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Lilly's blog
Monday, 31 January 2005
p is for POR N!!!
Mood:  suave
Now Playing: family guy?
yay blognes!!! yes im aware the apearence of my blog has gone to shit.. i duno what i was thinking when i chose a frige as my background.. the point is.. ill fix it in a bit.. but not tonight.. cuz im "studying" anyyyyvays
im alll crazy hyper cuz me and ash are just thaat coooooool... soo.. loook at my hiar!!!!!

so hopfully that worked.. if not.. fuck you.. anways... turns out im not in the mood for writing.. so maybe ill come back later

Posted by freak2/lilly0 at 5:16 PM
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Monday, 20 December 2004
Ashley has ass crabs
Mood:  mischievious
Now Playing: ur mother
yea thats right, im hawiana...... i cant spell... anyvays
not much new....... hannafords amazing.... hes amazing*drools* hes so hot:) and yummy and hot and yummy and hot... and yummy... cuz ive tasted him and all... so.. ahsley has ass crabs... buddah gave them to her.. along with getting her lipring stuck again. cuz she made fun of me. and thats hella uncool in budahs eyes, were tight u see...erm..... got bored so i decided to write... woot!!!!!!!! im guna go change the background..ill psotmore later mayber..

Posted by freak2/lilly0 at 1:44 PM
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Wednesday, 10 November 2004

the feeling a tear makes when it runs down your check, its truly amazing, how much one single drip can hurt, how it can make it all worse, how it can make so many more come. and you feel it drip the whole way down your check, as it falls into the cruve of your mouth, touches your lips, and you can taste it, so sweet and sorrowful. theres nothing else in the world that feels this way. there is nothing that can hurt you more.
how easily can one person be hurt? one single word can bring you world crashing down. one signle see can make your heart hurt so bad. trying to understand that, yes, someone does love you. someone really does think your great. but it hurts to hear it. you think you cant endure any more.
and you sit, quietly in your pain. the salty tears running down you checks.
then u notice, the tears have dried, and your scared to move your face, it feels like the dry tear could crack your whole face. and its over. you feel fine again. the hurts come and gone. you can stand up again, continuing on your way. its all fine now. you know it will come again. maybe not for quite some time. but it will come back. you know it will. it never really ends.

Posted by freak2/lilly0 at 5:37 PM
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Monday, 8 November 2004
An Entry For An Andrea
Mood:  suave
Now Playing: emo stuff
Topic: zelda
so here i go typing it again
i wish i was a sexy wearwolf queen( just wants ginger snaps back, so hot!!!)
but seriously.. someone bite me, i wanna be queen and wear a sexy purple cloak.

so whats new u ask? well lets see...*checks mind for newnes* egads... nuthings new:S and doesnt that such a monkeys ass!! erm... im gunaatempt to make this page better(dont get yur hopes up) and um... well.. im guna play around with sum buttons
ta for now!

Posted by freak2/lilly0 at 3:27 PM
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Sunday, 17 October 2004
its been foreva!...... since ive been to the olive garden!
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: tv
well its been a long time, but hey, ive been busy.
thats a bloody lie....
hannaford band is so freakinly amazingly awsome and i love it to death minus how nervious iget for it. schools a shit sac of shit.. and ashleys a sac of shit.. a stuped stuped bag of you ash! ha!
erm.....teahcing piano is wicked awsome and oi get to be a condctor!!!!! now i know ur thinking band geek much?! and yes i know i amma band geek.. but im hot so fuck you(i know im not but still...fuck you)
i ahte those stuepd pink shoes that are supsoed to be fashonable and are for winter but they really look like a sac of shit and i hope eveyrgirl who buys them dies
erm... guna go for now cuz i got nuthing else to say.. so ta

Posted by freak2/lilly0 at 4:41 PM
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Wednesday, 5 May 2004
good day sunshine!!!!!
yay good mood! duno why... geus i had a pretty good day. listening to lemonade right now*bounces in chair with the song!* umm.. so ya it turns out some people read this! big new to me cuz i thought no one did.. but i geus when i put the thinger in my profile it happens... but anyways.... stuffs pretty good right now... had nap and now im all hyper!!! oh i just found out i have to walk to piano:S now is when i wish i ahd sumone close so they could walk with moi! ahh well.. it shal be a lonerly cold walk but i could probly use the exercise! ahh anyways .... hm.... oh bother..i have nuthing new to discuse so i think i shal go play games oin the internet fora bit

Posted by freak2/lilly0 at 11:26 AM
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Friday, 23 April 2004
good day!
such a great day! kiped fourth andw ent out with nicole akt and ashley me and mc and it was soooo fun!!!!!!!! then went to the mall got an awsome shirt, says big willys lounge and bar liquor in the front poker in the rear.. haha it took me a good tens minuts to acutlaly get it!!!!(if ur an idiot then say it outloud!) and lots and lots of fun was had today... not sure if i still like blighty:S but my brothers friend is tres cool......*grins uncontrolably* hes all.... ya.. and all....:D anyways uh......kldhgudasg ya .. thats right i went ther.e.. omg this aldy is such a bitch.. she was running the snack sales thingy that me and akt were helping with.. and she was soo rude to us and made it seamlike she had to go to suhc a toruble to sign or volentear sheets and she was acting like she was being oh so bery fucking genorus siging it for us.. its like ya fuck u to lady u need to get laid u ugly bitch and anyways...
i think ill stop writing now.. theres nuthing elft to saya bout my boriung life
ta darlins

Posted by freak2/lilly0 at 4:45 PM
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Tuesday, 20 April 2004
*gurgaling death sounds*
so.... ive had time to think it over... i jsut dont give a fuck.. WOOO HOOO i have thismonsterus cramp that wont go away and it makes me awnt to stab my insides so im guna go ... die....

Posted by freak2/lilly0 at 1:51 PM
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fuck 4 20

just so well all know im mad right now... but i think im more upset and shocked with you then mad...

fuck u stuped little hippies and ur 420 dont try and justify smoking up jesus christ if ur guna smoke up at least reconizeits a bad thing.. its not like i walk around trying to say the joint in my ahdns a good fucking thing... most people dont even know what bob marly was all about.. i sure as hell dont so dont smoke up on today being all ya man bob marlys so cool gota smoke a joint in his memory or whatever... just do it cuz u like it.....sutped fucking hippies... anyways... weed makes people act weird.. like not stoned.. they do mean things.. that i dont think they would normaly do.. jsut cuz weed is aaround or ebing offerd... people do that to other peple do... u can totaly forget about ur friend because of other people..or not care enouhg to go get them.. thanx a bunch


Posted by freak2/lilly0 at 11:49 AM
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Wednesday, 7 April 2004

are u out to get me? to ruin my mood everytime i feel happy and your down? thats what i feel like... then i think im an idiot for thinking that.. and that i shouldnt get anoyed and iritatied and mad so quickly... such small things shouldnt ruin my mood so easily... i felt so great... and now its gone... so.. fuck you...i sit and listen to you when ur happy even if im having a horibly shitty day.. im always happy for you... i certainly dont intentionaly say things to ruin it all.. things that iknow would bother you. i keep them to myself.. and i dont make it a goal to bring you down... u knew i was feeling really happy for once... u just had to say it cuz u knew it would bother me... thanx a bunch, i geus thats what friends are for eh?

Posted by freak2/lilly0 at 1:20 PM
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