No More Time

No more time!

By: Sam

What I believe could be an outcome for the season 6 premiere.

Disclaimer: I only own the idea... and this text, but that’s because I like it!

A/N: I don’t know what number fanfic this is for me but I still think it’s incredibly fun and hope you all like it... Oh, thanks to my beta reader CC! I’d never have gotten it done without you!

Please send comments to

Here we go!


(Opens at the diner at night.)

Luke: What?

Lorelai: (pauses) Luke, will you marry me?

Luke: (waits a moment) (whispers) What?

Lorelai: I said..... will you marry me?

Luke: Lorelai I....

Lorelai: I know I kind of just, sprang this on you but, I just...

Luke: Why?

Lorelai: What?

Luke: Why? Why do you want to marry me?

Lorelai: I, I just. I love you and, and, just I can count on you and-

Luke: Why tonight?

Lorelai: What do you mean?

Luke: Why are you proposing now, tonight? I don’t want this to sound wrong but it’s probably going to... You’re upset, Rory’s having problems with school, your parents stabbed you in the back. It just seems to me like you’re running from this whole thing to the one person who won’t do it to you.

Lorelai: I’m not running from it. It’s still there, and I’ll deal with it, but yes, you are always there and you would help me and, I just...(starting to get tearful)

Luke: Lorelai, I just need some time. Don’t take this like you did last time, I don’t want to be separated from you, I just need to think. I’m not saying no, but I’m not saying yes. Not right now anyways.

Lorelai: Oh... okay.

-one tear falls from her eye-she quickly wipes it away and rubs her eyes-

Luke: Come here. (Reaches out his arms)

Lorelai walks over to him. He hugs her.

Luke: I’m sorry. I wish I could give you an answer right now but, I just need-

Lorelai: (she pulls away and looks at him) Time. (Nods here head and forces a smile)Yeah.

Luke: Come on. Let’s go to bed, you’ve had a rough night, stay here.

Lorelai: Okay.

(They head up to Luke’s apartment)

Lorelai grabs Luke’s blue and white flannel shirt and heads to the bathroom.

Lorelai: I’ll be out in a minute.

Luke: Alright.

(Theme song and commercial break)

(Luke’s appartment)

Luke is laying in bed, he apears to be asleep. Lorelai comes out with the shirt on and gets into bed. She lays with her back to Luke.

A shot of Luke’s face, he’s awake. He sighs but not loudly. You can tell he’s deep in thought.

He flips over onto his side, puts his arms around Lorelai’s waste, and guides her closer to him.

A shot of Lorelai’s face. She’s also thinking, a few seconds go by and you see a few tears fall from her eyes.

(Cut to the Emily and Richard’s house)

Emily and Richard are sitting in the living room. She’s reading a book and he’s reading the paper.

Emily looks up and thinks.

Emily: Do you think Rory will be alright out there? What if it gets too cold?

Richard: She’ll be fine Emily. I assure you. And besides, it’s June, I highly doubt she’ll get cold.

Rory walks in.

Emily jumps up.

Emily: Rory, what’s wrong? Did you need something?

Rory: Everything’s fine grandma. I just wondered if my mom came back in earlier.

Emily: No. How did you know she was here? She was in here while you were packing and stomped off.

Rory: Oh, well I saw her walking out.

Emily: Oh. Well, no. She must have went home.

Rory: Oh, okay then. I’ll just, call her tomorrow or something, I guess. I’m actually going to go to bed now I think. Packing and unpacking and... thinking, it’s just, tiring, I guess. So... Goodnight grandma, night grandpa.

Emily: Okay, good night.

Richard: Goodnight Rory.

Rory walks out to the pool house. She takes out her cell phone and dials a number.

(Cut between Logan’s room and the pool house)

Logan: Hey, Ace. What’s up?

Rory: I dropped out.

Logan: What?

Rory: I dropped out of Yale.

Logan: What are you talking about wh- No.

Rory: I just, I need to take a br-

Logan: You dropped out because of him didn’t you?

Rory: No, I dropped out because I’m not going to make it.

Logan: He’s the one that made you think that Rory!

Rory: Well what if he’s right? He’s the best mad in the business Logan! If he doesn’t think I can make it, then I probably can’t.

