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Nobody's Perfect

Ah Wellington! I jump out of the small cessna and thank the manager kindly. I feel like my baby will be safe here. I put my bags into the back seat of the black Saturn and put myself in the front. I rev the engine and start out to my house just outside of the busy streets of the bustling, yet quiet, city. Everything is nice and neat in their own perfect place. I throw the bags on the couch and collapse in the comfy chair beside the couch.

The next day i head down to an empty building enclaved by other shops and boutiques. I inspect it and get to work. By the end of the day it has gone from a nothing building to a quiet yet rocking cafe. Sponged light blue walls surround a dark rich wooden floor. Hanging lamps in all obscure shapes and sizes dimly luminate the ceiling which is mixed with dark blues and blacks and dotted with celestial moons, suns, and stars. Small tables are scattered around the shop and surround the couch and few chairs in the center for reading. I stand on the stage to the front and survey the surroundings and the bar to the left of me. “Perfect." i breathe, trying not to disturb the surreal karma in the room. I prepare everything for tomorrow morning's opening. When everything is unpacked and ready, i take one last look, turn off the light, and lock the door.

The next day i open up the shop at nine and pray this flies. People start to venture in and order. I’m thrilled. I see some looking warily at the ad for weekend band gigs. Some live music wouldn't hurt. "Hey, what can i get you?" i ask a group of five. "Hi, uh five coffee's please." says one. I get their order, they pay, and go sit at one of the tables. The one who ordered keeps glancing over at me. I hear something and say, "Well hello there," to a little girl with angelic blonde hair and a grin. "Hi. Your real perty." she says and giggles. I smile. "Why thank you. Aren’t you sweet. How old are you? What’s your name?" i ask. She twists here foot and says, "I’m Ally. I’m 7. What’s your name?" i smile and say, "pleased to meet you Alli, I’m Kate." she continues to stare at me. Then i realize she's admiring me. "C 'mere a second Alli." i say. I beckon her to the counter. I hand her a big cookie and say, "just for you." she squeals with delight says thank you, and runs off, grinning madly. I smile and go back to work.

I see the man looking at me again. There is something about the gleam and inexplicability of his eyes that makes me slightly uncomfortable yet warm inside. I shake my head slightly and go back to work.
Later, when the shop is fairly empty Alli comes back. She is followed closely by the five that i had served earlier. "Well hello again Alli." i say cheerfully. “hi Kate." she replies. "Who are your friends?" i ask kindly. She smiles and says," oh Kate this is my daddy and Uncle Elijah, Uncle Dom, Uncle Orli and Uncle Billeh. This is Kate daddy. The one that gave me the cookie." i smile. "I hope that was ok sir." he laughs lightly. "It’s ok. I’m Sean." i nod and shake his hand. "Nice to meet you sir. You have a charming daughter. So are you all related?" i look at them inquisitively. They laugh. "Nay wee lassie. tha' jus' whot she colls us." says Billeh. i nod and turn to Elijah. "so what do you think of my shop?" he grins in a childish sort of fashion. "Best coffee I’ve had in a long time. can't believe I’m saying it but tastes better than Starbucks." the rest of the group gasps dramatically then busts out laughing. "thanks. I’ll take that as it rocks." he nods. "yeah it does."

