to at least 30 percent of the state's population, which is African-American.

~~Doesn't this just warm the heart? And people wonder why there's still so much racial tension in the South.


MILITARY ? FLUNKING THE DOVER TEST: It's common knowledge that the Bush administration has banned photographs of caskets of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq, but Salon reports the Bush administration appears to be pursuing a similar strategy with the wounded, "who are far more numerous." According to Salon, the Bush administration continues to engage in a concerted effort to hide dead and wounded soldiers from the American public. Flights carrying injured soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan only arrive in the United States in the dead of night, under the cover of darkness. Soldiers are then taken to Walter Reed or Bethesda Navel Medical Center in ambulances or "unmarked black vans." Photographs are prohibited. The wounded soldiers are then unloaded at back entrances, not the common entrances closest to the emergency rooms. The result is that images of wounded soldiers continue to be "extremely scarce."

~~Gosh, I wonder why the government doesn't want us to see the wounded. Could it be that they're worried we might start thinking for ourselves?

Posted by freak2/katertot0208 at 3:57 PM EST
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Does This Sound Like a Desperate Cry For Attention to Anyone Else?
Now Playing: Crashtest Dummies
Crowe Says al-Qaida Wanted to Kidnap Him.

Really, Russell? You don't think al-Qaida has better things to do? I think al-Qaida is laughing their asses off in a cave somewhere over this story. I mean, really. You're a good actor, but you're a bit high-maintenence.

Oh, and also? Get over yourself.

Posted by freak2/katertot0208 at 10:19 AM EST
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Party for the President
A few days ago I went to hear the President talk about Social Security. I brought along a little notebook where I took notes. Here are those notes:

March 4, 2005

I?m sitting on a shuttle bus half-filled with people taking us to the Westfield Armory. At the Armory, we will hear President Bush talk to us about his plan to save Social Security. The event is being billed as a "Town Hall Meeting". I am surrounded by Republicans and for the first time since I discovered I'd have to attend, I am happy at the prospect. I find myself curious about what the day will bring. Will it be a pep rally or a real dialogue about the pros and cons of the situation?


I?m standing in the longest line ever to get into the building and a group of secret service types just walked past us and it was like a scene from Reservoir Dogs. They were way too cool to be looking at us but we stared openly as they strode by with their ear pieces, heavy overcoats and shades.


It?s freezing out here in this damn line. The SWAT Team just showed up and we all had to move out of the way so that they could get by with their armored vans. The Marines are here and the Army, too. I wonder where the hell the Navy and the Air Force are. Slackers.


I totally should have brought a book.


I?m finally inside and it?s a madhouse. I ran into someone I know while I was trying to find a seat. She and her husband arrived here this morning at six and then stood out in the cold until the doors opened at eight. I finally found a seat way in the back, about level with the camera crews. The mood is decidedly jubilant.


There?s a blowhard sitting behind me who will not shut up.


I really, really, really, really should have brought a book.


Lot?s of people brought their kids and all the little boys are dressed in collared shirts and sweater vests. It?s like an Alex P. Keaton fan club meeting in here.


Blowhard is still not shutting up.


I?m starting to get hungry.


At this point I ran into someone I knew and couldn?t make any more notes but later, on the ride back to my car on the shuttle bus this is what I wrote:

Pep Rally. Total freaking pep rally. People were yelling, hooting, screaming, hollering, chanting! ?George Bush! clapclapclap! George Bush! clapclapclap!? Or ?Four More Years! Four More Years!? Or, as was the case of the blowhard behind me, sporadic bursts of ?YEAH!? peppered throughout the event.

Bush first touched on the mid-East and the spread of democracy, but then really got going on Social Security. The ?panel? he had up there with him was a perfect cross-section of America. He had a middle aged woman who is a professor at Wharton Business School, a retiree from Long Island, a mother with five kids, a Latino fire fighter who also owns his own real estate business, and a 23-year-old business man.

All were heavily in favor of Bush?s plan. I know, I was shocked, too.

I kept waiting for someone to ask a question and really get the ?Town Hall Meeting? part of the event going, but it never happened. Bush talked, then he gave the mike to each of his panelists and they parroted him and then it was over. OVER!

I guess I'm not sure why I'm surprised. Way back when I first heard about this I flippantly remarked to someone, "We'll go, he'll lie, I'll be back for lunch." Who knew I would be so close to the truth?

Because some of the roads here are closed, the shuttle buses are awkwardly trying to navigate the narrow streets of this little Jersey town. One of my fellow passengers just said of a sad group of straggely protestors, ?Run ?em over!? Now THAT?S compassionate conservatism. Really warms the heart.

It must be really nice to be a Republican. You never have to worry about anyone but yourself and your biggest fear is that the libs might get into power and try to give some of your money away to the undeserving poor.

Posted by freak2/katertot0208 at 8:59 AM EST
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Tuesday, 8 March 2005
Screw the Poor! Cheating Medicaid is AWESOME!
Now Playing: Hollaback Girl - Gwen Stefani
From the New York Times:

Report Says Medicaid Overpays for Drugs

WASHINGTON, March 7 - Federal health officials are not enforcing a law that requires drug companies to cut their prices on drugs bought for poor people under Medicaid, Congressional investigators said on Monday.

Posted by freak2/katertot0208 at 3:19 PM EST
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Camilla Windsor?
Am I the only one who looks at Camilla and thinks, ?My God, he cheated on Diana with YOU?? It?s embarrassing.

What?s more incredible is that these two are able to hold their heads up in public after so much adultery and unhappiness. Talk about a wicked stepmother.

Posted by freak2/katertot0208 at 2:01 PM EST
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Monday, 7 March 2005
Richards and Sheen to Divorce
This is like marrying Robert Downey, Jr. and then acting surprised when he wanders into the neighbor?s house one morning after binging all night on coke, painkillers, acid and the random drink thrown in to wash it all down.

Posted by freak2/katertot0208 at 5:10 PM EST
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Thursday, 3 March 2005
Jennifer Lopez is still amazed she has a recording career
As are we, Jennifer. As are we.

Posted by freak2/katertot0208 at 1:57 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 3 March 2005 2:00 PM EST
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And the Asshat of the Year Award Goes To
From the Center for American Progress:

RIGHT WING ? SHOTGUNS AT SHOW AND TELL? Don't like the idea of hand grenades in elementary schools? Then stay out of Arizona. Yesterday, the Arizona House of Representatives voted for a firearm free-for-all, passing a bill which will let people "carry weapons - including guns, grenades, rockets, mines and sawed-off shotguns - into schools, polling places and nuclear plants if they claim they're only trying to protect themselves." The legislation was the brainchild of Rep. Doug Quelland (R-Phoenix). The problem? Quelland never actually read the legislation before pulling together support to get it passed. In an interview, Quelland said "he had no idea the legislation, crafted by constituents he wouldn't identify, was so broad that it would provide a catchall exemption in the state's weapons laws."


This is one guy who deserves to be shot. And it just might happen in his own state.

Posted by freak2/katertot0208 at 11:48 AM EST
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