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Ask Kiri

"Because Kiri is God and you're not, so you don't know everything"

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What is your favorite flower?

Dear lazy ass no name, 
I don't really have a favorite because I know virtually nothing about flowers, but here are some I find to be pretty: Orchid, Lisianthus, Gladiolus, Freesia etc. etc. Its all about simplicity and NOT BEING A GOD DAMNED ROSE with me. :) But in all honesty, if anyones thinking of buying me a present (since i am god and all), I like jewlry a lot more then I like flowers. 

why oh why am i sooooooooooooooooooo happy that it's your birthday?????? happy birthday love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...Well..., 

 I don't know who wrote this, but I do have a few ideas, and I am SO happy in any case^^. Thank you so much^^!            ~Kiri


Dear Kiri, What is your favorite lip gloss? I am on the market for something with a good flavor and a hint of feminine color. 

Something I really like that's really cheap is the mary-kate and ashley brand lip glosses. You can find them at Wal-Mart, try the Glossy Sheers Liquid Shine Lip Tint in Orange. I know, I know, orange sounds extreme, but its almost completely clear with just a little bit of tint which actually ends out coming more of a VERY VERY light coral. It runs about $3.00 at every wal-mart. If you wanna try something expensive, try chanel glossimer extreme, the shades are pretty universal, runs about $25, and you can say with pride "I am wearing CHANEL lipgloss!!! AHHHHH!!!". Enjoy, and don't forget to pray to me three times a day facing north. Peace.

Are you really god? and if so what am i? if not....what am i? 

Am I really God...Hmm...How to answer that...Oh! I know! Smiting your blasphemous God-doubting ass! Thats right! BAM! You go to hell, mo-fo! lol. Yea, I'm God. And, Charles darling, that makes you Gods bitch. You're pretty up there on the big triangly-thing of life. Count your blessings (which I made, by the way^^).

Dear Kiri, 
I keep getting this burning sensation down there. What should I do about it? And should I tell my boyfriend?

Dear Lucy,     
Dear dear dear naive Lucy....Chances are he already KNOWS about the burning sensation. You didn't have it BEFORE you slept with him, now did you? Nope! I think you already know where I'm going with this.     
As far as the burny-itchy...Well, let me tell you, doctors lie. Try a bag of frozen peas or something else frozen and just keep it there until your numb. If all else fails, just plain burn your genitals completely off until you have nothing but char. That's what always works for me...  

Dear Kiri, 
Why does it bleed when I poop?

Well....sounds to me like you've got a cut in your ass. NICE! Good job, Prudence. You really need to be more careful about that. You should try avoiding sticking things in there until it heals up. If it doesn't, you'll have to tell your parents and go to the doctor, and that'd be a bitch to explain, huh?! Lol. Peace, and yo' ass.

dear kiri 
Tell me in 97 letters including spaces, about your favorite things. O.o;
Lipgloss, lingerie, audrey hepburn, natalie portman, orlando bloom, your mom and flaming dead animals.       

My friends are getting on my case about cutting myself. and if another one of my friends starts up again they are gonna blame it on me. i want to stop but am not sure how. i've only cut, well sorta light slicing that leaves marks, whatever, twice. i dont' want to hurt their feelings anymore. 

Dear Alice (reminds me of a book I once read),
First and foremost, I'd like to commend you, even talking about that on the internet is braving, and knowing enough to know your hurting your friends is smart.
 Secondly...Alice, cutting yourself is something serious and I'm not saying the advice I give is right, I'm not a doctor or a psychiatrist, by any means. But cutting yourself, in my opinion, means you're ill. Something in your head or something around you is making you sick to the point where you feel you have to hurt yourself to release, in my opinion, that's a sickness. And also in my opinion this isn't something you should be afraid to ask for help in regards to. People get sick, its part of being human, and sitting around and feeling guilty isn't gonna make you get better, or make it stop.
But also, you have to stop for yourself, not your friends. Keep in mind though, that the people who are getting mad, aren't getting mad just for the sake of being mad. They get mad because they care about you, and love you. They wouldn't rat you out and throw your world into a frenzy if they didn't think it was for a good reason, I assure you of that. I think what would be a good idea is trying to stop, cold turkey. Just plain don't do it anymore.           
If for some reason, you feel you can't, then try calling one of your friends when you feel like it. If you feel like you can't just stop with that, then I would recommend telling your parents before you hurt yourself well...anymore O.o; Actually, its probably a good idea to tell your parents and ask for help now. I know "They'll be mad! They'll kill me!" Wrong. They won't kill you, I think we both know who would be the one doing that in this situation. Yea, you're parents may be a little mad at first, maybe even freak out, but like I said, its because they love you. Hopefully they'll understand that you're sick and try to get you some help.          
There are all sorts of ways to help get over this, but its hard to alone. Remember your friends and family love you. Alice, my favorite little assistant ^~, you're beautiful, baby girl and you have no reason to do this to yourself. If you need to, you can get me out of class through Peer Outreach and we can talk about this in private at school, just go to Mrs. Urban and ask for me, she has my schedule. If you don't feel comfortable talking in school, you know my messenger names: (Yahoo - mars1738 aim - kirisuto1738 msn - Peace baby girl, and get well soon.

[Editors note: Alice, Mary also has experienced problems with compulsive cutting and it more than willing to speak to you about it if you like. E-mail or AIM slpyjene or msn bottomm . Also you can visit her little page about cutting here.] 

  Ask Kiriget this gear!
