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The Gravety Defying Flip

When I say the Gravety Defying Flip I mean Gidgit on crack, quite seriously. This flip isn't just a little curl at the bottom of the hair, but seriously a loop that goes in an almost perfect circle. If you have the right facial shape for this it can be very sexy and very dramatic. It is one of my favorite styles to do.


The tools you are going to need are strong hair spray, some hair gel (I use the ultra strong stuff for spiking), a comb, a blowdryer, and one of those brush curlers that blows hot air.

When hair is wet work gel through it and then blowdry your hair upsidedown. You can brush your hair as you dry because this is not a stringy style. (If your hair is already dry when you want to do this style just skip the gel and the hair drying. You want have as much body and hold, but it is not that big a deal.)

Take the brush curler thingy (what in gods name are those really called?) and put it on high and hot. Take the ends or your hair and wrap around brush tightly and hold for a few seconds. Repeat this with all the edges of your hair until you get the curl desired. (note: to prevent hair from getting tangled in brush curler rotate curler. This also makes the curls bigger and better too for some reason I can never explain. If you have lairs you can lift the brush and twirl it and the hair will be realeased a little at a time giving a very nice effect)

After you have th curls the way you want them hair spray the hell out of them top and bottom because if you don't they will fall out in an hour or two.

Add glitter, barettes, headbands, etc to this style and it looks really cute.

Here are some pictures of this style:
