Problem Solved...I think

By: Sam...

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing okay?

Rated: Uh... I dono PG probably. I only write stuff that could be on the show so whatever that rating is.

A/N: I really appreciate comments so send some!

And we’re off......


(Cut to a club. Lorlai, Sookie, and Michel’ sitting at a table)

Lorelai: Thanks for dragging me out here Sook, this was a great idea!

Sookie: No problem sweetie. I figured you needed a Friday night that was fun and involved alcohol. (Both begin to laugh)

Michel: When are we going to dance?

Lorelai: Aw... poor Michel, need to get your jiggy down?

Michel: Yes. I like to dance okay?

Lorelai (to Sookie) : Why is he here again? I swear you said girl’s night out on the phone. Oh wait! Now I get it. (They laugh)

Michel: Not funny.

Sookie: He wanted to come. I figured he talks to us more than most people do so... why not?

Lorelai: That and he’s fun.

Woman on stage: Okay everybody it’s karaoke time! Come up here and pick your favorite tune then show us what you got!

Michel: Oh yay! I love to sing. I’ll be back later.

Sookie: Oh no!(They both laugh)

Lorelai’s cell phone rings

Lorelai: Hello?

(Cuts between Rory’s car and the club)

Rory: Hey! How’s your girl’s night out going so far?

(Larger than Life starts to play with Michel singing with a strong french accent)

Lorelai: It’s great! Well with the exception of Michel feeling the need to be Nick Carter. (Holds the phone up so Rory can hear)

Rory: Oh, well now I’m really sorry I’m missing it!

Lorelai: You can still come you know.

Rory: Yeah I know but I don’t want to let grandpa down. I mean, it wasn’t his fault and-

Lorelai: Whoa chill, it’s okay Rory. I don’t want you to get all worked up, I have to deal with it you go ahead.

Rory: Okay well I have to go I’m just getting there. I’ll talk to you later.

Lorelai: Okay hun bye.

Lorelai and Sookie continue to watch Michel...

(Cut to Emily and Richard’s house in the dining room)

Emily, Richard, and Rory are eating dinner quietly.

Richard (feeling it’s been silent too long) : So, Rory, how is school going?

Rory: Oh well, it’s going pretty well actually. I’m getting good grades and well, yeah everything’s going good.

Richard: Well I’m glad to hear it.

Emily: How’s your mother?

Rory: Um, well.

Emily: I figured she wouldn’t be here tonight. She’s being childish as usual.

Rory: Grandma, I hardly think she’s being childish.

Emily: Rory dear, I understand you and your mother have a special connection but you don’t have to cover up things.

Rory (starting to get a little aggravated) : I’m not covering anything up. You know why she’s not here.

Emily: Actually I don’t. Perhaps she caught a cold. Or maybe she just felt like skipping the dinner to get on my nerves.

Rory (getting more angry with every word) : Come on grandma!

Emily: Come on what!?

Rory (standing up to leave the table) : You know what you did.

Emily: Get back here young lady! (Stands up and starts to follow Rory who is now near the door putting her coat on.

Richard: Emily! Emily stop.

Emily (ignoring Richard) : Just because my daughter is not sensible enough to marry the man she should have been married to a long time ago doesn’t mean that I’m not sensible enough to try and make her see it!

Rory: Make her see what?!?

Emily: Make her see that she still truly loves him!

Rory: She doesn’t! That’s what you don’t get about this whole thing grandma is that she doesn’t! She was with Luke! She and Luke were doing great until you came in and screwed it all up!

Richard: Rory, do not speak to your grandmother like that.

Emily: Oh leave her Richard. She gets it from her mother.

Rory: You went and told dad that my mom still loved him. You just had to go and mess everything up between her and Luke! You just can’t stand that she might be right about this!

Emily: Right about what? About dating a man who has the smallest vocabulary known to man? About dating a man who is only using her? A man who doesn’t care about what might happen to her?

Rory: How can you say that!? You don’t know Luke at all! Luke is more like a father to me than my own father has EVER been! He has NEVER let me or mom down! He came here with her and just sat there letting you mentally attack him and never even said a word about it! Well, I hope you’re happy because he dumped her! He dumped her all because of you! You can just forget your dream of her ever getting with my dad because it won’t happen. Luke was right for her and now you’ve blown it for your daughter.

