Love Is Blind

*She was in love and I'd ask her how? I mean why?*

"What happened?," Justin asked as he went and got an icepack.

Ashley shrugged,"I upset him. It was my fault."

Justin looked at her in shock,"WHAT?! This was not your fault! No woman deserves a black eye and busted lip!"

Ashley shook her head,"You don't understand. I deserved it, I burnt the dinner."

Justin just wanted to shake some sense into his best friend,"You're right. I don't understand, I don't understand how you can let him do this to you!"

She looked at him, her bottom lip quivering,"Because he only does what is best for me."

Justin shook his head,"Anyone who loves you would NOT do this to you at all."

"I love him and he loves me!," she exclaimed.

"How can you love him? Why would you even want to be with someone like him?" Justin asked with confussion and hurt.

Ashley's face turned expressionless and she said,"Nevermind. He does what he does for me, to help me."

Justin just sighed and continued to nurse her lip and eye.

*I could have killed you when you said your seed was growin' from his semen

1 - Love is blind, and it will take over your mind
What you think is love, is truly not
You need to elevate and find*

"You're what?!, exclaimed Justin.

"I'm pregnant," Ashley said with a smile. When she saw that Justin was less enthusiastic, her smile faltered,"What's the matter Jus? Aren't you happy for me?"

Justin silently counted to ten, he was furious. After a minute, he calmly replied,"Why are you so happy? Do you really want to bring a baby into the mess you're in?"

Ashley looked at him with hurt,"What are you talking about? Daniel loves me and I love him, this baby will be loved."

Justin was trying to control his anger so bad, but he felt it about to erupt. "Do you really think that what you have is love? Love isn't suppossed to be painful. Love doesn't cause black eyes, busted lips, broken bones! Have you thought about when the baby is born? What are you going to do when Daniel takes a few swings at it, huh?"

Ashley looked at Justin in shock,"Daniel would never do that! I'll just teach the baby to not do something to tick him off."

"Ashley, it's a baby! Babies are always getting into trouble, it's how they are! They are curious about everything! Do you want your baby to see him beating you?!" Justin yelled.

"Forget it Justin. You're my best friend, you're suppossed to be happy for me." Ashley got up and walked to the door as Justin went after her.

"Ash, please don't go back!," he pleaded. Ashley looked at him and walked out the door. Justin walked back into the livingroom and picked up a lamp off the endtable. "Why is love so freakin' blind?!," he yelled as he through the lamp across the room, shattering it against the wall.

*I don't even know you and I'd kill you myself
You played with her like a doll and put her back on
the shelf
Wouldn't let her go to school and better herself
She had a baby by your ass and you ain't giving no

"No, I can't. Daniel wants me to be at home, with Harmony and Chasity." Ashley told Justin, while at his house.

"Why doesn't he help you with them, they're his children too. You need to get an education. You're twenty-one, do something you wanna do for once."

Ashley shook her head,"Please don't fight with me about it in front of Harmony and Chasity."

Justin sighed and went and picked his two-year-old goddaughters from the playpin. He sat back on the couch with them,"I still can't believe you had twins."

Ashley gave a small smile,"Sometimes I can't either. But, I love them."

Justin sighed and smiled at her,"They love you too."

*One's born everyday and everyday she was your sucker
How could you beat the mother of your kids?
How could you tell her that you lover her?
Don't give a f*** if she lives
She told me she would leave you, I admit it she did
But came back, made up a lie about you missing your
Sweet kisses, baby ain't even know she was your
Had to deal with fist fights and phone calls from your
Floss like you possess her, tellin' me to mind my
Said that it was her life and stay the f*** out of it
I tried and said just for him I'll keep a ready clip*

"You don't love her, why don't you just let her go?" Justin angrily asked Daniel. Justin was having a little get-together at his house and was talking to Daniel in the kitchen.

He shrugged,"Why would I do that?"

