KaTz KrAzY kOrNeR oF tHe NeT    

¤ NeWz ¤

¤ InFo BoUtZ mE ¤

¤ RaNtZ n RaViNz ¤

¤ ThE pIxIeS ¤

¤ FrIeNdS n FoEs ¤

¤ cOoL sTuFfAgE ¤

¤ MaKe MuLa FaSt ¤

¤ CoPyRiGhT cRaP ¤


Chris Schiff went to TMA with me. He was an original at TMA like Beth and I were. He used to be so crazy and funny. He dressed up like a post man once for career day and he had christmas lights on him. He won homecoming at Masters this year. And Beth won queen, I forgot to mention it earlier!!