Logan: Where are you?

Rory: At my grandma’s.

Logan: I thought cell phones weren’t aloud at Friday night dinner anymore.

Rory: No, I’m living here. In the pool house.

Logan: Why?

Rory: When I told my mom about Yale, she made it clear that living at home was not an option, so I came here.

Logan: Oh...well, can I see you? I want to talk in person. How about Sunday?

Rory: Um... okay.

Logan: Okay... Hey, Ace?

Rory: Yeah?

Logan: Just for the record... I think you’d make it.

Rory: Thanks.

(She hangs up)


(Cut to Luke’s Diner the next morning)

The phone rings.

Luke picks it up.

Luke: Hello?

(Cut between Rory’s car and Luke’s)

Rory: Hey, Luke. Is my mom there by any chance? I tried our, well, her house and no one picked up so I thought.

Luke: Rory?

Rory: Um... yeah?

Luke: What were you thinking?!

Rory: *sighs* She told you, huh?

Luke: Yes, she told me. Are you crazy? You can’t do this Rory! You have to go to school. You can’t get off track, this is your dream! Do not tell me you’re quiting because of one man’s opinion Rory.

Rory: Look, I just need to talk to my mom okay? I’ve heard all this before just, please. Let me figure some things out. Can I talk to her?

Luke: She’s still asleep. I’ll tell her you called. (He hangs up)

Lorelai walks in from the staircase.

Luke: Hey, you’re up. I didn’t want to wake you this morning. Last ngiht was, a little hectic.

Lorelai: (she sits down and the counter)Yeah.(she drinks from the coffee cups that Luke put there when he saw her come down)

Luke: So, what do you want for breakfast?

Lorelai: Uh, you know what, I’m just going to grab something at the inn. I’ll see you later.

Luke: Oh, uh, okay.(he walks around the counter as she stands up, he takes her hands in his) I guess I’ll see you later then?

Lorelai: Yeah.

(He gives her a kiss, she forces a smile and leaves)

(Cut to the Dragonfly)

Michel: (At the desk) You are late.

Lorelai: I know I am.

Michel: I have been dealing with very, very stupid people for the hour and a half you were supposed to have been here.

Lorelai: I’m sorry.

Michel: Little children are running around and people are telling me to do things about it. It is not my job to do that, it is yours.

Lorelai: Oh my god Michel! I said sorry now back off! Today is not my day so kindly go do something you can bare to do so I don’t have to hear about it.

Michel: -mutters- (walks away)

(Sookie comes out of the kitchen)

Sookie: Hey, you’re finally here!

Lorelai: Yeah, sorry I didn’t call or anything, I woke up late.

Sookie: You didn’t stay at Luke’s? Hmm. I though you would have.

Lorelai: No I did, he just let me sleep in. Last night was kind of.... well, it wasn’t so great.

Sookie: Uh-oh. Tell me what happened.

Lorelai: Okay, well, to start with, Rory dropped out of Yale.

Sookie: What! Why?

Lorelai: She was interning, right? And Michum Huntzburger told her that he didn’t think she’d make it as a journalist.

Sookie: Okay, tell me more about that later. What else?

Lorelai: I went to my parents for help, to try and keep Rory on track. Then she went to see them and they ended up supporting her and letting her live in the pool house.

Sookie: Oh man. That’s a lot to take in. No wonder he let you sleep in.

Lorelai: (thinks for a minute) That’s not all.

Sookie: Oh! Well, what else then?

Lorelai: Last night, I went to Luke’s, and I asked him..... to marry me.

Sookie: Oh my god! Oh my god, oh my god! Oh...... now I see why you slept in, you two love birds!

Lorelai: What? Oh! No... that’s not why. You see, he didn’t.... he didn’t answer.

Sookie: Oh... oh, Lorelai, I’m sorry. Well, what did he say?

Lorelai: He said he just needed a little time but he didn’t want to be apart.

Sookie: Oh.


Sookie: Hey, everything’s fine here. Michel can handle the desk and there isn’t much of a crowd to handle so, why don’t you go home? You probably need some time to think and stuff. Don’t worry though. Everything will pass. Rory will go back to Yale, Luke will answer, just give it time.

