Saunders UK Version 1.0

:: The Creator :: Cliques :: Kim's journal :: Site Credits :: Contact ::

This website was made possible by...

Jennifer Saunders.Cosidering she is the inspiration behind it.Without her,this site wouldnt be in existance.So thank you,thank you,thank you for being so fucking amazing and doing what you do.


. Most site design © copyright Kim 2002-2003 (with some codes from the javascript source ) ..


. ALL pictures found at various sites,(except the abfab gallery section) and are © their respective owners.(Including, the abfab gallery I just took the caps) . *however,if you are the owner or notice I have any on here from you're site and would like to be credited just let me know.*

. Source for the Filmography section provided by :

Everything else
. All page grphics were made by me using Micrografx,psp6,and a few graphic sites.*except where pointed out*.

If you're reading this and know any other sites that I have forgotten to mention,let me know so I can add them.

Now knowing this,go back to the rest of the site

:: Abfab Fanatic :: Images :: Biography :: Filmography :: :: Disclaimer ::