Five Months Later-2003

Buffy had taken Dawn and left foe England a month after her conversation with Giles. She was staying there, gathering slayers and sending them to Giles and Andrew, in Sunnydale. Kennedy and Willow had went to Rio and Xander had headed off to Africa.

Buffy sat on the couch, in her and Dawn's apartment, and sighed. She had waited a month, hoping that Giles would talk about the love that she had seen in his eyes and head in his voice. But he hadn't, and she hadn't said anything. "I'm so stupid," she murmered with her chin in her hands. There was a knock on the door. She sighed, smoothed down her hair, and opened the door.

"Giles?," she gasped.

He gave a slight smile, "Hey, Buffy. Can I come in?"

She moved aside,"Of course. Have a seat." They both sat on the couch, silent for a few minutes.

Suddenly, Giles turned to face her, grabbed her hands, and said, "We need to talk."
She just, dumbly, nodded.

"Okay, I need to say something and I don't want you to hate me. But, if I don't say it, I'll always kick myself." He hesitated a moment and then started speaking, "I love you. Not as a father, but as a lover. I have since you were sixteen. I tried to fight it, tried to hide it, but it grew stronger everyday. I saw you with Owen, Angel, Parker, and then Riley, and it was slowly killing me. I tried my hardest to keep you safe and when I would fail, I couldn't stand it. When you hurt, I hurt. I love you and I always will."

Buffy smiled and took his face in her hands. "I feel the same. When I was sixteen, it was infatuation. When I was eighteen, it was full-blown love. That's why I went out with those other guys. Trying to forget my love and a little to make you jelouse. I couldn't stand you dating Jenny or Olivia, but I wanted you to be happy."

Giles smiled,"It would make me very happy if you say that you'll be mine. Will you?"
Buffy nodded,"Of course."

They kissed a slow kiss and never heard the door open. The next thing they heard was Dawn asking,"Guys. Um, did I miss something?"

Wedding Day-2004

Buffy smiled and looked at herself in the mirror. She had on a strapless, white, silk gown that had beads down the back, and billowed at the bottom. Her hair was piled on top of her head, with tressals hanging down on either side of her face, and a gauzy veil covering her face. Her white heels were new, her single-strand pair of pearls were borrowed from Kennedy, and her garter was blue.

Willow knocked on the door and opened it. "Buff? You ready?"

Buffy smiled and nodded, "More than ready." She stood behind the church doors. She watched Kennedy's little sister walk down the aisle as the flower girl, watched Kennedy and Willow and Faith and Dawn walk down the aisle as her bridesmaids. Then it was her turn. Her father took her arm and they headed toward her future.

She looked at Giles in his black tux and smiled. 'I love that man,' she thought. Xander, Andrew, Wesley, and Angel stood beside him as his best men. They were having the wedding at night , so Angel could attend. Her father walked her to Giles, gave her a kiss on the cheek, and gave her hand to Giles. Twenty minutes later, they were pronounced husband and wife and they shared a short, sweet kiss. They headed to The Bronze, a nightclub they had rented out for the reception.

"And, now for the first time in public, Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Giles!," the disc jokey announced as he started the song for their first dance. Buffy and Giles walked to the center of the floor, hand in hand, as the first strands of the song floated through the speakers.

I never believed in dreaming, it never got me very far.
I never believed that love could find me, like an arrow through the heart.
I never believed in miracles, or building castles in the air.
Not until that day I found you, turned around and you were there.
From the day you came, you gave me, a whole new point of view.
I've been touched by an angel, it's impossible, but true.

I believe in you.
I swear that forever from today, no one will ever take your place.
I believe in you.
And I believe our love will last always.

I never believed in fairy tales, tho sometimes I wish I could,
I never believed that golden slippers could ever find the perfect foot.
I never believed in magic, or that wishes could come true,
But your very kiss changed all this, something only you could do.
You made me a believer, you made me trust again,
You showed there's a pot of gold, at every rainbow's end.

I believe in you.
I swear that forever from today, no one will ever take your place.
I believe in you.
And I believe our love will last always.

Only love, sets you free,
And if you serve to fate, then you're my destiny.
Now I know, now I see.
Anything can happen, if you just believe.

I believe in you.
I swear that forever from today, no one will ever take your place.
I believe in you.
And I believe our love will last always.

(*"I Believe In You" sung by Joe and NSYNC. No Copyright infringement intended.*)

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