KaTz KrAzY kOrNeR oF tHe NeT    

¤ NeWz ¤

¤ InFo BoUtZ mE ¤

¤ RaNtZ n RaViNz ¤

¤ ThE pIxIeS ¤

¤ FrIeNdS n FoEs ¤

¤ cOoL sTuFfAgE ¤

¤ MaKe MuLa FaSt ¤

¤ CoPyRiGhT cRaP ¤


Cheryl Cheryl was my first real best friend from WSHS. I met her through Leslie and Melissa. But Leslie left me and Cheryl to become a library shrew and me and Cheryl became best friends. I think she's the friend I'm most like. She introduced me to my 2nd fav band, Sublime. She's a drinkin buddy too! HeHe

"I'll-I'll moo-oo-n'um"
"What the HELL is this?"

*Her Diary*