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Damn I'm Sexy!



Ok, this is basically just a little about me so that people are not totally mystified... if they care at all which is still subject to scrutiny.

My name is Mary.

My birthday is September 29, 1985. 

In case you have not gathered it from the blatant hints all over the site I am a virgin and totally hung up on it. It's sort of a running joke with my friends now. There was this mad dash to find me a boyfriend before the start of college, but it didn't really come to anything so whatever.

I am majoring in art. My plan is to write comics someday and maybe dabble in children's books.

Favorite comics: Lenore, Johnny The Homicidal Maniac, I feel Sick, Kabuki...

Favorite Bands: The Cure, Depech Mode, The Who, My Life With The Thrill Kill Cult, My Bloody Valentine, Bauhaus...

Movies: Edward Scissorhands, The Crow, Lord Of The Rings, Interview With The Vampire, Vampire Hunter D, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me

Shows: Buffy, Montey Python, Twin Peaks, Black Adder, Invader Zim, Gary The Rat

Books: Vampire Chronicles, Lord Of The Rings, Three Musketeers, Les Miserables, HeeChee Series, Dune Series....

I have a tendency to dye my hair different colors ever month and wear loud obnoxious clothing. I am very dramatic and lean towards gothy things when I am not being silly.

