KaTz KrAzY kOrNeR oF tHe NeT    

¤ NeWz ¤

¤ InFo BoUtZ mE ¤

¤ RaNtZ n RaViNz ¤

¤ ThE pIxIeS ¤

¤ FrIeNdS n FoEs ¤

¤ cOoL sTuFfAgE ¤

¤ MaKe MuLa FaSt ¤

¤ CoPyRiGhT cRaP ¤


Beth I've known Beth the longest out of all my friends. I've known her since kindergarten so that makes 13 yrs now! Wow...hehe we played basketball back in the day when we were on Mr. Smith's team and we also played volleyball for too many years to count! She won homecoming queen at TMA this year. I cried when they announced it. She's really weird and I love that about her...plus she likes VAST. Blue Haired Crack Headed Munky Spankers! hehe She's got a cuzin who tackled me and his after shave stuff smells like dial soap...eeewwww

Theme Song: "These Boots Were Made for Walking"