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NCOL Art Gallery

Welcome to the ICOL Art Gallery. Below are a few pieces of art posted by our members. If you have something you want to have hosted here, send me (shela Freemont, ID: 120695) a QP, then email me the pic, and Ill host it.

*If any of you happinen hommies have any midi files, or Mp3s you would like played on this page, just ask, and Ill see if I can't figure out how to do that. ;-)*

pyros lil picture...

Ugots pic 1

Ugots pic 2

Ugots 3rd pic, currently being used as our beloved monkeys pic

Pyros pic 2

My own Pics... Sorry that its slightly rotated but it was the only way with the crapy camera I got... its also poor quality with minimal pixals but it gives the general idea of what it looks like!(NOTE: part of the image is missing)*please be patiant while it loads*

The above photo is of an art piece that I created about 6 months ago... Its a recreation of the artists origanal self portrate... *M.C. Eschers globe reflection...

The above is Eschers original piece...

another of my own *compliment of someones siggy*