Emily stands there stunned at what her granddaughter has said.

Rory (as calm as she can be after her previous outburst) : Goodbye grandpa, I’m sorry I couldn’t stay for a while to talk but I really should get back to school now.

She leaves. Emily and Richard just stand there. Emily stunned and deep in thought.

(Cut to Rory’s car) Rory takes out her cell phone and dials a number.

(Cuts between Rory’s car and Lorelai who is now at home sitting on her couch)

Lorelai: Hello?

Rory (somewhat stunned) : I yelled at her.

Lorelai: You yelled at who?

Rory: I yelled at grandma.

Lorelai: You yelled at grandma?

Rory: Yes, I yelled at her. We were just sitting there talking about Yale and she just bring up you and how you weren’t there and, I just got so angry and I couldn’t understand how she could say some of the things she did, and I just-

Lorelai: Whoa, slow down. Where are you?

Rory: I’m on my way over. Can I stay there tonight?

Lorelai: Of course you can stay here tonight, why would I say you couldn’t?

Rory: I’m sorry I’m just still a little freaked out.

Lorelai: That’s okay. I’ll talk to you in a little while you shouldn’t be on the phone and driving at the same time sense you’re upset.

Rory: Yeah okay. I’ll see you in a bit.

Lorelai: Bye

Rory’s car pulls up to their driveway. She get’s out and goes inside.

Lorelai (sitting at kitchen table reading a magazine) : Hey Mini Me. So fill me in, what happened?

Rory (joins her at the table) : Well we were just sitting there and grandpa asked me how school was going...........(continues to tell Lorelai the whole story)

Later same location...

Rory: And she just stood there. She didn’t say a word.

Lorelai: Wow! You made Emily Gilmore speechless?!

Rory: Yep. The I said goodbye to grandpa and just left.

Lorelai: Wow, some story. Did you at least get through dessert?

Rory: Mom.

Lorelai: Well I’m sorry but Rory, she had it coming. I didn’t think it’d be coming from you but you do know that she had it coming.

Rory: Yeah I know. I just couldn’t stand how she just sat there insulting you. And how can she insult Luke?! She hardly knows Luke!

Lorelai: Now you know how I felt growing up with the woman.

Rory: Yeah.


Rory: I think I’m going to go to bed. I’m kind of tired.

Lorelai: Okay hon.

Rory gets up and heads to her bedroom...

Lorelai: Hey Rory?

Rory: Yeah?

Lorelai: Thanks.

Rory smiles and goes to her room.

(Cut to Emily and Richard’s home Monday morning) Emily and Richard are sitting at the breakfast table.

Emily: I don’t understand what came over her.

Richard: Well surely you have some idea.

Emily: Oh don’t tell me you agree with them!?

Richard: Emily, I love you, but you do have a tendency to intrude in Lorelai’s life.

Emily: Intrude?!

Richard: I know you think it’s for the better but sometimes she needs to just figure things out herself.

Emily: I guess so. (She stands up and heads to Richard’s study)

Richard: What are you doing?

Emily: I’m going to call her?

Richard looks back down to his paper.

(Cut to the inn)

Michel (On the phone) : No I’m sorry ma’am we don’t have any room for that night. Ma’am I’ve already checked. (Lorelai enters) Yes of course I’ll check again. (Hangs up the phone) Lorelai: Michel, you really have to stop hanging up on the customers.

Michel: Well I’m sorry but they’re all so annoying. (Phone rings again) Hello, Dragonfly Inn Michel speaking. Yes. She is right here hold on a moment. (To Lorelai) It’s for you.

Lorelai (taking the phone) : Hello?

(Cut to Richard’s study)

Emily: Hello Lorelai, it’s your mo- (she hears a dial tone)

(Back to Dragonfly)

Michel: And you think I have a problem.

Lorelai head to kitchen. Sookie is having a panic attack.

Sookie (shouting at the staff) : Honestly people! How could we run out!? We never even use it! How could we run out!?

Lorelai: Sookie? Sookie?! Sookie, sit down.

Sookie: Oh, sorry hun. We’re out of ground turkey.

Lorelai: Well use beef.

Sookie: Yeah, yeah good idea. (Shouts to kitchen staff again) Get the beef people!

Lorelai: Okay so now... coffee?

Sookie: Oh I’m sorry, I forgot to make more, I’ll get you some.

