SAUNDERS UK Version 1.0

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Welcome to saundersuk-THE CREATOR
Last Updated 04/03/03
Layout Jennifer Saunders 1.0

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User Number: 913680
Date Created:2003-02-21
Number of Posts: 145

I can\'t find enough words to describe myself in a way that can seem interesting,because I am not an interesting person.somehow,I saw the raw, naked truth for the most part... I guess one could say that the rest of my life is history.
Strengths: loving,open-minded,originality,hope,not being completely insane,patience,knowing my emotions,expressions through music,friends.
Weaknesses: low self-esteem,lazy,apathetic,paranoid,being looked down apon,living in the shadow of others,close-minded,my own self-hatred.
Special Skills: expression in paint shop pro and/or photoshop,photography,expression through music,poetry
Weapons: needles,safety pins,lighters,sharp objects,blood,matches.
Everything else: music.I have to have music,every second,of everyday.I really dont know where I would be without it.Check out my MP3 list.

Friends.They mean the world to me.They all know who they are and know that I love them all.

Jennifer Saunders.Believe it or not,But she has changed me.And for the better.She has made me laugh like no one else for the last three and a half years.And I know that when I\\\'ve been having a bad day,I can put in abfab,french and saunders or anything that she has been in and instantly be happy,and in a better mood.She is just a truely amazing women.

Miss Marilyn Monroe.As for jennifer,she is another inspiration to me and she is a truely amazing women as well.

Nine Inch Nails.Their mucic makes me feel as If I\'m someone important.As stupid as that might sound.But it is true.

Marilyn Manson:I dont think I have liked anyone as long as manson before.Its been six years and growing.His music isnt just songs to me.It is soo much more than that.If I were to die tommorow,I would wish for him to know how much of a fan I was,and how much everything he did ment to me.

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