"Hey, Billy." Elizabeth whispered, after Billy had sat down next to her on the bed.

"Hi," Billy replied.

Elizabeth smiled,"I've missed you."

Billy had been away from Roswell, New Mexico for two months. He'd been in Lincoln County, New Mexico, testifying against some men from the Lincoln County war. He was promised a pardon from the Govener, but realized that he wasn't going to get it. So, he escaped the prison and headed back to Roswell.

"Missed you too."

Elizabeth smiled,"That's good." She leaned over and kissed him. He deepened the kiss and, gently, lowered her onto her back. He kissed her neck and started undressing her, loving the sound of her moans. After she was naked, he undressed himself. He laid down on top of her and started caressing and kissing her all over. A few minutes later, he was moving inside her and taking them both to the edge of completion. When they lowered from their orgasims, she smiled at him. He put his arm around her shoulders and pulled a blanket over them. A few minutes later, she fell asleep with her head on his chest.

He laid there, watching her sleep, for a couple of hours. He gently untangled himself from her embrace and got out of the bed. He got dressed and walked over to her desk. Making sure that she was still asleep, he sat down. Billy took a blank peice of paper and the quill pen. He saw her smiling face in his mind, as he wrote her a letter.

*Elizabeth, Wish I could be the one, the one who could give you love, the kind of love you really need. Wish I could say to you, that I'll always stay with you, that I'll always be with you. But, baby, that's not me. You need someone willing to give their heart and soul to you. Promise you forever, baby, that's something I can't do. Oh, I could say that I'll be all you need, but that would be a lie. I know I'd only hurt you. I know I'd only make you cry, I'm not the one you're needing. I hope someday you can find someway to understand I'm only doing this for you. I don't really wanna go, but deep in my heart I know this is the kindest thing to do. You'll find someone who'll be the one that I could never be. Who'll give you something better than the love you'll find with me. Oh, I could say that I'll be all you need, but that would be a crime. I know I'd only make you cry, I'm not the one you're needing. Leaving someone when you love someone is the hardest thing to do, when you love someone as much as I love you. Baby, it tears me up inside. But I'll never be the one you're needing. Baby, it's never gonna work out. I love you, goodbye.*


He, quietly, laid the letter on the pillow next to Elizabeth. Billy left the house and got onto his black mare. He knew that he would always regret what he did. But as he rode off, he also knew that it was for the best. Elizabeth deserved the best in life and that didn't include him.

(*=Lyrics sung by Celine Dion and no copyright infringement is intended.)

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