Coffee shop by day, bar by night. by 8 the place is packed. a couple ask about the job offerings. days develop into months and Alli’s men visit everyday. it must be the coffee. they talk to me and keep me company during the dull bleak days. "ooch man the next coople days are gonna be orible!" says Billeh one day. "yessum," contemplates Sean," and no one to watch the little Ashers here." he takes another sip of his hazelnut coffee. “what’s up guys?" i ask. "ah we have to head down to the south island for a bit to shoot Weathertop. we can't exactly take the wee one either. too much moving around and confusion." replies Sean. "just perfect. billeh tig." adds Dom. "tag Lij," says Billeh. "tog," replies Elijah. Dom smirks. "no Elijah ya can't tog on a tig. now you gatta cross yer eyes for five minutes." Elijah groans. "stupid game." he mutters and crosses his eyes. i decide not to ask. "Well i could always leave her with Michelle. no wait she's coming with us." says Sean. "what about James?" asks Orlando. " no i don't think so. oh man i didn't think it would be this hard," Sean replies. he glances lovingly up at the child playing on the stage. "If you want me to watch her i would love to." i say. "Oh no i couldn't. your so busy." he replies. "it’s no trouble really. i have great house right outside the city and a back room she could hang in while i am out here at night. i would never let her around any......." i falter at the words. "@#%$ blokes who are so monged they can't see themselves?" Elijah inquires, swerving as he focuses’s back on his eyes. "No! there is no one like that in my bar. arm cafe," i gasp, " Sean i would love to and it would really be no trouble." Sean looks at me and says, "well lets see what she wants." she turns and calls, "Alli c' mere honey." she jumps off the stage, runs to us, and jumps onto Dom's lap. "oof! wee lass is getting big." he says. she laughs. "Uncle Dom you’re so silly." Sean takes her hand and says," Alli i have to go with Uncle Dom and the gang for a couple days. would you mind staying here with Kate?" she looks at him and exclaims gleefully, " oh can i daddy? please she's so cool! please?" he smiles. "would you really like to?" she looks at him. "Daddy does Sam love Bill the Horse?" everyone laughs. Elijah uncrosses his eyes finally and says, "i think that's a yes Sean." he nods. "ok let’s go get your stuff. we'll be back. thank you so much!" i smile. "no problem. anytime!" i call as he walks out the door with the skipping child.

So Alli stays with me for five days. I keep her busy by going to the park, movies and shopping. She was ecstatic to do anything. One day i ask her, "Hon, do your mommy and daddy live together? Are they married?" i had never heard of her mother and i didn't know. not that it was really any of my business. she smiles. "oh yes. Mommy and daddy love each other very much. they never fight. their best parents ever. mommy just gets really sad when daddy leave to go make movies." i nod, happy to know she has such a good family. the gang comes back that Saturday. when they walk in Alli screams, "Daddy!" and runs to him, open hug ready. “I honey. how was your stay with Kate?" Sean asks hugging her tightly. "oh it was great! we went shopping and to the movies and to the park. and she read me a bedtime story every night!" she replies. i chuckle softly. "so how was down south boys?" i ask as they sit at the counter. "boring. and no good coffee." says Orlando. i laugh and make a batch. "sounds like you had a blast." i say. "Kate, how was Alli. please tell me she was good." says Sean. i smile. "yes she was sir. i couldn't have asked for a better house guest. she did everything i asked to when i asked her. Brushing her teeth, going to bed, eating dinner. she was excellent." he sighs in relief. "good. thank you again." he says. they get her stuff, their coffee, and leave. well all except for Elijah. I’m about to ask him what's up when the phone rings. i go into the back and answer it. 15 minutes later i come out trying to look as if everything is ok. he's still here, staring into his coffee cup. "hey bud what's up?" i ask. he shakes his head. something's not right. i can sense it. "Mr. Wood, what's wrong?" i ask again furrowing my brow. "well uh.. i, oh..... " he can't find the words. "dude, just tell me. i can keep a secret. trust me." i say. he looks up from the cup. i meet his eyes and won't allow the gaze to break. "I’m sick of it ok! I’m sick of the fame and the attention and the rumors and the lies! oh and the nicknames! can't forget those can we!" he says angrily and overwhelmed. "Baby Blue, Lord of our Hearts, Monkey Boy. Well my mom did used to call me monkey. but I’m sick of it! the paparazzi, the teenyboppers, everything! ya know before now i was just me. Elijah Wood. But now, i don't know who I am. Am i really being me now or who everyone else wants me to be? you probably don't understand." he finishes with an exasperated sigh and takes out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from a pocket of the beaten up corduroy jacket. he lights up in anger. i look at him sad and a little confused. " "i may not know from experience but i do understand believe it or not. well here's my advice. do you want it?" i ask calmly. he looks at me, nods, and takes a long drag. "ok. well it seems as if life has taken you where you want and don't want. here's what might help. do you know what you aren't" he gives me a confused look. "what?" he asks. " what you aren't. you talk about all the lies and everything. if you know the truths and believe them, then you can just laugh when you see what lies the news has printed." i say. "yeah i suppose." he replies. "then tell me." i say. "well let’s see. I’m not poor. i have an education. i have a successful and stable career. i have many people that love, or at least like, me for me. I have nothing wrong with me. medical wise. and I’m not gay. not at all." he says. i nod, happy that he has nothing wrong with him. "well i think everyone doesn't know who they are sometimes. its human nature i believe. they are so caught up in trying to be whatever everyone else wants them to be, they forget who they want themselves to be." i say after some thought. he looks at me. "when you look at me, who do you see?" he asks, with a rather serious look in his eyes. " hmmmm.... i see a talented, bright, smart man who has a strong and long career in front and behind him. he's trying to be whatever others want him to be to make them happy. but underneath all that glamour and glitz there is a real him that people might seldom see. it’s a 22 year old who is himself and won't let anyone change that. he is him, no one else is him. do you know why?" i ask. he smiles at me. "why?" he asks. i push him lightly from across the table. "because no one else is him. no matter how hard someone tries there is no one else like him." he laughs lightly. "that's right Kate. thank you so much for setting me straight. i smile. " no problem. you can always come to me to talk. know that right now Elijah." he nods and turns. "Elijah?!" i say. he turns, "yes?" i sigh. "who do you see when you look in the mirror?" he looks at me and says, " i see 22 year old Elijah J. Wood. that is who i am and if anyone would like it different then they can go jump off a cliff." i laugh and he joins in and waves, walking out the door. i smile and reflect on the former conversation for a moment before going back to what would be work if the coffee shop wasn't empty.

