A month had passed and Sarah had turned the three guys in that committed the crimes. They gave Sarah immunity for her testimony. The guys were sentenced to twenty years in prison: for attempted murder, murder, and robbery. It was the day after they'd been sentenced and Sarah was packing,getting ready to leave. She was really gonna miss Howie. Even though she'd gotten close with the oth ers, she was the closest to Howie. He was like a big brother. Sarah got all done packing and took her luggage downstairs. The guys along with Leighanne and Kristin was going to take her to the airport and see her off. She was go ing back home to Vermont. "You all ready to go?" Asked Nick. She nodded as Kevin and Howie picked up her bags, which they carried to Howie's purole cor vette. They were all going to drive their own cars to the airport. Howie's car was in the lead.
"I'm really going to miss you." Said Howie.
"I'm gonna miss you too. But, I'll come back and see you and we can keep in touch by email and over the phone and all." He nodded. They pulled into the airport lot foll owed by four other cars. They all walked into the airport and Sarah put her suitcases on the conveyer belt(excluding her duffal bag). They stood by the chairs waiting for her plane boarding to be announced.
"Here you go." Kristin said handing Sarah a spiral book. On the front it said: Emails/Addresses/Phone Numbers.
"In it is all of our phone numbers, home and cell, adresses, and emails. We thought that way we could all keep in touch." Said Leighanne.
Sarah nodded, on the verge of tears, and replied, "Thanks so much." She hugged all of them.
"Flight 118 to Vermont boarding now at gate B." Said an announcer.
"That's me. Guess I'd better be going. Bye everyone." Sarah said.
"Don't forget to keep in touch with us all." Howie said.
"I won't. Bye." Sarah replied then she walked to her gate to board. She had a couple tears stremming down her cheeks. She got on the plane and a few minutes later the others all saw her plane take off. Howie was close to tears also.
"She's going to be fine. And I'm sure we are going to see her again soon." Said A.J. as he put a comforting hand on Howie's shoulder.
"I know. I'm just going to miss her." Answered Howie.
"We all are." Said Brian. With all that said and done they all left.


Sarah arrived at Vermont at 3:30p.m. She got her luggage and saw her mother and stepfather waiting for her. She rushed over to them and hugged her mother. She then looked at Ted and hugged him. He seemed kind of surprised but retur ned her hug. They both nodded and Ted said, "We're just glad that you're home. Are you okay?"
Sarah nodded and replied, "Yeah, I'm fine. They gave those three guys twenty years in prison for robbery, murder, and attempted murder."
"Wow!." Her mother, Julie, said quietly. They dr ove back to the house and Sarah carried her luggage upto her room. She quickly unpacked and carried her Bible,pictures,and address book downstairs. She wan ted to show her mother and Ted what they'd given her. She went into the livi ngroom and sat down in a recliner.
Ted and Julie looked up and Julie asked, "Get all unpacked?"
Sarah nodded and said, "Yep."
"Are you reading the Bible?" Asked Julie when she noticed the Bible in Sarah's hands. Sarah nodded enthusi astically and said, "Yep. Brian bought it for me in Flordia. I also started praying and I started going to a Baptist church, so I'm going to have to find one here to go to."
"That's great!" Said Ted while Julie nodded in agreement. Sarah showed them her Bible. It was a King James version and it had her name on the front.
"That's a nice Bible. That was very nice of him. He isn't the one that took you in, is he?" Said Julie.
Sarah shook her head and said, "Nope. That's Howie."
"Backstreet Boys is a very popular band. You're lucky to be such great friends with them." Commented Ted.
Sarah nodded in agreement and said, "I'm close to them all. But I'm closer to Howie, he's like a big brother." "I'm going to call him and let him know that I got here alright." Said Sarah. She picked up the phone and looked at his number.
She dialed it and on the third rang he answered, "Hello?"
"Hey Howie, it's Sarah."
"Oh, hey Sar."
"I just called to let you know that I arrived alright. I'm sitting here talking to my parents."
"That's cool. How are they doing?"
"They're okay. Can you tell the others that I made it okay?"
"Sure." Sarah saw Ted and Julie motioning for her to give them the phone.
"Um, my mom and stepdad want to talk to you."
"Cool." She handed the phone to Ted and Julie. They thanked him for taking care of Sarah and asked him to thank the others. Then they said their goodbyes and hung up.
"I have some pictures. Do you guys want to see them?"
"Sure." Said Julie.
"We'll be able to put a face to their names, "added Ted. She showed them pictures: of them all swimming, of her and Nick playing b-ball, horsing around, and other stuff. The last picture she showed them was of her and Howie that was taken the day they went to the mall.
"The guys are handsome." Commented Julie.
Sarah agreed, "But I think more of them like brothers and of Leighanne and Kristin like sisters."
"What are you going to do with the pictures?" Asked Ted.
"I'm going to frame the one of me and Howie and put some of them up on the walls or somewhere. I'm going to put most of them in a picture album." Sarah answered.