Lorelai: Yeah... time.

(Cut to Doosie’s Market)

Lorelai’s standing in the isle looking at all the coffee. Luke comes in.

He sees her.

Luke: Hey. What are you doing here.

Lorelai: I’m out of coffee.

Luke: Yeah, me too. They didn’t give me enough this week so... Hey, why don’t you just come on over and have some. I can take a break and we could go watch TV or something in the appartment.

Lorelai: Actually, I was just going to go home.

Luke: Okay, well, do you want to have dinner tonight?

Lorelai: I have to go to New Haven later, the I’ll probably just go home.

Luke: Okay Lorelai, what’s wrong?

Lorelai: What?

Luke: What’s wrong? You don’t want to have coffee and sit for a few minutes, you can’t have dinner, and you don’t want to stay tonight? Something’s wrong.

Lorelai: Yeah, something is wrong. I asked you a huge question last night, you don’t answer it, you tell me you need time but still want to be around me?

Luke: I don’t want to be apart from you, it was horrible last time.

Lorelai: If it was so bad then why do you think we shouldn’t get married?

Luke: I didn’t say that!

Lorelai: I know! I know you didn’t! (She’s starting to cry) You dind’t say anything Luke! Nothing. You said time. Well you know what? I;’m sick of hearing the word time! Things aren’t going to just pass if we don’t talk about it.

Luke: Lorelai, I will talk about it but with everything that’s going on with you, I don’t know if it’s right, right now.

Lorelai: Don’t you get it, Luke?! You don’t want to be apart, but being near you right now is killing me! (She’s crying really hard) It’s killing me.

Lorelai runs out of Doosies.

Luke sighs.

(Cut to Lorelai’s house)

Lorelai grabs the keys off the desk and heads to the door.

She steps outside and sees Rory getting out of her car.

Rory: Oh, hey.

Lorelai: Hey.

Rory: I came here to um... well to get some stuff and... ta-

Lorelai: I have to run. Take whatever.

Rory: Oh.... uh. Alright. I’ll see you later.

Lorelai gets into her car and drives off.

Rory gets out her cell phone.

Rory: This is bad.

(Cut between Logan’s room and the house)

Logan: What is?

Rory: I came to my house to talk to my mom and get some stuff and she just, left. She just said, “Hey and I have to go”. She’s never been this mad, even when she’s been mad, she still talks to me.(she’s in her room packing some things) This isn’t good.

Logan: Just give it time, Ace. It’ll be okay.

Rory: (Standing outside her room with a box) (thinks) Yeah... I hope so.


(Open at Yale hallway)

Lorelai walks down the hallway looking at a piece of paper.

Lorelai: -mumbling- 316... 314, 315,316 Got’cha! (Knocks on the door to the room)

Logan opens the door.

Logan: Uh, hi Miss. Gilmore.

Lorelai: Hi Logan. Okay um. I need to talk to you okay?

Logan: Um, sure. Come in. There’s not much here but if you want a drink I think there’s some water.

Lorelai: No that’s fine thanks. Um... I know, we’re not the best friends in the world right? But, you’re dating my daughter, my daughter is dropping out of Yale, and she’s dropping out because of something your father said.

Logan: Yeah, I know. Rory told me.

Lorelai: Yeah well, I just want to know where you stand on the whole thing.

Logan: Well, I don’t want her to. I don’t think she should. I think she’s incredibly talented and I hate that my father told her any differently.

Lorelai: So, when you talk to her, you’re going to tell her that?

Logan: Yeah. I mean, I know she’s going to do what she wants, but I don’t know, maybe she’ll change her mind.

Lorelai: Yeah... Okay, well, I just needed to know that.

Logan: Oh, okay. Thanks for coming by Miss. Gilmore.

Lorelai: You know what? You can just call me Lorelai okay?

Logan: Okay. Oh! Wait. About the court thing, I know that this whole thing is because of my father, but you should let his laywers handle the case. Please, I mean, don’t think of it as my father’s lawyers, think of them as just, really good ones, I promise, Rory’s in good hands.

Lorelai: Alright. Just promise me you will make it clear you don’t like that fact the Rory’s dropping out, make it clear to her?

Logan: I will. Bye, Lorelai.