So the next day, the boys come down to the shop only to find it dark, locked, and empty. "maybe she's just late." says Dom. they leave and come back the next day, then the next and the next. it’s all the same. empty, dark, and locked. "something's wrong." say Elijah worriedly. they find my house and knock. no answer. "Kate? Kate, open up its us." yells Orlando. "Kate this isn't funny. open up right now." calls Sean. nothing. "ok this isn't funny anymore. i wonder what’s wrong." comments Elijah. they go back down to the shop and after some careful searching, find the key. unlocking the door they look around and find a note. it says, "hey boys. thought you would find my spare key. I'm sorry if i have worried you but i had to go back to the states for a bit. i wouldn't worry at all. I’ll be back in a couple of weeks so not to worry. can't wait to see ya'll soon. love, Kate." they look at each other perplexed. "why would she want to go back there and not have the courtesy to tell us?" says Sean. Billeh is speechless and only shrugs and scratches his head in confusion. they sigh and head back to the set trying not to worry too much.

So a couple weeks later, the boys are doing the first of their five drive bys of my shop. they see it open and Elijah squeals in delight and jumps out of the car while it’s still moving. he runs in and says, looking yearningly at the coffee pots, "hi Kate! got any of them coffee pots going yet?" i turn and laugh saying, "hello to you too Elijah. here." i slide him a cup and he takes a sip immediately. "ouch! that's hot! but really good." he turns to the others that have just sat down from parking the car and i hand them their favorites. "so how have you been?" i ask cheerfully. "the more important question, love, is are you ok? you don't seem like the sort of person to just up and leave." asks Orlando, sipping his Black Dragon. i turn and i lose my cheeriness. "i'm fine. don't worry about me. now how was everything here. i really missed you guys. did anything happen?" i turn back to the guys my cheeriness returning. "nope not really. filmed, got drunk, missed your coffee. all the regular stuff." answers Dom. "and Ali?" I persist. "Perfect." replies Sean. "ooch wee lassie, ye' soore ye orkey?" asks Billeh leaning towards me. "i'm fine. no need to worry about me." i reply. "you know you can tell us anything." adds Elijah. "yes i know Lij. but trust me, i'm..... uh fine. now i have to go into the back for a second. please excuse me." without a reply i rush into the back. i go downstairs and start coughing sickenly. my eyes cloud over and i try to focus. "three deep breaths. three deep breaths......" i repeat over and over. i follow my own orders and return to normal. i walk back upstairs and force on a smile as i walk through the back room door to my friends. they all smile back at me with happy, gleaming faces.

"Is everything ok back there Kate? i thought i heard coughing." asks Sean. i shake my head. "nope nothing. maybe it was the fridge downstairs. sometimes it makes strange noises. i wouldn't worry about it." i reply. soon after they pack up and leave saying they will be back tomorrow. i smile. after they leave i say, "i'm fine. i'm not sick and i shouldn't be worried. at least that is what they said. no i AM fine. not going to worry at all." i continue my business and turn on the radio to be greeted by some Smashing Pumpkins. "ooh wonderful." i say, slightly bouncing.