Lorelai: Oh no that’s okay. I can make some. (Starts to do so)

Sookie: So what’s up? You look a little troubled.

Lorelai: My mom just called.

Sookie (opening her mouth in disbelief) : No!

Lorelai: Yes. I told you what she said to Rory didn’t I?

Sookie: Yeah, yeah you did. So what did she say?

Lorelai: I hung up on her.

Sookie: Well then probably not much.

Lorelai: Yeah. You know. After all these years I should be used to this kind of stuff right? So how is it that every time I think something will go right, she always knows and makes it hell?

Sookie: I don’t know. Hey listen, I’m really sorry but I have to get these people organized before we lose all of our costumers.

Lorelai: Maybe they’re teaming up with Michel. (Leaves kitchen)

(Cut to Luke’s diner)

Kirk is sitting at the counter examining his food.

Luke (annoyed) : What the hell are you doing?

Kirk: It’s my burger.

Luke: What’s wrong with it?

Kirk: It’s slightly burnt on the bottom.

Luke: So what!?

Kirk: Well, it ruins the flavor of the whole meal.

Luke: Just eat the damn burger Kirk!

Kirk: I’m sorry. I can’t eat this, can I just have a PBJ?

Luke: Kirk, you sat there for a half hour trying to decide what you wanted. I waited for you to decide as patiently as I could. You ordered a tuna sandwich, I brought you the tuna sandwich, you didn’t want the tuna anymore, you ordered a burger, I brought you the burger, now you don’t want the burger!

Kirk: If I eat this it’ll throw my whole day off.

Luke: That’s it, get out!!

Kirk: Bu-

Luke: Out!!!

Kirk leaves. The other customers stare at Luke.

Luke: What!?

(Cut to Yale)

Rory is outside her dorm room trying to get the right key to unlock the door and balance her books at the same time. Logan sees her from across the lawn. He runs over to help her.

Logan: Hey! Here, let me help you.(Takes her books)

Rory: Hey! Thanks. I don’t know how I got so many keys. I think this is Paris’ set. Mine only has three on it.(gets the door open) Ah.. Finally. Come on in.(they go in)

Logan: Okay but I have a class in 20 minutes so only for a sec.

Rory: Alright. Have a seat, you want a soda?

Logan: Yeah sure.

Rory gets them both a soda and joins him on the couch.

Logan: So....

Rory: So...

Logan: Have you talked to Marty lately?

Rory: Uh, no actually. Why do you ask?

Logan: Oh, just wondered.

Rory: Oh..

Logan: Yeah. He just seemed really, close to you last week.

Rory: Oh, well, we’re just friends.

Logan: Yeah, yeah I know. It was just kinda weird.

Rory: What was?

Logan: You and him, alone, in your dorm.

Rory: He was here for a movie day. We hadn’t hung out much so I figured he should come over and, well, hang out.

Logan: Yeah...well hey I have to go. I’ll call you later.

Rory: Oh, okay. Bye

(Logan heads for the door)

Rory: Hey.

Logan: Yeah?

Rory goes over to him and gives him a kiss.

Logan: Bye Ace.

Rory: Bye(shuts the door)

Rory goes back to her room. She hears the door shut.

Rory: Paris? Is that you?

Paris: Yes it’s me who else might it be?(goes into her own room

Rory: Well Doyle still has his key so I thought maybe it was him.(comes out into the living area)

Paris: Yeah well, it’s me. And just for your information he will be keeping his key because it is now official.(comes out of her room)

Rory: What is?

Paris: Me and Doyle. We’re official. We’re dating.

Rory: Oh, well, that’s cool.

Paris: Yeah... so don’t kick him out unless you want me to kick your boyfriend out of here when he comes.

Rory: Logan doesn’t even have a key.

Paris: Well if you do give him one I will kick him out if I feel like it.

Rory: Fine. I’m going to get coffee. I’ll see you later.(leaves)

(Cut to Dragonfly)

Loud noise comes from kitchen...

Lorelai (running from the desk into the kitchen) : Sookie!? Sookie, what happened?

Sookie: Oh, it’s nothing I just knocked a bunch of pans off of the shelf.

Lorelai: Oh thank god. I thought you fell or something. Pregnant ladies are NOT easy to get off the floor.

Sookie (laughs) : No, I’m fine.