Lorelai: Bye, Logan.

(Cut to Sookie’s house)

Lorelai and Sookie are sitting. Sookie’s rocking the baby crib.

Sookie: Wow, that’s a lot to take in. I said that before right? Well, now it’s more. Are you okay? I mean, with all the stuff going on?

Lorelai: No, I’m not okay with it. I have to live with it but...

Sookie: Yeah, I know what you mean.

Lorelai: I mean, the thing with Rory’s enough but, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do about Luke. I saw him this afternoon at the market and I told him that I couldn’t stand to be around him right now, not knowing his answer.

Sookie: Yeah, that would be hard.

Lorelai: But, I love him. I don’t want to be away from him either. It’s just.... I can’t be with him if I don’t know he feels the same way.

Sookie: Well, you’ll find out. Give it-

Lorelai: Don’t say time.

Sookie: Okay, sorry.

Lorelai: Okay, I’m going to go home. I’ll talk to you later.

Sookie: okay, bye.

Lorelai: (Get’s up) Bye Sook.

(Lorelai’s house)

Lorelai walks through the front door. She goes into the kitchen and goes to the coffee maker. There’s a note on top.


I’m sorry. I didn’t want to disappoint you. I just need to think some things out. Please call me.


Lorelai sighs.

She goes over to the phone and dials.

Lorelai: Hey kid.

(Cut between pool house and Lor’s house)

Rory: Mom! Hey! Did you get my note?

Lorelai: Yeah.

Rory: I really am sorry mom.

Lorelai: I know. It’s just that I don’t want you to lose track of your dream. You can do it, Rory. No matter what that man says, you can make it.

Rory: Maybe... I just need to think though. I need some

Lorelai: Don’t say time.

Rory: You getting sick of the word too?

Lorelai: Very. I want you to know, I’m not with you on this one. I want you to stay in Yale, but I can’t force you. I’m sorry, I don’t want you living here in Stars Hollow right now because that could through you off more, might feel like less pressure. Just, bare with me. And think about your options kid.

Rory: I will.

Lorelai: Good. Cause you’re too talented to waste it all on those post-its.

Rory: Thanks mom. Hey, I have to go. Grandma wants me in for dinner. I’ll call you later.

Lorelai: Okay. Bye hun.

Rory: Bye.


(Open at Yale courtyard)

Rory’s walking to the bench where she spots Logan.

Rory: Hey!

Logan: Hey.

He stands up to kiss her.

Logan: Okay, so...

Rory: So...

Logan: How are things with your mom?

Rory: Um, actually, she called me last night.

Logan: Really?

Rory: Yeah. She said she isn’t behind me on the whole dropping out thing and she thinks I’ll get too off if I move back there but, I guess we’re.... okay.

Logan: Okay, so that’s good.

Rory: Yeah.

Logan: Now it’s my turn.

Rory: okay...

Logan: I don’t think you should leave Yale.

Rory: It’s a little late for that.

Logan: No it’s not. You can come back next year, I know you, Rory, you can snap back. You can’t let my dad get in the way of your dream.

Rory: I know. I just, I still need to think.

Logan: Okay... (it’s silent for a minute) Do you want to go get some lunch?

Rory: Sure.

(Cut to Rory’s car in the late evening)

Rory takes out her cell phone and dials.

(Cut to Lorelai’s house)

Lorelai: (answering phone) Hello?

(Cut between Rory’s car and Lor’s house)

Rory: Hey... I’m driving home from New Haven and I was wondering if you wanted to catch a late movie or something before I go back to Heartford.

Lorelai: Uh sure. Where are you?

Rory: Uh right outside Luke’s actually. Hey, do you want me to see if he wants to come to?

Lorelai: Oh, no. That’s okay. He’s probably going to bed now anyways.

Rory: Okay, well, I’ll see you in a munite.

Lorelai walks outside onto the porch and Rory’s car pulls up.

Lorelai: Okay, so what did you want to see?

Rory gets out and walks up on the porch.

Rory: Hm... I don’t know. I didn’t think about that. We could just go and pick one when we get there.

Lorelai: Okay. That sounds fine.

Rory: Okay. So, we’ll take the jeep?

Lorelai: Yeah. Go ahead let me just grab my purse.