The next couple weeks go as they always did and i was totally fine. there was nothing wrong with me. or so i thought. i started feeling weird one day near closing. Elijah, Billeh, Orlando, and Dom discovered that the drink at night wasn't that bad at my cafe. so they were they one night as everyone was clearing out from having just been to a small concert by Aerosmith. "thank you Mr. Tyler." i say when they come over. "no problem Kate. i wanted to see Liv anyways and it was a joy. anytime." he replies. i smile. they leave and soon after the boys turn to leave and i say, "oh uh i won't be open tomorrow. you can stop by my house if you want or have time. i don't know its up to you." they nod and leave. i collapse in a faint, but still being conscience. i get up slowly and shake my head. "no its fine. i just slipped." i said trying to kid myself. "I’ll be fine. not to worry. really." i give up on cleaning up and just go home.
i open the door and go up to bed. i toss and turn all night, so after 3 hours of inability to sleep, i get up and turn on the light. i get out my notepad and start to write. my eyes heaving, i fall to sleep, with pen still in my hand.

The next day, Elijah knocks on the door and looks at Billeh, Dom, and Orli. "hello??" he calls. he knocks again. nothing. "uh oh." says Orlando. on the third try, when the door was starting to bend, it opens. "hi..... uh do we have the right house? does Kate live here?" standing before them is a girl, looking the same age as Kate only a bit taller. her eyes are red rimmed and glassy. the guys get a little edgy. "yeah she does but she's not here right now. i'm Kat, her best friend. or was..... i hope not." Dom looks at her strangely. "what do you mean was? ok where is she uh Kat. we're her close friends." he takes a small step foreword. "she's not here. she - "Kat collapses in tears and can't go on. she beckons them inside and offers them the couch in the living room. they wait patiently as she cries. "calm down hon., now can you tell us where Kate is?" asks Orlando putting his hand on her shoulder. "t-t-the ho-s-s-" she starts. she doesn’t' need to finish. "THE HOSPITAL?!" they all exclaim in unison. She nods and follows them as they sprint out the door, into the car, and rush to the hospital.

Running inside they reach the main desk. “Did a Kate come in recently?” asks Orlando a nurse urgently. They realize they didn’t even know her last name. “Yes, one arrived uh…” she looks it up on the computer screen, “an hour ago.” Elijah looks at Kat. “Can you tell us her room number?”  The nurse checks the screen again. “Oh she’s still in ER. They may have moved her to OR though.” She replies. “Can you tell us what happened to her?” asks Dom. “Well from what we can gather, she has a….. how to put this…… unique type of pulmonary tuberculosis,” replies the nurse. “Is she going to die?” asks Billeh fearfully. “No, and that is why it’s unique. She won’t die but we don’t know where it is in her. Please wait if you want to. We’ll try to keep you updated,” ends the nurse. They take a seat, away from everyone else. “It’s all my fault.” Whispers Kat. “No, don’t say that.” says Orlando. “Yes it is. I should’ve come out here earlier. I’m a doctor. I would’ve seen it sooner and gotten her better. I don’t want her to die.” She replies, trying to choke back tears. “How do you know her anyway?” asks Elijah from under his hands. “We have been best friends since grade school. Always there for one another. Now the one time I wasn’t, it happened.” She says. “It wasn’t your fault Kat. It could’ve happened to anyone. She, she got a call one day, while I was at the shop. She came out looking, frightened almost.” recalls Elijah. “What can we do now? Call up Peter? No, he shouldn’t know about this. It’ll be all over the papers. Damn! Why her!!” Sean’s voice rises dangerously. “What about Alli? Is she ok at home?” asks Orlando. “Yeah. Christine came today. Better call her and tell her I’ll be late.” replies Sean, picking up his cell. “Well, looks like all we can do is wait now. And pray.” sighs Dom.