Lorelai: Hey come out and sit with me at the desk.(They head for the desk) Michel for his break. Funny, I don’t remember giving him a break but, I thought it best not to argue he had a fresh lint roller.(They sit down and start to look through magazine.)

The phone rings.

Lorelai: Hello, Dragonfly Inn, Lorelai speaking. (Cuts between Richard’s study and the Inn)

Richard: Lorelai! Hello how are you?

Lorelai: Uh, dad. Hi! I’m fine I guess. How are you? (Sookie and Lorelai look at each other confused)

Richard: Oh I’m just fine! How’s the Inn?

Lorelai: The Inn’s... great.

Richard: Oh good. Oh! Before I forget you’re mother wanted to say hello.

Lorelai: Dad no.

Richard: You have to talk to her!

Lorelai: No, I don’t.

Emily: Lorelai?

Lorelai hangs up.

Lorelai: I knew it.

Sookie: Did he put your mother on?

Lorelai: Yep...

Sookie: Wow, she’s determined.

Lorelai: That isn’t good enough. Oh Michel’s back. I’ll be back in a few minutes okay? I’m going for a little walk.

Sookie: Okay.

(Cut to Stars Hallow) Lorelai’s walking.

Her cell rings.

Lorelai: Hello?

Emily: Lorelai

Lorelai grunts and hangs up.

Lorelai continues her walk. She gets to a corner and looks around the side of a building. She sees that the boat is still outside the diner. With a sad look she turns around and heads back to the inn.

(Cut to Luke’s Diner)

Man: This doesn’t taste right.

Luke: What are you talking about?

Man: The coffee doesn’t taste right.

Luke: It’s coffee. Coffee tastes like coffee what do you want it to taste like a pixy stick?!

Man: There’s something wrong with it.

Luke: There’s nothing wrong with it!

Man: I think there-

Luke: Get out!(heads toward the man)

Man: What are you doing? (Luke opens the door and pushes the man out onto the sidewalk)

Miss Patty(who is sitting at a corner table with Babbet) : He’s been like that all day. He’s been messing up orders, being rude to the customers. I tell ya this is getting way out of control.

Babbette (shaking her head in agreement) : Scared the pants off of poor Kirk earlier. Saw him running down the street a mile a minute. Poor fella.

(Cut to Emily and Richard’s house in the evening)

Richard is sitting in a chair reading the paper and Emily is sitting on the couch trying to concentrate on a book.

Emily (standing up) : That’s it. I can’t stand it.(exits the room)

Richard (following her) : Where are you going.

Emily (putting her coat on) : I’m going to Stars Hallow. I’m going to talk to Luke.

Richard: Now Emily, do you really think that you should?

Emily (opening door) : Yes Richard I do. I’ll be back later.(she leaves)

Richard shakes his head in disbelief and heads to his study.

(Cut to Luke’s diner. No one is there ut Kirk.)

Kirk: Luke, I’m sorry about earlier.

Luke: What do you want?

Kirk: Could I have a cup of coffee and a burger?

Luke: Sure Kirk.

Brings Kirk his food.

Emily comes in the diner.

Emily: Hello Luke.

Luke (turns around, annoyed) : Emily.

Emily: Well, what a nice place you have here. I don’t believe I’ve-

Luke: What are you doing here?

Emily: I’d like to have a word with you.

Luke: About what?

Emily: About Lorelai.

Luke: Well Lorelai’s not here. She hasn’t been anywhere near here for almost 3 weeks so whatever it is I wouldn’t really know about it.

Kirk (he’s finished his food) :Luke what’s 15% of 7.56?

Luke: Get out Kirk. It’s on the house.

Kirk leaves afraid to argue with Luke again.

Luke: So why are you hear?

Emily: I’ve already told you, to talk about Lorelai.

Luke: And I’ve already told you she hasn’t been here so I won’t know.

Emily: Oh, you’ll know about this.

Luke: How are you so sure?

Emily: You were there.

Luke: Exactly what is it you want to tell me Emily?

Emily: I came here to tell you that Lorelai isn’t on speaking terms with me and that my granddaughter yelled at me a few nights ago.

Luke: Well I’m SO sorry for you but if you don’t mind I have to clean up so maybe you could share your story with Dr. Phil.

Emily: I made a mistake Luke.

Luke: No kidding.

