KaTz KrAzY kOrNeR oF tHe NeT    

¤ InFo BoUtZ mE ¤

¤ RaNtZ n RaViNz ¤

¤ ThE pIxIeS ¤

¤ FrIeNdS n FoEs ¤

¤ cOoL sTuFfAgE ¤

¤ MaKe MuLa FaSt ¤

¤ CoPyRiGhT cRaP ¤

¤ GuEsT sErViCeS ¤

   !!NeW nEwZ!!   

--May 31
     My cuzin Jenn and Eric got married today! YAY!!

--May 29
     I'm going to JAX!! It's for my mom's work. She has to go to this girl's retirement party but I'm going with her to have fun, free food, nice hotel. Blah Blah Blah...Plus I'm gonna hang out with some people I know while I'm there. Will be fun fun fun!

--May 27
     Shawn is a FAG! He won't sign my guestbook! I hate him now. Waaaaaa! No not really!

--May 25
     Enki reminded me that the Orlando Metal Awards were last night. So check out the winners here

--May 24
     Well I completely forgot to tell y'all I got my hair cut! I got like 3 inches cut off! LOL Nikk is gonna kill me!! It's still really long just not Rapunzel long nemore. I coulda gotten more cut, but I didnt.

Guess What? I went shopping in the Volusia mall yesterday and OMG I LOVE their Hot Topic. HeHe!!

And tonight Imma get smashed so YAY, Rob bought this bottle of Mead so we're all gonna try it outz!

--May 23
     OMG This is such sad news...the club/bar on Orange Ave, the Social, ya know the old Sapphire Supper Club?, yah well there was so much rain this past week that the roof CAVED IN!

Happier News...the Gentitortures are coming to town! ::Does a lil Happy Dance:: AAANNNDDD I'm going to Necropolis tomorrow so man I'm just having and awezome day filled with tidings of great joy!!!

--May 22
     I took some quizzes online while I was looking for funny stuff to put under my cOoL sTuFfAgE page.

These are kinda weird but yah here they are:

How Goth Am I?
True Goth
True Goth... You make me proud.

Goth quiz... a good one
brought to you by Quizilla

Ha! I am a "True Goth" Whatever...but that's Trent so I'm happy that I am sadistically associated with Trent...Yay for me!!!

What Type of Goth Am I?

Take The Goth Type Test

Hey Dan, you ready to go back to Fairvilla???

--May 21
     OMG OMG OMG O M F G GUESS WHAT? Practiclly the only show that's on TV that is worth watching is starting to have new shows June the 10th on MTV at like 10pm Eastern Time!! Yes all who know me, know I am talking about the Osbournes!!!!


Read more about it Here

--May 20
     I am happy to report that I found my long lost Daniel Ash cd that no one else in the whole wide world has ever heard of not to mention no one owns! Yay for me!!!

For all you people out there who are clueless who Daniel Ash is...he's a former member of Bauhaus.

Check his website out: Check dis Sh*t

--May 19
     I got my yrbk today!!!

*You wanted perfect
you got your perfect
now I'm too perfect for someone like you*
*I got an F and a C and I got a K too
and the only thing that's missing
is a b*tch like U*

--May 18
     I took this cute quiz today...It said I was GlitterGoth...check it outz...

That was brought to you in full by The Power Goth Girls.

WhIcH oNe ArE yOu?!?!
Click Here to Find Out!!

-- May 17
      Well Well Well today is one of my bestest friends in the whole wide world's b-days, Beth!!! She is the big today. Happy Birthday Girly!!

OtHa NeWz...

...OMG I got this new razor last night and I finally used it!! It Rox! It's called the Schick Intuition. It comes with this stuff on the head of the razor that when wet makes like foamy shaving cream and you don't have to use shave gel! It's so cool and gives a really close shave too!!

Sexy n Schick
Click Here for More Info

-- May 16
      Well, today I finally got my site up n runnin kinda!!! thanks to AnGeLfIrE!!! Muchas gracias Angelfire.