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Part 5
A Thousand Hours


Tara awoke next to Eric. She smiled as she realized where she was and that it was not a dream, she really was with the person she loved. She turned over so she could watch him sleep while she thought. Eric was lying on his back and his mouth was relaxed into a satisfied smile. Tara ran her fingers through his hair.

She wondered how long they were going to keep seeing each other, pretending that she went down to visit him with innocent intentions that would befit cousins… but they were step-cousins weren’t they? She hoped that in a year or two they would be at the point where they were sure enough to be more open about their relationship. For the moment she had to be contented with being secret lovers, which had it’s own attraction for the thrill of being caught. Tara looked forward to being in college, she had handed her application to the college in Eric’s home town only a few days before. She was sure that with her grades they would accept her and then she would be able to see him whenever she wanted to.

She thought a little more on how wild and romantic it felt knowing that at any moment they could be found out. She played out dramatic scenes in her head of being confronted and professing her undying love for Eric, no matter what the cost was. What a wonderful story it would all make someday, maybe she could write a book? If she included details of some of their more memorable encounters the book would be sure to sell. She tingled as she remembered the things they had done to each other in a dark and almost empty movie theater the night before. This gave her an idea.

Tara leaned closer to Eric and bit his ear lobe. Once she was sure he was awake she slipped her tongue in his ear. She knew he was erect before she even saw it.

“I wish my alarm clock could do that.” Eric whispered to her.

“If you had me around more you wouldn’t need the clock.” She grinned. Eric smiled for a moment and then seemed to be lost in thought.

“What cha’ thinking about?” Tara asked.

“I have some bad news.” Eric confessed. Tara tensed, she didn’t like she tone of his voice.

“What? Is something wrong?”

“The next few weekends I am going to have to work I think. It might be a while before you see me again.” He told her. She was disappointed, but relieved that the bad news was not worse.

“That really sucks.” She frowned. “I’m going to miss you… how long?”

“I don’t know. Could be a few months the way things are going.” Eric shrugged.

“Are you kidding? A couple months? They can’t make you do that.” Tara sat up and stared at him.

“I need the money Tara, I used to work practically every weekend before I started seeing you.”

“You couldn’t do every other weekend? It has to be every weekend?”

“They need me there.”

“So that is it? They need you at work so you are going to fucking abandon me? Why don’t you get a different job if the pay is so shitty you need to work every day?”

“Tara, please don’t get mad. I’m not qualified for anything that pays better. I’m just in a little rocky period right now and as soon as I get my head above water again we’ll be fine. I just overspent a little lately between going out and gas mileage…”

“So it’s all my fault?”

“No… Tara you’re upset.” Eric reached out to her.

“Damn right I am.” She turned her back to him. She suddenly felt naked and pulled a sheet up over her front. Eric moved closer to her and put his arms around her. She was tense and did not give in to his embrace. He kissed her neck and felt her loosen a little. She was breathing heavily and he thought she must be crying.

“I’ll try to see if I can work a lot of hours so that I get the overtime pay and can get out sooner. It’s not forever. You know I would much rather be with you than working.” He kissed the back of her neck and buried his face in her hair. She turned around to look at him, tears streamed down her face.

“I just don’t like to be away from you. I love you Eric and you’re the only thing that makes me happy. I need you.” She cried. Eric help her tightly and stroked her hair while she cried.

As she began to calm down she started to kiss him clumsily.  Eric leaned her back. He parted her legs gently and pulled away the sheet revealing the hidden treasure he coveted. He put his hands on the outside of her thighs and used his tongue to send her over the edge into ecstasy several times before coming up to kiss her again.

Tara felt light headed as she tried to seal her lips to his for as long as possible before needed to stop for air. As he kissed her he used his fingers to continue where his tongue had left off.

“But what about you?” Tara gasped. She dug her nails into his back. Eric didn’t reply but turned her over and entered her from behind, using his fingers to stimulate her. Tara had never done this before and was a little shocked at first, but soon she buried her face in her pillow and dug her fingers into the bed as hard as she could to keep from calling out she enjoyed it so much.

“Never stop doing this to me.” She breathed reaching down to take hold of one of his hands which was at work busily. She felt him kiss her back then bite it lightly and approved with a sharp intake of breath.

The two had become to used to each other’s bodies that they were able to time it correctly so the two came at the same time and collapsed side by side on the bed. Eric pulled her close so her back was resting on his chest, his knees tucked into the back of hers. She put one of his hands over her breast and the other over her belly.

“I don’t know what I would ever do without you.” She whispered to him, but he did not reply, and they both slipped back to sleep.