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My Top Twenty things!


2.The awsome power of gerbils, and thier ancestors.

3.Prime Numbers.

4.Fingernail Growing Contests.

5.The number 5 does not exist, comformists want you to believe it does.

6.Beasteality, It's a great way to break the ice at parties!


8.Ham, which is the product of mass genocide.


10.Listing Things. of my hard cacti

12.Quests of epic porportions, to entertain gods that throw down burning sulfer and blame the neighbor kid.

13.rambling on and on

14.Im not as think as you dyslexic i am!!!!

15.coming from below and above in darkness, i see a light, let it be kttens, so fluffy and dead as my eye. I alone am a hero in days of war. pretend i have herpes and am breaking into a library to relieve myself in the faces of the weak. Repent!.

16.Loving the walls with my juice is a natural showing of my dominace, its not strange, YOU are strange.

17.Are we at 20 yet?

18.Life, liberty, and pursuit of clowns, hunting them down for thier eye juice, which gives me the power to hear colors, and control the wicked.

19. NO not 19, SEVEN!!!! SEVEN is the number!!! Any other number, you see, is unclean.

20.I already played with mommy, now i wanna play with you!

21.Ooops, one extra

NUNS!! NUNS!! Get us out of here!