Rory: Okay.


(Cut to Lorelai’s porch)

Lorelai: That was a good idea, we haven’t done anything together for a while.

Rory: Yeah... it was fun.

Lorelai: Hey what time is it?

Rory: Uh...(checks watch) 12:30.

Lorelai: Why don’t you stay? You have stuff here still. We should... talk. We haven’t really talked since we were at Westons and that wasn’t too plesent.

Rory: Um... Okay. Let me just call grandma’s house and let someone know to tell them tomorrow.

Lorelai: Okay... let’s go inside, I’ll make some coffee.

Rory: okay, give me a sec.

Lorelai goes into the kitchen and starts the coffee. She goes into the living room and starts looking through all the DVDs. Rory comes in.

Rory:Okay, it’s very fortunate that whoever it was that answered the phone the third time spoke English. The first two, spoke something I couldn’t even begin to understand.

Lorelai: Yeah, I hate it when that happens. Does make for one hell of a show if you’re stuck in a hotel room with Emily and she’s trying to get hold of Dad at home with a woman from Germany. Hmm.... Good times.

Rory: Why don’t we just watch TV? We just got back from the movies.

Lorelai: Yeah, I can’t find anything that looks good now anyways.

They sit on the couch and watch TV for a minute.

Rory: So... anything happen in the last few days?

Lorelai: Like what?

Rory: I don’t know. Anything...

Lorelai: Not really. Why?

Rory: Well, I just thought it was weird that you weren’t at Luke’s last night or tonight.

Lorelai: Oh... Um...

Rory: I mean, I know you were Friday. I called but you were asleep. Luke sounded.... I duno. Not himself though. He was mad because of the whole Yale thing, which I’m getting used to, but, he sounded, I don’t know, like, strange I guess...

Lorelai: Yeah. Well, Friday night was, weird.

Rory: What happened?

Lorelai: Well.... I left after grandma and grandpa told me about, your living with them and I went there. I told him about it. He started seriously wigging out. He said basically, he’d do anything to keep you in Yale. I think he even suggested kidnapping you...(smiles) And... well, while he was ranting...I realized... I love him.

Rory: Oh, mom, that’s great! (Hugs her)

Lorelai: Yeah, I thought so too.

Rory: Oh no... what happened?

Lorelai: Well, when he stopped. I...... I asked him to marry me.

Rory: Really?! Oh my gosh! What did he say?

Lorelai: He said.... that he needed some-

Rory: Time.

Lorelai: Yeah. He said that he wanted to be with me, but he needed some time to think because he didn’t know if, considering how upset I was, I was sincere.

Rory: You were though, weren’t you?

Lorelai: Yes. If it were anyone else I might question it myself, but when I said that to him, I was sure of myself. He’s always been there for us and... I need to talk to him.

Rory: Well, why haven’t you?

Lorelai: It was getting too hard to be around him. It was so, weird because he knows I love him and want to marry him, and he didn’t say either back so, I just felt.... I don’t know...but it hurt.

Rory: You’re going to hate this but..... just give it-

Lorelai: Time. I know...(turns her head to the TV) Hmm... I love this show.

Rory: Yeah... there’s something so cool about The Waltons.

(Cut to Lorelai’s room the next morning)

Lorelai wakes up. She reaches over to the other side of the bed. Luke’s not there, she’s still not used to that. Lorelai walks downstairs and gets the coffee machine started. Rory comes out of her bedroom.

Rory: Oh, bless you! I haven’t got a coffee machine for the pool house yet!

Lorelai: Yeah, I knew you’d discover the bad qualities of that place soon.

Rory: So, what are you going to do today?

Lorelai: I don’t know. Miss Patty’s having some thing tonight. I’m still not sure what it was. She just told me to bring vodka.

Rory: Sounds like fun. Just pray Kirk doesn’t go.

Lorelai: Yeah, poor guy.I wonder if he’s over his fear of beer yet? So... what about you? What are you going to do?

Rory: I think I’ll go back to grandma’s. Maybe go buy that coffee machine.

Lorelai: M’kay. Well, I’m going to go get a shower. Wait til I get back to leave okay?

Rory: I will. Hey, I’m going ot run to Luke’s okay?

