KaTz KrAzY kOrNeR oF tHe NeT    

¤ NeWz ¤

¤ InFo BoUtZ mE ¤

¤ RaNtZ n RaViNz ¤

¤ ThE pIxIeS ¤

¤ FrIeNdS n FoEs ¤

¤ cOoL sTuFfAgE ¤

¤ MaKe MuLa FaSt ¤

¤ CoPyRiGhT cRaP ¤

*~*Dan the Man*~*

Dan the Man Dan the Man...well when I first met him in 10th grade I hated him I used to write poser god all over his locker. But now were like best friends! HEHE I can be really open n honest with him and he doesnt judge which I think is great. He's also really smart and fun to talk to!!!