OCTOBER 30, 2004
"That is the true season of love
When we believe that we alone can love
When no one has ever loved so before us
And no one will ever love in the same way after us.”
All things in nature are cyclical
—night becomes day, day becomes night, and night becomes day again.
The moon waxes and wanes then waxes again.
There is spring, summer, autumn, winter, and then spring returns.
Death follows life and life follows death, these things are part of the great mysteries.
A circle is the symbol of the Sun, and the Earth, and the Universe.
It is a symbol of holiness and of perfection and peace.
It is also the symbol of the eternality of spiritual truth,
love and life, that which has no beginning and no end.
In the context of marriage, they are also a symbol of faithfulness and undying love.
The elements of Earth, Fire, Air and Water
are called upon to cast blessings upon the couple.
The ritual is designed to enable us to get in touch with the life force within ourselves,
to sense an interconnectedness with all life,
and to access the energies of the living earth.
Joining the bride and groom through their Higher Selves
based on a love for the natural world offers a powerful way of working with and understanding the Self and Nature and speaks
to the level of our soul that is in tune with the elements and the stars,
the sun and the stones.
Bride & Groom:
We have each looked at our feelings and our expectations of one another and have found a partnership and love that we know is strong enough to outlast the storms of day to day living.
We have learned each other's minds, likes and dislikes, dreams and fears.
Together we can face the world and be comforted in knowing
we never have to face it alone.
We wish not only to live together for now, but also to commit ourselves to a future of living, growing, and dreaming together, and loving each other.
For a long time, humanity has used candles as visual reminders of non-physical values such as a marriage relationship.
Using the flames from two burning candles to light a new, single candle
is a gentle and simple reminder to all present that a new, very important relationship has been created.
The unity candle perfectly symbolizes the beginning of the "one" life by two individuals being joined together in marriage.
A medieval Jewish mystic who wrote:
'From every human being there rises a light that reaches straight to heaven.
And when two souls that are destined to be together find each other,
their streams of light flow together and a single, brighter light
goes forth from their united being.'" Rabbi Judy Epstein.
The rings we have chosen features the dragon of the east,
messenger of heavenly law,
facing the dragon of the west, keeper of earth knowledge.
The truth that links them speaks of mind, body and spirit also birth,
life and death bound together in the timeless circle as one.
Their fiery breath is directed towards the Celtic knot of peace, protection and union.
This ring symbolizes perfection and luck.
Wedding rings are a couple's public pledge of commitment.
A ring, being an unbroken circle, is considered to be a symbol of perfection.
It is perfect unity without beginning or end.
A ring on the fourth finger of the left hand expresses to the world
that you love and are loved.
It was once believed in Ireland that wedding rings were worn on the fourth finger
of the left hand because the bloodline or artery in this finger
connected directly to the heart.
Therefore, it is not a brand of ownership, as some would have you believe, but a magick circle that guards a sacred place and creates upon the giver an honor vow, to uphold the Handfasting oaths we take.
The expressions "join hands in marriage" and "tie the knot"
originated from handfasting rituals.
The bride and groom take hands, right to right and left to left.
From above this is seen as the infinity symbol.
The union cord is then used to bind the hands together.
The lover’s knot, or the knot of destiny,
is tied in the name of Love by Divine Power.
As the hands are bound together, so their lives and spirits
are joined in a sacred union of joy, love, trust, and mutual support.
(WHITE) the white strand of life. It is newness and beginnings, purity and innocence.
(RED) the red strand of life. It is progress and fertility, strength and determination.
(BLACK) the black strand of life. It is age and entropy, wisdom and experience.
(GREEN) the green strand of life. It is action and interaction, communication and generosity.
Apache Prayer:
Now you will feel no rain, for each of you will be shelter to the other.
Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth to the other.
Now you will feel no loneliness, for each of you will be companionship to the other.
Now you are two persons and there is one life between you.
Now you enter into the days of your life together.
Deep peace of the running wave to you.
Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
Deep peace of the shining stars to you.
Deep peace of the gentle night to you.
Moon and stars pour their healing light on you.
Deep peace of the Gods, light of the world to you.
The Rose Ceremony is simple yet profoundly moving.
The bride and groom exchange two red roses,
symbolizing the giving and receiving of their love for each other throughout their entire married life.
The Rose Ceremony also conveys how to use the rose and its symbolism in difficult times in order to forgive each other.
Faure – “Pavane- Op. 50” (Piano Solo)
Enya - "Lothlorien" (Instrumental)
Enya & Clannad - "Theme of Love"
Enya - "The Sun in The Stream" (Instrumental)
Bach - "Arioso" from Cantata #156 (Organ Solo)
Secret Garden - "Serenade To Spring" (Instrumental)
Mozart - "Pachabel Cannon in D Minor"
Handel - "Largo” from Xerxes
Enya - "May It Be"
May it be an evening star
Shines down upon you
May it be when darkness falls
Your heart will be true
You walk a lonely road
Oh! How far you are from home
Morni utli (Quenya: Darkness has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Morni alanti (Quenya: Darkness has fallen)
A promise lives within you now
May it be the shadow's call
Will fly away
May it be your journey on
To light the day
When the night is overcome
You may rise to find the sun
Morni utli (Quenya: Darkness has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Morni alanti (Quenya: Darkness has fallen)
A promise lives within you now
A promise lives within you now
This song is Aragorn and Arwen's theme song from Lord of the Rings (which is one of our favorite movies)
Apoptygma Berzerk - "Love Never Dies" (part 1)
Forever in your arms, you said. Forever in my heart.
My love for you will make us both fly higher.
Driven by the power that is burning in my heart.
I know my faith, and you will keep us together.
Forever in your arms, you said. Forever in my heart.
My love for you will make us both fly higher.
I sense your presence in this room, I feel that you are near.
So hold me close and whisper love is forever.
Love is forever
Love never dies.
Thank you first of all to Bob Feury AKA “The Big Kahuna”
for graciously allowing us to use the funeral home for our ceremony,
Haley Knopke for coming up with the idea and for all her suggestions.
Pam Witte for all her help and excitement with the decorations.
Skip Swart for all of his help with co-ordinations
and keeping things running smoothly.
Paula Nunnery for performing our very unique ceremony.
Our children, Sarah, Melissa and Cody, for all their love and support. We love you!
Our friends for taking the time to share this very special day with us!
And lastly, the metal band, Deicide
for having a show in August of 2002, which is where we met.
“Knowing the first time I saw you,
that we would be together,
In my heart I knew,
In your eyes I saw forever.
As you wrap your arms around me,
and take me far away,
Each day my love grows stonger,
More than words could ever say.
Anytime I feel the insecuritys,
that sometimes we all feel,
I can look in your eyes and see,
All that we have is real.
Not many people find this,
A love that remains so free,
Being in love after all this time,
Knowing that you are the biggest part of me.
I love you today,
Just as I loved you this entire time,
In your eyes I see forever,
A true love that not many find”........
“This day I will marry my friend,
the one I laugh with, live for, dream with, love.”