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Part 6

A Shocking Revelation


Tara paced around her bedroom anxiously. She had not heard from Eric at all for three weeks and she was starting to really miss him. It hurt to think of how much longer she would have to wait like this if she was already miserable after three weeks of nothing. She did not know what she was supposed to do.

Since she had begun to see Eric on weekends her grades in school had slipped because she spent less time on her work and more time working on Eric. Now that she did not see Eric at all her grades had dropped to an abysmal level and it was all she could do to keep at a passing level. She was completely distracted in class and when she was at home she spent all her time checking her e-mail hoping to have received a message.

“You would think he could have found time to send me a little message… just once in all this time. He must be so tired working constantly like that.” She shook her head and looked into the mirror. Her eyes were dark circles and her hair was lank and stringy. She frowned and looked away.

She knew she had to get a hold on herself soon. It was almost time for her to take her finals and if she blew that there was no way she would pass. She was still waiting to hear back from college to be admitted and she was starting to become concerned because it was taking so long to hear back.

That night she tried to study but ended up falling asleep on her books without having absorbed much information. She awoke in the morning with a headache and the history of the civil war printed in reverse on her face.


A few days before graduation Guidance called Tara into the office. She was a little reluctant to go, but she knew that it must be important. She made her way down the hallway looking ahead with a glazed over look in her eyes. She barely noticed the other people in the hall when they smiled or said hello.

Outside her councilor’s room she waited as he finished talking to the principal about another student. When the principal exited he waved her in and she stepping in and took a seat at the round table by the door.

“Hey Tara… how are you doing? Feeling alright?” Mr. Fercotti seated himself across from her.

“I’m fine.” Tara lied.

“Gee, I hate to be the one to talk to you about this… but your grades have really been sliding lately…”

“I know. I have been trying but I have been a little distracted.”

“Well the thing of it is… your math grade has slipped below passing level and you need that credit to graduate… if you follow me. It looks like you better consider a summer school program or night school. Otherwise you will have to come back next year.” He looked at her apologetically. Tara took a deep breath.

“So I will not be graduating?”

“Not with your class.” He shook his head.

“Ok… thanks for telling me. I guess that is good to know. I’ll pick up the class this summer and go on to college then.” She nodded.

“Take care alright?” He called after her as she left. She did not hear him, tears were already streaming down her face and she made her way out of the school building and to her car.

At home she stomped in right on top of the mail that had been deposited through the slot. She picked it up and sifted through it. Most of it was for her Mother or junk mail from some college she had no interest in. One letter caught her eye. It was from the college she had applied to. She tore it open quickly and read the letter nervously. With a sharp intake of breath and a mouse like squeak she tore up the letter and threw it into the trash can. She had been rejected from college and it was too late to try anywhere else. She had no future.

Tara tried to call Eric and left a message on his machine. She thought for a second and tried calling him at work. The person who answered said that he was not there. Tara had enough. She was going to go find him. She ran upstairs and threw a bunch of clothes into a nap sack with some important items and ran back down the stairs and out the door to her car. She threw the sack in the back and began the drive to her cousin’s house. She had been there enough times with him that she should be able to remember how to get there on her own without trouble, she figured.

Speeding all the way Tara managed to make it to Eric’s house in half an hour. She saw is car was in the drive and ran up to his door. She began to ring the bell and knock on the door frantically. She heard someone coming to answer the door and felt a wave of relief that she would soon be in Eric’s comforting arms.

The door opened and Tara took a step back. He head was swimming and she tried desperately to process the reason Eric’s door was answered by a tall, gorgeous, brunette in only a pair of black lace panties and one of Eric’s shirts.

“Can I help you?” The girl glared at her impatiently. Tara stammered for a minute.

“Is Eric there?” She finally managed. The girl nodded.

“Hang on. Eric!” She turned and called.

“Yeah?” He called back.

“Some kid wants you.” The girl called and wandered back from the door.

“Bitch.” Tara mumbled seeing her day was not going to improve soon.

Eric came wandering out of the bedroom wearing a pair of boxers. He was looking at the floor and scratching his head. When he looked up his eyes went wide and his jaw dropped.

“Tara! What are you doing here?”

“I need to talk to you.” She moaned. The brunette on the couch made a noise somewhere between a hum and a laugh and threw her legs up over the armrest with a look of smug satisfaction.

“Sure… come on.” He grabbed her arm and led her outside to his car.

“You’re going to drive in your underwear?” She asked.

“Beats standing outside like this.” He shrugged. She got in the passenger side and said nothing as he started the engine. She waited until the car was moving down the street to turn on him.

