"Shit!" exclaimed Buck.

"Did he just say what I think he said?!" Vin Tanner asked.

The other six men were all sitting in a surveillance van. Because of the wire they could hear everything that was going on.

"Yes, Mr. Tanner, he did," Ezra Standish replied.

"Brother JD is being awfully quiet," commented Josiah Sanchez.

"So would I, Josiah, if a man sprung that on me," said Nathan Jackson.

They heard JD's voice again, "You're my father? How can I be sure?"

JD had forgotten that his colleagues were out in the van, listening to everything that was being said.

'My father? How can that be?' JD silently thought. The man walked over to a table, opened a book, and took out a photo. He walked back over to JD and handed it to him. JD, timidly, took it.

He took a deep breath and looked at it. He paled when he saw the picture. It was the same picture that his mother had had. It was taken in 1968 at a local fair. His mother was sixteen and Mr. Bishop was nineteen. He held his breath as he turned the picture over. He shakily exhaled as he read what was written on the back.

To Aaron, my love. That was the best night of my life. I will ALWAYS love you. ~Cordelia

"Oh my God," JD whispered.


"Do not call me that," JD firmly told Aaron.

Aaron sadly nodded, "Okay."

"Why now?"

Aaron sighed, "I heard that Cordelia died last year. I've tried to find you ever since. Just now tracked ya down. Been wanting to get to know you."

JD tossed the photo at Aaron. "Don't hold your breath. You'll be waiting a long time."

With that said, JD left the house. He got in his car and headed to the apartment that he shared with Buck. "I'd better go make sure that JD's okay," said Buck.

Chris nodded, "Let's go."

Buck reached the apartment a half-an-hour later. He saw JD's car in the garage and sighed. "JD? Ya here?" he called when he entered the apartment.

JD never answered, but Buck heard Limp Bizkit. He followed the music, finding JD in his room and hunched over his desk. Buck walked in and gently laid his hand on JD's shoulder. "You okay?"

JD looked up at Buck, nodding, "I'm just writing a letter. To Mr. Bishop. I'm okay, Buck, really." JD smiled and Buck nodded.

"I'll give you your privacy. But come and get me if you need to talk or anything."
JD nodded, "Sure thing."

Three days later, Aaron Bishop was going through his mail. He happened on an envelope that was from John Daniel Dunne 'Maybe I wasn't too late. Maybe he's ready to give me a chance.' Aaron thought as he ripped open the envelope and started reading the letter.

*All you've ever been is a call every now and then, from some old payphone. After you'd hang up, she'd take it rough and want to be alone. I know you from a picture of you and her together, taken at a fair in '68. You've got a lot of nerve to think you can walk right in here and take her place. To me you're just the man who made my mama cry. Someone who broke a lot of promises in his time. All I know about you is how to live without you. And I can see I have your eyes, but all you've ever been is the man who made my mama cry. When she took off my training wheels, held a job, and cooked the meals, where were you? Don't even start, she did her part and yours too. Now, you're back to play the part that was missing in my heart, when I was growing up. Well, you're a little late. I don't have time to waste on catching up.* You're not my father, Aaron. You're just the man that broke my mama's heart and left us all alone.
~John Daniel Dunne

The paper slipped out of Aaron's fingers as he realized that his worst fear had become reality. He was too late.

*=Lyrics sung by Lee Ann Womack and no copyright infringement is intended!

If anyone would like a sequel to this story, please email me or request it in the guest book. Otherwise, this story will stay as it is.

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