Lorelai: Why?

Rory: To get food?

Lorelai: Oh... right. Okay.

Lorelai walks upstairs and Rory into her room.

(Cut to Luke’s Diner)

Rory walks up to the counter.

Luke’s facing away from her writing something down.

Rory: Hey, Luke.

Luke: (turns around-suprised) Oh, Rory! Hey...

Rory: Hey...

Luke: *coughs* so, What can I get you?

Rory: Um... Can I get 2 of the Monday breakfast specials to go?

Luke: One.

Rory: What?

Luke: You only want one. Trust me. One Monday, for you I assume, and one Thursday breakfast special.

Rory: But it’s Monday.

Luke: I’m aware.

Rory: So why the Thursday? I thought you only made the right breakfasts on the right days?

Luke: I know your mother. It’s Monday, she’ll want the Thursday special. Tomorrow she’ll want today’s and Tuesday, She’ll have Friday’s.

Rory: Hmm... she’s really got you on your toes huh?

Luke: Well, you have to learn to keep up with her. How is she be the way? I haven’t talked to really for a while actually. Friday was all, weird, and Saturday she, well. She probably told you.

Rory: Yeah... she did. She’s good though.

Luke: Oh... good. Yeah, that’ good.

Rory: Yeah.

Luke: Yeah. (it’s silent for a minute) I should probably go get your food then.

Rory: Yeah, thanks.

Luke brings their food out a minute later.

Luke: okay, there you go. I guess I’ll see you later.

Rory: Yeah.(she turns to leave) (she pauses and turns around) Hey Luke?

Luke: Yeah?

Rory: You should hurry up a little. She really loves you.

Luke: Oh... Okay.

Rory leaves.

(Cut to Lor’s house)

Lorelai is sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee.

Lorelai: What’d you get me?

Rory: A Thursday breakfast special. You have the man whiped.

Lorelai: Yeah well, he’s very easy to convince.

Rory: So, what do you think is going to happen?

They get the food out of the bags and sit down to eat.

Lorelai: (thinks) I don’t know. I hope something good. I want to be with him, but, I need to know if he does before I can.

Rory: Yeah... Well... maybe he’ll hurry up with his “time-taking”.

Lorelai: Yeah, maybe.

(Later on. Rory’s standing by the door.)

Rory: Thanks for letting me stay. I’m going to head back now.

Lorelai: Yepp, drive safe hun. I’ll talk to you later.

Rory: Okay. Bye, Mom.

Lorelai: Bye, kid.

Rory leaves. Lorelai shuts the door and goes over to the couch to sit down.

Shot of Lorelai’s face as she thinks.


Open at Miss Patty’s studio.

There’s a party going on.

Lorelai walks out of the studio, goes across the street and sits at the gazebo.

Luke’s in the diner. He looks out the window and sees Lorelai sitting across the street. He walks out.

Luke goes over to the gazebo and sits down beside Lorelai.

(A minute goes by)

Lorelai: (just above a whisper)Hey.

Luke: Hey.

Lorelai: What are you doing?

Neither of them are looking at one another.

Luke: Nothing. I was just cleaning up for the night and I saw you so I... just, came over.

Lorelai: Oh...

Luke: Yeah. So, why aren’t you at the party? I thought you were going?

Lorelai: I was over there, it just got, crowded I guess.

Luke: Oh...

Lorelai: Yeah.

(They’re silent for a minute)

Luke: Are you still up for that talk?

Lorelai: (finally looking at him) Really?

Luke: Yeah. Hey, let’s go over to the diner. I feel like people are watching me.

They start walking to the diner.

Luke: I’ve thought about a lot so... I was wondering, If that offer you gave me Friday was still good.

Lorelai: (smiling) It has been.

Luke: Oh, that’s good. It’s good to know the deals going around town you know? You can save a lot of money that way.(smiles)

They go into the diner.

Lorelai: So...? (Lorelai sits down at the counter, Luke stands in front of her.)

Luke: So, what?

Lorelai: Luke!

Luke: (laughs) I was just kidding....... Yes.

Lorelai: Yes what?

Luke: Yes, I’ll marry you.

Lorelai: Really?

Luke: No I was just kidding. Of course really!