Justin looked at him with hard eyes,"Because you don't love her or want her. If you did, you wouldn't beat her all the time. And, in front of your kids..."

Daniel sighed,"She had her way out. But, she came back." Justin sighed, knowing Daniel was right.

"She did leave, but you convinced her to go back. You missing your kids, bull! And, you're always cheating on her, why?"

Daniel shrugged again,"Nothing else to do?" At that statement, Justin just wanted to pound the nonchalant smile off Daniel's face.

"I had to take her to the hospital because she got in a knock-down drag-out with a grilfriend of yours, after the girl phoned Ash and told her that you two were screwing!"

Daniel lost his smile and looked at Justin,"Just stay out of her life. She dosen't want you or need you meddling in it." With that he left the kitchen and walked over to Ashley and the twins. Justin sat on a kitchen stool, steaming over the conversation. One of Justin's best friends, JC, walked into the kitchen. When he saw the look on Justin's face, he grew concerned.

He'd never seen Justin's face look so cold before and asked,"What's the matter bro?"

Justin sighed and said,"Ashley's boyfriend Daniel is the problem. I've tried to get her away from him for years, he doesn't love her, and the things he does proves that."

JC patted Justin on the shoulder,"You can't always get someone to see what's best for them."

"I'm gonna try to stay out of it and not cause any problems." His eyes and voice turned cold. He added,"But, I'll have my gun loaded in case."

JC looked at Justin in shock,"Justin you don't..."

Justin interupted him,"Yes. I do mean it."

*I don't even know you and I want you dead
Don't know the facts but I saw the blood pour from her
See I laid down beside her in the hospital bed
And about two hours later, doctors said she was dead*

"What happened?!" Asked a frantic Justin as Ashley walked into his house.

"Daniel...," was the only word she uttered as she collapsed onto the floor.

"Oh my God! Ashley!" Justin yelled as he knelt down beside her. He grabbed the phone and hurridly punched 911.

"911, how may I help you?" The dispatcher asked.

"I need an ambulance, now!," Justin yelled into the phone.
"You'll need to calm down sir, what happened?"

"My friend came to my house and she blood all over her head. She said, Daniel, and then passed out!"

"Okay sir, who's Daniel?"

"Hey boyfriend, he's been abusing her for years now."

"What's your name?," the dispatcher asked.


"Okay Justin, where are you at?"

"216 Sycamore Avenue. Please hurry!"

"They should be there any minute now."

"Okay, thank you."
"Let me know when they get there." A few minutes later there was a pounding noise on the door.

"That must be them."

"Okay." Justin hung up the phone and ran to the door.

"This way!," he said as he ran back to Ashley. The EMT's put an IV in Ashley's hand, checked her pulse, blood pressure, and put an oxygen mask over her face.

"BP is 100 over 20 and her pulse is very weak." An EMT said into his walkie-talkie. They loaded her on the stretcher and rushed her to the ambulence.

"I'm going!" Justin said.

A female EMT nodded and said,"Hop in!" When Justin was in beside Ashley, the ambulence rolled toward the hospital, sirens blaring.

An hour later a police officer walked over to Justin, in the waiting room,"Mr. Timberlake?" Justin nodded. "We went to the apartment that you told us Miss. Bellows and Mr. Maland lives and we couldn't find Mr. Maland. We found the twins though and they are with Miss. Bellows's mother as of now. We found signs of a struggle though, so we were able to put out an APB on Mr. Maland. I just thought you would want to know what's going on."

Justin nodded,"Thanks." Just then a Doctor walked out.

"Mr. Timberlake, I'm Doctor Gelows. I'm the Doctor that was assigned to Miss. Bellows."

"How is she?," Justin anxiously asked.

The Doctor sighed,"She's resting right now. She has internal bleeding and swelling around the brain. As of right now, it's touch and go." Justin couldn't hold it back and the tears started rolling down his cheeks.

He swiped them away and asked,"Can I see her?"

