Her parents never took the young girl to church
Never spoke of His name
Never read her His word
Two non-believers walking lost in this world
Took their baby with them
What a sad little girl

"Who's that?," asked Cara. Cara was sitting on the couch watching the movie Jesus. She didn't know who the guy on the cross was, so she asked her parents. "Shut your mouth! You don't need to know." Her mother snarled. She had heard people talk about a thing called a Bible, but her parents never read it to her. They never took her to the place called church and all she could do was cry.

Her daddy drank all day and mommy did drugs
Never wanted to play
Or give kisses and hugs
She'd watch the TV and sit there on the couch
While her mom fell asleep
And her daddy went out

"Give me another beer!," Cara's father commanded. Cara ran to the kitchen, grabbed a beer and rushed it back to her father. After she handed the beer to her father she ran upstairs. She was walking to her room when she passed her parent's room. Thre door was open a crack and she peeked inside. Her mother was sitting on the bed, sticking a needle into her arm. "Mom, wanna play barbies?," Cara asked.

"Get outta here. I'm going to bed." Cara sighed and walked back downstairs. She sat down on the couch just as her father walked out the frontdoor and left. She flipped on the television and watched Three's Company, it was the only escape she had to forget the pain she endured.

And the drinking and the fighting
just got worse every night
Behind their couch she'd be hiding
Oh what a sad little life
And like it always does, the bad just got worse
With every slap and every curse
Until her daddy in a drunk rage one night
Used a gun on her mom and then took his life

"Shut up Brad!"

"NO! You shut your mouth tramp," yelled Cara's father. He slapped Rose across the face as Cara scrambled behind the couch.

"Make me," Rose screamed in Brad's face.

"I will!," Brad screamed as he reached into his coat pocket. Rose could see the rage in Brad's eyes but before she could react he shot her in the chest. She fell onto the floor and when Brad didn't see her moving he turned the gun on himself and put a bullet through his head.

And some people from the city took the girl far away
To a new mom and dad
And kisses and hugs everyday
Her first day of Sunday school the teacher walked in
And a small little girl
Stared a picture of Him

"Come on,Cara, today's the day you meet your new family," the social worker said. The social worker took Cara into her office to meet the new family. When they entered,a woman and man stood up.

"You must be Cara," the woman said with a smile. Cara shyly nodded and the lady introduced herself. "Well I'm Jane Carter and this is my husband,Bob. And these are our kids. Nick, Angel,Aaron,B.J. and Leslie."

All five children smiled at Cara and said,"Hey." About an hour later they all boarded an airplane and headed to Flordia. Five days had passed and everyday Jane and Bob gave Cara hugs and kisses. The first time that had happened Cara had been shocked and scared until they explained that it was to show her they loved her. A week later,on a Sunday,the Carters went to church and took Cara. Angel and Aaron took her to their Sunday school class. Miss. Clara, the teacher, walked in and held up a picture. It caught Cara's eyes and she couldn't stop staring at the man.

She said I know that man up there on that cross
I don't know His name
But I know He got off
He was there in my old house
And held me close to His side
As I hid there behind our couch
The night that my parents died

Cara raised her hand and the teacher said,"Cara?"

"I don't know the man that's hanging on that cross but I know he was able to get off of it. The night that both of my parents died and I was behind the couch, he was there with me and hugged me up to his side." (Lyrics of "The Little Girl" sung by John Michael Montgomerey)

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