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This is the first Paper I wrote for my first college writing class. It was for the descriptive essay unit. I am very proud of it because it is the first draft and there were no suggestions at workshop on how to improve it. It was perfect the way it was. I think I am gifted:)


Having A Nightmare

    Silence roared in my ears like the static on a broken TV. All around me voices whispered unintelligible words. The air was sultry and oppressive; I felt it closing in on me like a choker worn too tightly. Even though it was so hot I couldn’t stand it, chills crept over me like icy spiders looking for a place to nest.
    All around me the world was dark and muddy, like an old sepia tone photograph that had been distorted. In the distance I could make out figures, shadows against a dimly lit moon. I thought I recognized these figures, though I could not be certain. I tried to call out to them but only a faint moan escaped my lips. My heart began to pound in my chest. A million thoughts flooded my mind. I felt something come loose inside my head.
    Holding my hand below my chin I spit and saw a tooth had fallen out. I searched out     the vacant space inside my mouth with my tongue. The space felt like a vast canyon inside my head and I began to panic and I felt another tooth disintegrate and come loose. Rapidly, more began to follow and I found myself continually spitting out lost teeth. Somehow, there always seemed to be more on the way out.
    The ground on which I stood was hard dirt, dead and dying grasses and weeds scattered through it. I was in the middle of a wasteland where nothing living could exist for long. A permanent winter had descended on this place; all around me was the stench of death.
    The whispering in my ears grew louder, more confused, as I tried to run. My feet wouldn’t budge at first, and then slowly gave way and I began to move at a death march, excruciatingly slow. My legs were two inflexible cement posts and it took all my will to force them each step. Still, I did not seem to make any progress across the deserted field. I fell onto the damp, clammy ground and through my arms over my head. With my hands I tried to shut the voices out.
    “Scream! Just scream!” I thought to myself, but each time I opened my mouth all that came out was an endless stream of lost teeth. I tried to breath, but something was tightening, keeping me from taking in air.
    Helplessly I lay there waiting, trying to shut out the voices and the screaming wind inside my head. I knew that something would come for me soon, I could smell smoke and death and blood in the air. My heartbeat hammered inside my head. A pressure formed in the base of my skull, crushing my soul forward.
    I struggled to move, but nothing helped me. I was bound to the ground by some unseen force. My skin began to crawl and everything I came in contact with was unbearable. My clothes were so rough they burned, the ground so cold it froze my heart inside my chest.
    I began to cry. The tears that streamed down my face and dropped to the ground stung like acid, but I knew they were blood. My blood being pulling away to feed some unknown, unwanted force that held me captive inside my own head. A single word became apparent to me in the cacophony of sound.
    “Feed! Feed! Feed!” The voices hissed and chanted. A burning sensation started in my stomach and worked its way up into my brain. I tried to resist, tried to call out for help, but I was too far-gone. The world went dim, dangled by a thread, and then all was black. Time and space were dead.