The Doctor nodded,"She's in room 217."

"Thanks," Justin replied as he walked away. He found the room and walked in, not prepared for what he saw. Ashley was in the bed surrounded by tubes and needles. She had oxygen tubes going in her nose and a white gauze bandabe wrapped around her head.

'She used to be so vibrant. Now she's just...' Justin shook his head to clear it of the thoughts. He walked over to her bed and sat in the chair, taking hold of her left hand.

She slowly moved her head to look at him and opened her eyes. "Jus?"

Justin smiled,"It's me Ash. How do you feel?"

She gave a half-smile,"Like crap."

"Guess that was a dumb guestion, huh?"

Ashley just shrugged and then turned serious. "I should have listened to you Jus."

"Don't think about that right now, just concentrate on getting better."

Ashley shook her head,"I need to say case.." She trailed off and then continued,"I want you to watch out for Harmony and Chasity. And, I want you to stay out of trouble. Don't try to get revenge. Will you do that for me?"

"I'll try my best, I promise."

Ashley gave a little smile,"Thanks. I love you Jus."

"I love you too Ash." Ashley gave Justin's hand one last squeeze and closed her eyes. A second later, Justin heard the incesstant beeping of teh heart moniter. Doctor Gelows and nurses rushed into the room, ushering Justin into the hall. He watched through the window as the Doctor use paddles, trying to resusitate Ashley. A few minutes later Justin saw the Doctor lower his head and shake it.

The Doctor walked out into the hall,"I'm sorry Mr. Timberlake. She's gone." Justin felt the tears welling up and knew that, for the first time in his life, he was going to break a promise to Ashley.

*I don't even know you and I want you dead
Don't know the facts but I saw the blood pour from her
See I laid down beside her in the hospital bed
And about two hours later, doctors said she was dead
Had the nerve to show up at her mother's house the
next day
To come and pay your respects and help the family pray
Even knelt down on one knee and let a tear drop
And before you had a chance to get up
You heard my gun cock*

A couple days later Justin went to Ashley's mother's house, after the funeral. The whole family was there and when Justin walked in he saw someone he hoped he'd never lay eyes on again. "Mrs. Bellows, what's he doing here?!"

"Hi Justin. He's the father of my grandkids and he was Ashley's boyfriend." Mrs. Bellows said as she wiped her eyes with a kleenex.

"You mean you don't know?"

"Know what?"

Before Justin could answer Ashley's sister, Angela, said,"It's time to pray mom."

Mrs. Bellows nodded and said,"Come along Justin." Justin walked with her to the circle and knelt down on his knees. He looked at Daniel as Angela prayed and saw a tear fall.

'Him crying? BULL!' Justin thought as he got madder. When the prayer was over, Justin jumped up, pulled the gun out of his waistband, and cocked it, aiming it at Daniel.

Daniel slowly looked at Justin and Angela yelled,"Justin! What are you doing?!"

Justin just kept his attention on Daniel and said,"You killed Ashley." He heard a collective gasp in the room and added,"It's my turn." With that, he pulled the trigger, putting a bullet in Daniel's head. Justin was suprised, but he didn't feel one bit of guilt for taking Daniel's life.

*Cops comin' in, watch me going to jail*

Before anyone could really process what had happened, the police rushed in and took in the scene. "A neighbor called, after hearing the gunshot." One officer said. "Give me the gun son," he added. Justin handed him the gun and the police officer handcuffed him. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will beheld against you in a court of law. You have the right to ana attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights?"

"Yes," Justin answered. "I'm sorry Mrs. Bellows," he added.

She walked over to Justin,"I'm sorry for having him here. I didn't know." As she cried, the police officer walked Justin to the car and put him in.

*You could never figure out even if I let you live
What our love was all about
I considered her my blood and it don't come no thicker*


(*NOTE: Lyrics are from the song "Love is Blind" by Eve and no copyright infringement is intended*)

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