Emily: I told Christopher things without Lorelai’s knowledge. I told him things that I believed to be true but am very sure now that they are not true.

Luke: And how are you so sure that they aren’t?

Emily: Well, for one Lorelai would be talking to me and possibly Christopher right now which she is not. And secondly because Rory told me things that I didn’t know up until Friday night.

Luke: Yeah, like what?

Emily: Like you have been helping Lorelai and Rory for years.

Luke: Yeah well, it’s my best friend and her kid.

Emily: She also told me that you and Lorelai were meant for each other. Not in those words but I gathered from some of the things she said and the things I’ve heard just walking down the street in this town.

Luke turns around to hide his teary eyes... he’s not yet crying but he doesn’t want Emily to see him if he does)

Emily: I understand you broke my daughter’s heart and mainly because of me. I came here to apologize for saying those things to Christopher when I didn’t know how Lorelai even felt about him.


Emily: Goodnight Luke.

(Cut to Lorelai’s house)

Lorelai is sitting on the couch channel flicking eating left over Chinese food. The doorbell rings.

Lorelai (getting off the couch) : Coming! (She gets to the door and opens it) Luke! Wha... what are you-

Luke: We need to talk.

Lorelai: Um.. Okay. Come on in.(Luke comes in and Lorelai shuts the door)

Lorelai goes into the living room and Luke follows.

Lorelai: Have a seat. Can I uh, can I get you something to dr-

Luke: You’re mother came.

Lorelai (sits on the couch) :What?

Luke: Your mother came to the diner.

Lorelai: When?

Luke: Just now. Not 10 minutes ago. She just came in and started talking so I listened.

Lorelai: I swear Luke I didn’t know. I didn’t put her up to this I haven’t even talked to her sense, well, you know.

Luke: I know you didn’t.(sits down on the other end of the couch)

There’s an awkward silence...

Lorelai: So what did she say?

Luke: She told me that you aren’t talking to her.

Lorelai: I’m not.

Luke: That Rory yelled at her.

Lorelai: She did

Luke: That she was sorry for what she did. That you had no idea. That it was all her believing what she wanted to.

Lorelai: It was....

Luke: And......

Lorelai: And?

Luke: That Rory said I broke your heart.


Luke: Well, I guess I’m gonna go.(gets up and heads for the door Lorelai still on the couch)

Lorelai (quietly) : You did.

Luke (turning around) : What?

Lorelai (turning on the couch to see him) : You did break my heart.

Luke: Lorelai... I.....

Lorelai (starting to tear up) gets off the couch and goes over to Luke stand in front of him.

Luke: I didn’t say “out”.

Lorelai: What?

Luke: I didn’t say I was out. I just needed more time to think.

Lorelai: I know. I’m sorry I pushed you and didn’t want to lose y-

Luke stops her in the middle of her sentence by kissing her. She kisses back. They finally pull apart but are now hugging.

Lorelai: I’m so sorry.

Luke: You don’t have to be sorry. It wasn’t your fault, you had no control.

Lorelai: But I pushed you too hard I shouldn’t have pushed you.

Luke: It’s okay. I’m sorry too.

Lorelai: For what? You didn’t do anything.

Luke: For breaking you.

(Lorelai laughs softly)

Luke (pulling away from Lorelai so their eyes meet) : So are we uh... are we?

Lorelai: Yeah... we are. I mean! If you want us to be. No pressure (smiles)

Luke: No pressure needed... I defiantly want us to be. They hug and it fades into black ending the scene.

(Cut to Rory’s dorm in the morning)

Rory: Come on! Where is it!

Cell phone rings...

Rory looks at number and answers in confusion.

Rory: Hello?

(Cut between Luke’s apartment and Rory’s dorm) Lorelai: Hey!(she’s wearing Luke’s shirt)

Rory: Mom? Where are you? My phone says you’re at.... are you... did you!?

Lorelai: Uh-huh(smiles)

Rory squeals : Oh thank god! How? When?

Lorelai: Well, it’s kind of a long story.

Rory: Well, I’m in a rush right now but I will call you later and give me all the details!

Lorelai (laughs) : Will do.

They hang up. Lorelai climbs back into bed where Luke is still asleep. She lays propped up on her hand admiring Luke. She smiles.

Luke wakes up and sees her. He smiles.

Luke: Hey.

Lorelai: Hey.

The End.

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