He takes a velvet box out of his pocket, opens it and shows it to Lorelai.

Lorelai: Oh my god. When did you get this?

Luke: I got it Friday actually, while you were in Heartford. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about... us. I even bought us a house.

Lorelai: Luke! You bought a house!?

Luke: Well, yes. But then I backed out because your “Mulling” talk threw me way off and I wasn’t sure how long you were in this for and.... I don’t know.

Lorelai: It’s beautiful, Luke!

Luke: (he takes her hand and puts it on) Yeah?

Lorelai: I love it. (Looks at her new ring and smiles) I love you, Luke Danes.

Luke: I love you too, Lorelai Gilmore.

Lorelai stands up and hugs Luke. They stay like the for a minute.

Lorelai: Let’s go upstairs.

Luke: Okay.

They head up stairs.

(Cut to Luke’s apartment later that night)

Luke and Lorelai are under the covers playing with each others hands. She’s laying against him.

Lorelai: What are we going to do about that?

Luke: About what?

Lorelai: Gilmore.

Luke: What do you mean?

Lorelai: Earlier you said, “I love you, Lorelai *Gilmore*”

Luke: Yes...?

Lorelai: So, after we get married. What’s going to happen to it? I like Gilmore, it’s so... me.

Luke: So keep it.

Lorelai: But I want to take your name. It’s more, romantic.

Luke: I don’t know then. You’ll figure something out.

Lorelai: Yeah. (There’s a pause) Okay, so.... Is it just me, or is engagement sex way better than makeup sex?

Luke: It’s not just you.

Lorelai: Hmm... (smiles) So, you actually bought me a house?

Luke: I bought *us* a house.

Lorelai: Why?

Luke: What do you mean, “Why?”

Lorelai: Well, I have a house. We can live *there* ya’know?

Luke: Yeah.

Lorelai: Yeah, I mean, there’s not much need to go out and buy another house if we don’t need it.

Luke: Yeah, I guess.

Lorelai: It was sweet though. I like that you thought about *us* in the future. (She looks up at him, smiles, and kisses him)


(Open at Lorelai’s house)

Luke and Lorelai are on the couch watching TV. He’s sitting at one end and she’s laying across the couch with her head on his lap. His arm on her waist as he rubs her stomach.

Lorelai: Thank god you aren’t working today.

Luke: Yeah, people haven’t been at the diner much so, Cesar didn’t mind me leaving.

Lorelai: Yeah, same with the Inn. What’s up with people lately? No one’s in Stars Hollow. Everyone’s starting vacations so some people are... well, wherever it is they vacation. But still, there are usually tourists and stuff. Business kind’a sucks lately.

Luke: Oh well. At least we both have the day off. So, what do you want to do?

Lorelai sits up beside him.

Lorelai: I don’t know. This is boring. (Thinks) Let’s plan.

Luke: The wedding?

Lorelai: Yes, the wedding.

Luke: Okay. Like... what?

Lorelai: Like... I don’t know. What do we need first?

Luke: How about a date?

Lorelai: Yeah, that’ll be good. So, got any ideas?

Luke: I don’t know. How about May or June?

Lorelai: Of next year right?

Luke: Yeah.

Lorelai: Why May or June?

Luke: I don’t know. I just kind’a figured that it made sense that we get married on the anniversary of the day we really started this.

Lorelai: Yeah, that would make sense. We’re going to have it at the Inn right? I mean, we started there, that kind’a makes sense too.

Luke: Sure.

Lorelai: (smiles) This is going to be great.

Luke: (smiles) Yeah, it is. Oh! Hey I got you something this morning. I figured it out.

Lorelai: Figured what out?

Luke: Here... (hands her a little box that small but long)

She opens it. She takes out a name plate.

Luke: It’s for your office door.

Lorelai: Luke! I love it, thank you.

Luke: You’re welcome.

They start to kiss. The kiss becomes more heated.

Lorelai pulls away.

Lorelai: Come on, let’s go up stairs.

They go up stairs. There’s a shot of the name plate that Lorelai set on the coffee table. It says...

Manager Lorelai Gilmore-Danes

The End.

That’s all folks. I’ll probably continue on from this but this is it for now. Please comment. Thanks.

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