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Shadow People, OBE's, and Sleep Paralysis (Old Had Syndrome)


Currently SilverClaw and Mary are doing research into the relationship between Shadow People, OBE's, and Sleep Paralysis. Any information that anyone would like to supply us with be it personal experience, recommended books, web sites, etc... or anything else you think my possibly be helpful to us. Anything you want to tell us can be sent to Mary at try to put something about it into the headline so I do not accidentally delete the e-mail thinking it is junk mail. Thank you.

Below are questions that we would like answered concerning our research:

Date and time (if possible) or occurrence:

Nature of occurrence:

How long did occurrence last?

Were there any visual or auditory occurrences to be noted?

Did you experience any distinct physical feelings or changes?

How often do these occurrences happen?

Do you have any personal feeling on why these occurrences happen?

Is there anything else which you believe is important in relationship to these occurrences (i.e. long term physical, mental, spiritual changes... emotional problems... whatever.)


You can copy and paste these questions into an e-mail or just write down what happened as best you can remember. Either way is fine with us.

Thank you!

-Mary and SilverClaw