Slowly each one falls asleep. Sprawled out on a chair, each head tips back randomly. Kat can’t sleep though. She goes up to the nurse, a different one this time because of the night shift. “Is Kate Roberts out of the ER or OR yet?” she asks, glancing back at the five sleeping men. “Let me check.” Says the nurse, looking to the computer screen. “Are those the guys from Lord of the Rings?” she adds. “Yeah I think so.” Replies Kat. Kate always did seem to find the weirdest friends. “Oh she just left it about half and hour ago. Room number 35.” Says the nurse, glancing at the guys. “Thanks. Is she able to see visitors?” breaking the nurses glances at the soft snoring. “Yes, if your quiet.” says the nurse. “Thank you.” says Kat, wondering if the nurse even heard her. Leaving her to her gawking, Kat walks a bit, takes an elevator and enters a room around the corner. Knocking she hears a muffled, “from fin,” and enters.

“Kate? It’s me, Kat.” She calls softly. “Kat? What are you doing here?” I ask, trying to sit up. “Stay there,” commands Kat. “Yes Doctor,” is her sarcastic reply. “I found you lying in your kitchen, half dead. Did you know about this?” asks Kat. “Yes. I went back to the states for tests and they said I would be fine. But I kept passing out and whatnot. Guess you came to visit and had a nasty surprise. Did you get my note?” I ask, reaching for a glass. She gets up and hands it to me, looking briefly at the contents. “Mountain Dew? They actually let you have it?” she awes. I grin. “Yeah, took a little contemplating but you know me.” I reply with a sip. “I was gonna send that to you but I see you got it before. Did you read it?” I ask again, going back to the letter. “Yes I did and that’s why I called the hospital. Haven’t been trained in that yet, unfortunately.” She sighs. I laugh. “Oh and did you get any visitors?” I ask, remembering Elijah and them. “Actually I did. Some movie star gents came knocking and found me crying. They’re out in the main lobby, snoring up a storm. Should wake up soon though.”  She replies. “Ok. Did you give them the other letter? Or Elijah I should say. Fell asleep before I could write another.” I yawn. “How are you feeling? Are you gonna be ok?” she asks, remembering that I had just gotten out of ER. “Yeah, I’m feeling better. They said that they found it in my lower back or something. Want to see me in like 3 months or something. But they have drugs to give me for the time being.” I reply with a roll of eyes. Drugs and I aren’t really best friends. “But you will be ok now right?” persists Kat. “Yes. Don’t worry.” I reply. I hear a faint clatter of feet and say, “5 bucks says it’s them,” to Kat. She’s heard it too and replies, “You’re on.” Then with a short wave she goes out to meet them.

“Kat! Is she ok? Is she awake?” yells Orlando. “Will you shut up?! People are sleeping!” Hisses Kat. They stop and Orlando blushes. “Oh yeah, sorry ‘bout that. So is she ok?” he asks again. Kat groans. “Yes, she’s ok and she’s awake. Her room is down the hall and first one around the corner.” They are way too much like Kate’s other friends. They start back up, but Kat catches Elijah. “Hold up,” she says and hands him an envelope. “Kate wanted you to read this. Probably something in case it went to the worst.” She adds. He opens it carefully and starts to read quietly to himself. “Dearest Elijah,” he grumbles a bit thinking that all the niceness she gave him was just going to come up to, ‘I love you.’ But as he continued to read it was very obscure. “By the time Kat gets around to giving you this, which is if she remembers, I will most likely be dead. Don’t think it is your fault; you are not to blame at all. You’ve most likely learned what is, or was, wrong with me. Well it’s something that I lived in secrecy with and you thought me to be fine. I was fine, for a while. But then it got worse. I didn’t want any or you to know, or expect to understand if you did find out. I acted as if everything was fine, put on a smile to make al of you happy. Because, dear Elijah, if you were happy, I was happy. Here is a poem from a book I read. It’s called “Not Waving but Drowning.”

Nobody heard him, the dead man,
But still he lay moaning:
I was much further out than you thought
And not waving but drowning.

Poor chap, he always loved larking
And now he's dead
It must have been too cold for him his heart gave way,
They said.

Oh, no no no, it was too cold always
(Still the dead one lay moaning)
I was much too far out all my life
And not waving but drowning.

You see, I got too far out. Farther out than I thought. And I didn’t realize it until it was too late. So I hope, in all your stardom, you’ll never forget me or the chat we had, all that time ago about finding yourself. I thought I had found myself in you, in my friends, but I just couldn’t reach it. I’m sorry. Good bye love. Kate.”

