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Miscellaneous Thoughts (a.k.a. The Ranting Corner)
Tuesday, 29 March 2005
Jackson Prays With Terri Schiavo's Parents
Now Playing: Tori Amos
I saw this headline and thought, "What the hell is Michael Jackson doing in Florida?"

Of course, this is the wrong Jackson. Is it my imagination, though, or didn't Jesse Jackson step down from public life because he's some baby daddy?

Posted by freak2/katertot0208 at 1:14 PM EST
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Monday, 28 March 2005
Idiots for Terri
Now Playing: Sheryl Crow
This week's Top Ten Conservative Idiots list is all about Terri Schiavo and the shameless pandering of the Right.

Not only is it heavily documented with all those pesky facts that some Republicans hate so much, but it's also extremley well written, which makes for an entertaining read. Enjoy.

Posted by freak2/katertot0208 at 3:42 PM EST
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Block the Fox
Now Playing: Jimmy Buffet
Tired of the same old tabloid headlines from Fox "News"? The Associated Press has just brought something to my attention that may be just what you're looking for:

It's not that Sam Kimery objects to the views expressed on Fox News. The creator of the "Fox Blocker" contends the channel is not news at all.

Kimery figures he's sold about 100 of the little silver bits of metal that screw into the back of most televisions, allowing people to filter Fox News from their sets, since its August debut.

The Tulsa, Okla., resident also has received thousands of e-mails, both angry and complimentary as well as a few death threats.

"Apparently the making of terroristic threats against those who don't share your views is a high art form among a certain core audience," said Kimery, 45.

Formerly a registered Republican, even a precinct captain, Kimery became an independent in the 1990s when he said the state party stopped taking input from its everyday members.

Kimery now contends Fox News' top-level management dictates a conservative journalistic bias, that inaccuracies are never retracted, and what winds up on the air is more opinion than news. "I might as well be reading tabloids out of the grocery store," he says. "Anything to get a rise out of the viewer and to reinforce certain retrograde notions."

A Fox spokeswoman at the station's New York headquarters said the channel's ratings speak for themselves. For the first three months of this year, Fox has been averaging 1.62 million viewers in prime-time, compared with CNN's 805,000, according to Nielsen Media Research.

Kimery's motives go deeper than preventing people from watching the channel, which he acknowledges can be done without the Blocker. But he likens his device to burning a draft card, a tangible example of disagreement.

And he's taking this message to the network's advertisers. After buying the $8.95 device online, would-be blockers are shown a letter that they can send to advertisers via the Fox Blocker site.

"The point is not to block the channel or block free speech but to raise awareness," said Kimery, who works in the tech industry.

Kimery doesn't use the device himself; his remote is programmed to only a half-dozen channels. Plus he occasionally feels the need to tune into Fox News for something "especially heinous."

Business could pick up since the blocker was alluded to in a recent episode of the ABC drama "Boston Legal." The show's original script mentioned Fox News, but ABC had the references removed.

The boisterous conversations on Fox News may be why the station is so popular, said Matthew Felling, media director for the Center for Media and Public Affairs, a nonprofit, nonpartisan media watchdog group. And despite a perception that Fox leans to the right, Felling said, that doesn't mean people who lean left should tune out.

"It's tough to engage in an argument when you're not participating in it," Felling said. "It's just one more layer in the wall that the right and the left are building in between each other."

It's so simple and yet so perfect! The Fox Blocker. I love it!

Posted by freak2/katertot0208 at 12:09 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 28 March 2005 12:15 PM EST
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Right to Life?
Now Playing: Tori Amos
Overall, I?ve been trying like hell to stay out of the whole Terry Schiavo thing. Should she live, should she die, should the entire country be involved in the decision making process? I don?t have the answers but I?ve just discovered someone (thanks to my husband) who summarizes in a fairly succinct way my feelings on the whole debacle:

Against my own logic, something about ending Terri Schiavo's life feels wrong. When those who stand with her parents (including both Bushes) say they believe in compassion and erring on the side of life, they almost convince me. Where they lose me, I guess, is when they try equating this with pure murder and dragging in inadmissible religious arguments. I also don't see them "erring on the side of life" regarding so many other people in this world -- many of them, more "alive" than Terri Schiavo will ever be and perhaps a better investment of our limited national compassion. Which is another reason I don't think I should have a vote on Terri's fate. I don't know what it would be. But it would probably be something impractical like, "I vote to feed Terri Schiavo if we don't stop there. Let's pass a law that we feed everyone who's in danger of starving to death."

It truly is a mystery to me how so-called Christian Republicans are able to grandstand over this poor brain-damaged woman and yet, the poor and the homeless, the uninsured and the elderly continue to struggle on a daily basis. I don?t see George or Jeb Bush jumping on those bandwagons. If you want to use a ?right to life? argument, then you have make sure it applies to everyone, and not just to those people who are politically expedient.

Posted by freak2/katertot0208 at 8:56 AM EST
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Saturday, 26 March 2005
Aniston Files for Divorce
I'm not sure what to say about this. I know it's not the end of the world, but it still feels like the end of an era.

Posted by freak2/katertot0208 at 6:57 PM EST
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Friday, 25 March 2005
New Music
Now Playing: Keren Ann Zeidel
I've just discovered a new singer who's so freaking awesome that I just have to share. Rolling Stone's review of her latest album can be found here, if you'd like to read it, but Keren Ann Zeidel has got the most wonderful voice I've heard in a long time. Check her out. You'll thank me.

