The next night JD was sitting at a table in the back of Inez's, so him and Aaron could have a little privacy. Out of the corner of his eye, JD saw movement by the door, and looked over. He saw Aaron, so he stood up and waved his hand. Aaron walked over to him and sat down. "Evening, JD, " he greeted.

JD nodded, "Hey."

They sat in uncomfortable silence for a few minutes before Aaron broke it, "Thanks for agreeing to meet me."

"Yeah, well I have a few questions."

Aaron nodded, "Okay."

JD took a deep breath and let it out, slowly, before he spoke. "I've been wondering why you left. Was it something about me?"

Aaron shook his head, "No. It wasn't you. I loved you and your mother very much." Aaron took a moment and continued, "I'm not proud of what happened. I was involved in helping out a local crime boss. I would make pick ups and drops of whatever he wanted. I made a routine trip to pick up a package to be delivered to the boss. When I got there I saw a man holding a young girl, probably around twenty, and I was informed that she was the package I was picking up. I put her in the car with me and couldn't get rid of the feeling that something wasn't right. I was able to get her to talking and, through her tears, she informed me that some guy had forced her in to a car when she was walking home from work. Then he had sold her to my boss. I kew what he wanted with her and I knew that she had been sold into white slavery. I couldn't let it happen, my concience took a hold on me. I took her to the local police and, dropped her off, and hurried home. I explained it to your mother and we agreed that the best thing for me to do was go to the cops. She was going to take you and move, go somewhere where you both could have a cgance at staying off the radar. She had a good friend in Boston, a priest. You know who I'm talking about?"

JD nodded, "Father Downs."

Aaron nodded, "He agreed to take ya'all in, to let you stay in the convent that he was over. It wasn't in the best neighborhood but we thought that you both would be safe there. I went to the police and told them that I would help them get the boss if they would give me protection and immunity. They called in the FBI and everything was a go. The FBI provided me with a new name, address, the works. I usually had a couple of agents watching over me. I still wasn't comfortable with the whole thing, I was always watching over my shoulder. I couldn't contact you or your mother, I didn't want to lead them to either of you. Well, a year ago, the FBI was finally sure that nothing wouldn't happen and I was able to come out of hiding. I went to Boston but found out that Father Downs had died and so had....Charisma. I found out that you had left and nobody really had an idea where you went. I started searching for you and finally found you here, in Denver. I'm sorry that I tricked you the way I did, I just wanted to meet you and try to explain."

JD was silent after Aaron finished speaking. "That's why mom didn't talk about you. When I would ask her something, she would just change the subject. When I would be angry at you, she would always support you though. I couldn't understand it."

Do you think...we could try and build a relationship?"

JD gave a slight smile, "I think I'd like that. To get to know you." They sat there and talked until closing time before making plans to meet up for lunch the following day and going there seperate ways.

When JD got home, he found Buck sitting in the livingroom. "Hey, Kid. How was the...meeting?"

"Jeez, Buck, you been waiting up for me?"

Buck had but he wasn't going to admit that to JD. He snorted, "Hardly. I've just been sitting here, watching some television."

JD cocked an eyebrow and nodded, "Uh huh." Buck could tell that JD didn't believe him but he didn' push it.

"Anyways, how'd it go?"

JD shrugged, "Pretty good. He gave me some answers to my questions. Seems I might've been wrong about him all of these years."

"Wanna talk about it to?" JD sat down and poured out the whole story. Buck knew he had to choose his words carefully and asked, "Are you sure he's on the up and up?"

JD could understand Buck's concern and said, "I believe him. We're suppossed to meet for lunch tomorrow."

Buck nodded, "Okay. If you need me, just ask." JD promised he would and went to bed.

The next day JD went to Burger King, to meet up with Aaron on his lunch break. After they ordered their food, they sat down and started talking in between bites. JD caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye, his agent training taking over. He whipped his head around and saw the barrel of a firearm sticking out of a car window. Before he was able to utter a word, all hell broke loose. He could hear the shooting, people screaming, children crying. He yelled, "Aaron! Down on the floor!" He saw Aaron holding his side and looking at the floor. Aaron removed his right hand and JD could see the crimson blood. Aaron slowly raised his head, looked JD in the eyes with a shocked expression and fell onto his back. JD crawled as fast as he could, while dialing 911 on his cell phone, over to Aaron's side. 'Please don't let him die. Please!,' JD silently prayed.

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