He reads it again. It doesn’t make sense to him. Then it comes. “Well it seems as if life has taken you where you want and don't want……….Well i think everyone doesn't know who they are sometimes. Its human nature i believe. They are so caught up in trying to be whatever everyone else wants them to be, they forget who they want themselves to be." That’s what she said to him, the day he talked to her. He turns away from the room. “Dude, what’s wrong? Don’t you want to see her?” Kat asks. “No, maybe later.” He replies, a little upset, heading to the door. Elijah goes outside and takes out a cigarette. Releasing a long drag he looks at the smoke cloud confusingly. A little voice says, “What’s wrong? Afraid of knowing the truth?” he shakes his head and looks at the smoke again but it’s gone and disappeared. “No,” he whispers to no one. He blows another smoke cloud and the voice replies, “Then why don’t you go see her? What are you so afraid of?” this is really creeping him out. “Nothing. I just don’t want to-” he starts. “Face the truth? Just because you were given the real her you’re afraid. You need to be there. Because-” the voice that had gotten stronger was cut off as Orlando runs through the door. “Dude, she wants to talk to you. Why aren’t you in here?” he asks. “Uh, I just got a bad craving for a smoke. Bad habit though it is.” He follows Orlando back into the hospital and turns into Kate’s room, to see her for the first time since she had been hospitalized.

He sees Dom and Billy sitting at chairs on either side of her bed, almost like bodyguards. Orlando’s leaning on the door, having just come in. He looks to me. ‘She looks better than I thought.’ He thinks, half thinking the voice will shout at him, ‘How dare you! What did you expect her to look like? Dead?!’ but it didn’t come. “Hey.” Elijah says aloud, finally. “hey.” I reply softly. He doesn’t look happy. I furrow my brow and add, “Are you ok?” With a smile and a shrug he replies, “Yeah, just tired ya know?” I smile and nod. It gets so quiet I cough to break it. “Uh we’re gonna go and get some coffee. ‘K hon?” Dom says awkwardly. “Yeah sure.” Elijah motions to go with them but Sean says, “No you have to talk to her. It’s her for god sakes. She’s not going to hurt you.” Everyone exits and Elijah sits in Dom’s place. He’s thinking of something, anything, to say but I start talking first. “Ok bud either spill or you’ll end up occupying the bed next to me.” He sighs. “Are you mad at me? I’m sorry I have this condition. I didn’t want you to know! Or was it the letter? Hey I didn’t think I would make it but I guess now you can go around saying I’m a suicide lover! I just wanted to be your friend. Now you come here and I feel not only humiliated but like an idiot because your acting so weird!” I continue in a mad heat. I was mad at him. I thought he cared about me, but all he can do is sit there and be tongue tied.

Looking out the window, I see his reflection but it blurs as tears start to well. I didn’t want this. I didn’t want any of this. All I wanted was to move away from my past life and open a coffee shop here. I look to the IV running out of my arm. ‘Just pull it.’ A nagging voice says. My fingers twitch as I think of how I would sputter, scream and die. Following the tube upward I look at the machine, watching the mountains and valleys the green line makes across the screen. Then I see it go flat in my mind. I feel a hand on my arm. Turning I see Elijah looking at me sadly. “I’m sorry. I don’t know or understand at all. All you wanted was a friend and I wasn’t helping at all. But I’m here for you now and I deserve every bit of yelling you need to do. I’m sorry Kate, I really am.” He says, squeezing my shoulder tightly.

My body, in a rush of joy, leaps up to hug him. Then I gasp horrified, falling back into the bed in a heap. Elijah, surprised by my sudden movement, jumps up and cries out in fear. He sees the bloody IV cord waving loosely like a flag, on the ground. The group rushes in to his crying curses and my hollow gasps. “What happened man!” Orlando cries as Kat runs to get a nurse. “She jumped up and then fell back and then I saw that swaying out of her arm or something!” Elijah sobs in horror. The nurse comes and orders them all out quickly.