“Who the fuck was that??” She demanded. He smiled uncomfortably at her and took a deep breath.

“She’s a friend.” He replied.

“Is that it? ‘She’s a friend’ that is all you have to say?” Tara yelled.

“Things happen Tara! People change, ok?”

“In three weeks? You can go from loving me to fucking someone else in three weeks? I thought that I meant more to you than that! I thought we meant more to you than that!” Tara tried to hold back her tears. She did not want to be reduced to crying in front of him.

“Tara… how are things ever going to work for us? I want to know just what you think we are going to do? People are never going to understand this you know! In fact you are young enough that I could go to jail!”

“No… no, no, no… We can work this out. Eric… listen… we could go away somewhere were no one knows us and no one knows we’re…”


“Step-cousins.” She replied desperately. “Please. I can’t graduate… college doesn’t want me… I need to start over somewhere and get things right and I can’t do it alone. I need you… I love you.” She reached out to touch him but he pulled away.

“No.” He shook his head.

“But why?” Tara felt so hurt and used she could barely keep herself together.

“You really expect me to give up everything? My life, my job, my home, and everything just to go away with you because you fucked up at school and want to play house?” There was a sharp edge to his voice that made Tara draw back from him.

“I thought you would go with me because you love me… like you always told me you did just before you fucked me. Was that all this relationship was ever about?”

“I don’t know what it was about, Tara! I think I made a mistake because I risked everything for a third rate piece of ass that I am related to. I could lose everything because of this and it wasn’t worth it at all! I have spent every day for the last… I don’t know how long… feeling so dirty and so disgusting because I keep on banging an underage cousin who I used to baby-sit! When I am with someone else all I can think about is the way you squirmed and moaned whenever I touched you and how wrong it was! I can’t do this anymore Tara… I just can’t.”

“You think that this has not been hard for me? Do you think I went to bed every night feeling the world was fine and dandy? I have been in pain for weeks waiting to hear from you because you made me believe that this had a chance after all. I have compromised myself, my grades, my morals, my life… just because I thought that this was real! I have battled so many demons I could be a slayer for God’s sake!” Tara screamed at him.

“Well it is over with! You wont have to battle them anymore! Time to grow up Tara and realize that you are not always going to get your way in everything!” Eric screamed back. Tara turned away from him and began to cry.

“I’ve lost everything today. I think I’ve learned.” She murmured and curled into a ball.

“Oh Tara… I am sorry this happened. I didn’t plan things this way. I just can not keep on living this lie for myself… and for you. It wouldn’t be fair to you to keep this going either.” Eric softened. He began to regret his words. “Let me drive you home. I can bring your car back later and have someone follow me.” Eric said as they pulled into the driveway. Tara looked at him through bloodshot, puffy eyes.

“I don’t want to ride in a car with you now. I don’t ever want to even see you again.” She hissed. Eric reached out to touch her hand. She pulled away from him and glared. “Don’t touch me! I’ll never be able to wash away all the guilt and disgust I already have!” She glared and him and got out of the car.

“Tara, please try to understand…” Eric pleaded.

“I understand perfectly well. I understand better than you want me to! It was good enough before you found someone hotter to fuck!” She gestured to the brunette who was standing on the steps watching. She called up to the girl. “Try it in a movie theatre sometime! He is good at that!”

“Tara stop!” Eric begged her.

“So long and thanks for the great fucks! Asshole!” Tara screamed and got into her car. She squealed out of the driveway and sped down the road. Eric shook his head and began to walk into the house.

“Who was that ugly slut?” The brunette asked.

“Shut the fuck up, Courtney!” He yelled at her.

“No one talks to me that way… Fuck you!” The girl flipped him off, grabbed her clothes, and left.

“Oh fuck.” Eric grumbled and settled into the couch just as the police arrive to investigate a domestic disturbance reported in the area.


Tara got onto the highway and sped south. She saw the sign for her exit coming up. In a minute her exit came up and she did not slow down, but blew right past it. She did not intend to go home that night. She had clothes and some money. She decided to just keep on going until she found someplace she liked the sound of.

On the side of the road a man around 20 was trying to hitch a ride. She pulled over.

“Where you headed?” She asked.

“Wherever I can get to. I got to get out of this place.” He shrugged. She noticed that he had a lighter in one hand and a joint in the other.

“You like alternative music?” She asked.

“It’s all good!” He smiled broadly.

“Get in.” She nodded. Maybe this guy would just get off at the next stop or stay with her a while… hell, he might even gut her and dump her in a field… Tara just didn’t care anymore. She wanted a change and a little adventure and she could feel that it was just barely beginning.