Weapons |Gun Arm: $2000 - 10atk |Blade Arm: $1500 - 6atk |Mystery Arm: $1750 - 8atk (not buyable yet) Upgrades |Gun Arm upgrade lvl2: $2500 - 15atk |Gun Arm upgrade lvl3: $3000 - 20atk |Blade Arm upgrade lvl1: $2000 - 14atk |Blade Arm upgrade lvl3: $2500 - 19atk |Mystery Arm upgrade lvl2: $2300 - 17atk |Mystery Arm upgrade lvl3: $2800 - 23atk Weapons Techiques Upgrades |Gun Arm Charge Attack: $5000 - Multiply attack by number of turns charged.(uses ::charge:: can be carried on after dodgeing, but not blocking) |Blade Arm Slash combo: $4500 - Number of attacks determined by number of ::hit::'s said before oppponent blocks, normal blocking procedures do not apply, it only stops the combo. |Mystery Arm Technique Weapons Rules 1)You can only have 1 weapon equiped at a time. 2)You may buy any amount of weapons you want. |