In my field of paper flowers
And candy clouds of lullaby
I lie inside myself for hours
and watch my purple sky fly over me

I laugh and get up as a cloud of butterflies circle around me. I’m still laughing when I hear my name. Soft, and wispy it calls, “Kate.” I turn and it calls again. I call out to it and follow the sound, still laughing. It beckons me to run and I obey. It’s like a dream, running in pure light, everything vibrant and colorful. Nothing could go wrong. Then I run off the cliff and the music that was going drastically changes.

I tried to kill the pain
but only brought more
I lay dying
and I’m pouring crimson regret and betrayal
I’m dying praying bleeding and screaming
am I too lost to be saved
am I too lost?

I fall into the blackness. I can’t see anything. When I cry out, nothing happens. I see something below. I land on the hard ground, in the middle of a black forest. A light appears before me. “Elijah?” I ask, looking up. “Give me a reason to believe that you're gone. I see your shadow so I know they're all wrong. Moonlight on the soft brown earth. It leads me to where you lay. They took you away from me but now I'm taking you home.” he says. I get up to go to him, but then he disappears. I search frantically but there’s no one. I sit on a rock and look some more. Then a little voice in my head says, “They’ve all left you. They don’t love you. Give up. You will never be strong enough. You will never be good enough. You were never conceived in love. You will not rise above.” I scream at it saying, “NO! THAT’S NOT TRUE!” Then everything blurs, goes dark, and I hear,

“Playground school bell rings again
rain clouds come to play again
has no one told you she's not breathing?
hello I’m your mind giving you someone to talk to

if i smile and don't believe
soon i know I’ll wake from this dream
don't try to fix me I’m not broken
hello I’m the lie living for you so you can hide
don't cry

suddenly i know I’m not sleeping
hello I’m still here
all that's left of yesterday”


Elijah tells them what had happened more in depth and Kat has had enough. “Go home guys.” They look at her, surprised. “No.” Billy says. “Yes, you can do nothing more. Plus you have jobs to do. GO.” She says forcefully. She gets them to leave and she sits in the waiting room once more. This can’t be good. “Why is it always her?” she wonders aloud.

The next week nothing is better; the doctors all think I’m not going to make it. Kat takes it upon herself to start making funeral arrangements. “Why don’t’ you call her parents or family or something?” Elijah asks her one day. “Because she doesn’t have any. They all have abandoned her. And the ones who wouldn’t have are dead. She has only me.” Kat replies. “Oh.” Replies Elijah quietly. They all go in and stand by her. “We’re just going to detach the cord tonight. It’s hurting everyone too much to let her linger like this.” The doctor says. They stare at him, a gasp. “Fine. That will be fine.” Kat says quietly. They sit in silence and file out slowly. It’s only Elijah and the faintness of Kate left. Kneeling next to her he prays, “Don’t die. Please. I – I -” he starts to sob, unable to continue. The tears form a small puddle in her upturned cupped hand.

The black that I had been sitting in forever slowly started to turn to grey then white. I flutter my eyes and slowly open them. I look around and see Elijah crying and praying. I mutter something, not knowing what, and he looks up. “Kate?” he asks. I look into his tearstained eyes and smile. “Hi.” I whisper. “Are you ok? Should I call someone? Kat! Kat!” he calls. I put a hand over his mouth. “Shhh… I’m ok. Are you ok?” I ask softly. “I am now.” he replies. I try to sit up but can’t. “Why can’t I move? Why do I feel so weak?” I ask. “You’ve been sick for a long time. But you’re gonna be better now. I know you are.” Elijah says happily, smiling at me. He helps me sit up and I eat something. “I think everything is better. I feel fine.” I tell him. “I’m going to go get a doctor ok?” he asks. I nod. An hour later they take an X-ray and proclaim that what I had, it was gone from my body. “Those things don’t just disappear.” The doctor said. “Well she’s ok now so we’re going to take her home and keep close watch on her.” Kat says. They reluctantly let me leave and we get to my house. “Kate, I’ve been meaning to tell you something.” Elijah says nervously after everyone had gone inside. “Yes?” I ask. “I love you.” He says boldly. “I love you too. I’ve loved you ever since that talk at the coffee shop.” I reply softly. He takes me in his arms and kisses me slowly. “Will you?” he asks. I know what he means. “Yes.” I reply and bring him into another kiss. “Nobody’s perfect but girl you are pretty damn close!” he says before we return to our friends.