What This is All About

Well, as you may or may not have guessed, I'm a bit of a Java Junkie. This site is devoted to Luke and Lorelai, two characters from the WB show Gilmore Girls.

Why? Because. They. Belong. Together. Period.

What, you want more? Okay, fine. For those of you who've found this site in a purposeful attempt to get more Luke/Lorelai info, this explanation is not for you. You know why they belong together. The subtext of every conversation. The hidden meanings in every look. The side-long glances. The knowing smirks. The playful banter. It all adds up to something that neither has been able to voice.

Luke has been one of the few solid figures in Lorelai's life. Aside from her friend Sookie, Luke is Lorelai's best friend. He keeps her in coffee and she keeps him young.

In the words of a new friend, "Lorelai is Luke's connection to the world. She makes him alive, she gives him a tether. Makes him care. Without her, he'd drift on into hermitville." (Thanks Jewls!)

In short, they need to start having babies already.

'Nuf said?