Posted by freak2/katertot0208 at 10:36 AM EST
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Thursday, 24 March 2005
?Leftist Totalitarianism? by ?Dictator Professors?
This is such a crock of shit.

Not only are they giving far too little credit to students (who, let?s face it, might possibly be able to think for themselves), but they're actually taking a step backwards into history to a time when Galileo was tortured until he recanted his belief that the earth revolved around the sun.

Allowing students (and by extension the parents of students) to sue professors for doing their job (i.e. providing a broad landscape of ideas and theories) is reprehensible. According to the law, ??suits could be filed by students who don?t believe astronauts landed on the moon, who believe teaching birth control is a sin or even by Shands medical students who refuse to perform blood transfusions and believe prayer is the only way to heal the body.?

The whole point of higher education is to get away from the state-mandated curriculums of grade, middle and high school. College is supposed to be about testing yourself and your beliefs, expanding your horizon, learning about other cultures, beliefs, religions, and histories.

College is not supposed to be about forcing educators to teach what lawmakers want them to teach. I think the end result of this, should it pass, will be that accreditation will be withdrawn and fewer and fewer students will enroll, weakening Florida's higher education until it rests upon a foundation shakier than California's sinking shores.

Posted by freak2/katertot0208 at 12:22 PM EST
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Wednesday, 23 March 2005
Oh, the Irony
I?ve tried to hold back in commenting on this, but would it be wrong to point out the irony associated with the Terri Schiavo case? I mean, here is a woman whose current state (brain dead, no hope for recovery, and minus one feeding tube) is the result of an electrolyte imbalance caused by an eating disorder.

Fate, ye are a cruel mistress!

Posted by freak2/katertot0208 at 5:24 PM EST
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Annoying and Fired
Apparently in life, it really is as simple as "ask and ye shall receive".

It was barely a week ago that I let my Sarah Jessica Parker hate come to the fore in an ugly little entry focusing on the latest Gap commercial where she prances around singing about how pretty she is. [Stepping quickly away from they keyboard, I vomit profusely into the wastebasket]

Okay, I'm back. I have no idea if the gods heard me and decided to smile down from their lofty perches or if Gap finally just woke up and said, "Damn...she's kind of talentless, huh..."

The whys and wherefores are not important. What is important is that SJP has been replaced by the wonderful Joss Stone and SJP isn't taking it very well.

The quote, I believe is: "Joss is not only a teenager, she's also a virtual unknown. Had her replacement been a big star, perhaps Sarah wouldn't have minded so much."

Right. She's a virtual unknown. In your age bracket maybe, Sarah! The hipsters know better. Joss rocks out with throaty soul vocals that rival the best of the best from the thirties and fourties. I think perhaps what you're feeling is sour grapes, Sarah. Now toddle off to HBO where you can butcher another character and leave us the hell alone.

Posted by freak2/katertot0208 at 8:26 AM EST
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Sunday, 20 March 2005
Ann Coulter is an Idiot
From the Democratic Underground's weekly list of the Top Ten Conservative Idiots:

While we're on the subject of Jeff Gannon, Ann Coulter posed some curious questions in a recent article. "Are we supposed to like gay people now, or hate them? Is there a Web site where I can go to and find out how the Democrats want me to feel about gay people on a moment-to-moment basis?" This was, of course, in response to revelations that Jeff Gannon is a gay prostitute.

So I have a couple questions of my own: Are we supposed to like gay people now, or hate them? Is there a Web site where I can go to and find out how the Republicans want me to feel about gay people on a moment-to-moment basis?

It's just that I'm perfectly consistent in my support for gay rights. What I'm not comfortable with is the White House giving a real live prostitute with a fake name who works for a fake news organization that is actually a front for a Republican activist group free and easy access to press briefings so that the aforementioned prostitute can toss softball questions at the president to get him out of sticky situations.

But now we're in a bizarre situation where Republicans like Coulter are one day screaming about amending the Constitution in order to discriminate against gays, or telling me that gays are sinners who are going to hell, or that cartoon characters are secretly working on an evil gay agenda to corrupt our children, or that "tolerance" and "love" are secret gay code words, and then the next day they're telling me that I'm the homophobe and poor gay people like Jeff Gannon need to be defended from the likes of me and my awful liberal friends.

I mean, if gay prostitution is okay - which, according to all these Republicans who are now accusing the left of homophobia, it is - then gay marriage must be double-plus-good, right? Otherwise I just don't get the argument. How come, according to Republicans, it's fine for a gay man to sell himself for no-strings-attached sex with other men online, but it's not fine for two gay men to enter into a lifelong, loving marriage partnership?

Still, at least there's no ambiguity about the fact that Republicans think all Arabs are terrorists. In the same column, Coulter says, "Press passes can't be that hard to come by if the White House allows that old Arab Helen Thomas to sit within yards of the president." So while Ann may have suddenly had a dramatic transformation on gay rights, at least that ol' racism is alive and well.


I have nothing to add. I think it's unconscionable for the neo-cons to point to liberal outrage over the Jeff Gannon scandal and use it to call us homophobic.

Posted by freak2/katertot0208 at 6:41 PM EST
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