Sarah kept in touch with all of them: letting them know that she finished high school, that she was still a Christian and that she found a local Baptist church to attend, that she got a job at Camalot Music, and that she had a steady boyfriend named Brad Miller. They all thought that was great. A year passed and it was summer vacation and every year she got a month paid vacation off at her job. "Let's all go visit Howie and the others." She sugge sted to Ted, Brad, and Julie. They all agreed and she said,"I'd better let them know. They might have tour or something." She dialed Howie but got no answer but the machine so she left a message, "Hey D. I guess you're not home so I'm going to leave an email. Check it and phone me back. Talk to ya later, bye." She then proceeded to email him, while the others watched over her shoulder.

Howie went home after he got out of the studio from recording BSB's new album: Black and Blue. He saw the light on his answering machine blinking. He punched a button and heard Sarah's voice, "Hey D. I huess you're not home so I'm going to leave you an email. Check it and phone me back. Talk to ya later, bye."
He walked over to his labtop,logged on, and heard, "You've got mail!" He clicked on check messages and saw Sarah's email:

Hiya! How're you doing? Guess what,since it's summer Ted, Julie, Brad, and I thought we'd come visit you and the others. Does that sound okay? We didn't know if you had tour or anything. Call me and let me know what you think. Bye and God bless you. Your friend, Sarah.
He pick- ed up his phone and was getting ready to call her when A.J., Kevin, Kristin, Brian, Leighanne, and Nick showed up.
"Hi D. What are you doing? We thought mab ey we could all go clubbin'." Said A.J.
Howie answered," I got an email from Sar and was just getting ready to call her."
"Put her on speaker phone so we can all say hi to her." Said Nick.
Howie nodded while he dialed. Ted answered, "Hello?"
"Hi. It's Howie. Is Sarah there?"
"Oh, hi Howie, this is Ted. Sure she is here. Give me a minute and I'll get her."
Ted went to scrounge up Sarah and a few minutes later she said, "Hi Howie. How are you and the others?"
"We're all fine. Is it okay if I put you on speaker phone? They all want to be able to talk to you."
Sarah laughed,"Sure it's okay."
Howie put Sarah on speaker phone and the next thing she knew she heard a chorus of, "Hi Sarah!"
"Hi every one."
"We don't have anything to do this summer until close to the end of it. Will you still be able to come down?" Asked Howie.
"Sure will. This is going to be great!" Sarah said excitidly.
"We can't wait to see you." Said Kristin.
"Anyone coming with you?, "asked Nick.
"Yeah. My mom, stepfather, and boyfriend."
"Cool, "said Kevin.
"When will you be coming?" Wondered Leighanne.
"I was thin king we could come up mabey next week. How's that sound to eveyone?" Replied Sarah. They all agreed on the next week as the week that Sarah would arrive. They all said their goodbyes and hung up.
"I can't wait to see her!" Exclaimed Howie. They all felt likewise.


It was the night before Sarah was to leave. She got ready for bed, read her Bible,and prayed: "Dear Heavenly Father. Thank you so much for everything. Thanks for helping me find friends like Howie and the others and such a great boyfriend. I'm so glad that I accepted You in my life. Thanks again for every thing. And please help my faith and trust grow in You and your Word daily. And please help me understand the Bible to my full knowledge. And please help mom,Ted,Brad,and I get to Orlando safely. I love you with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. Thy will be done. In Jesus's blessed name I pray, Amen." She was so excited about the next day that she didn't know how she'd ever get to sleep. But, amazingly, as soon as her head hit the pillow she was out like a light. The next morning she got out of bed, read her Bible, prayed, and got ready: she put on black lether pants, a flowered handker chif shirt, black ankle boot(with 1 1/2 inch heels), two earrings in each ear, and she put her hair into a poneytail. She went downstairs and saw that Brad was already there, they were all going to take the same cab to the airport.
"Hi honey." Brad said.
"Hi," Replied Sarah, giving him a kiss. Ten minutes later the cab arrived and they carried their luggage to it. By 11:30a.m. They were boarded onto the plane. Sarah kept shaking her leg.
Brad, who was sitting next to her, put a hand on her knee and asked, "Babe what's wrong?"
"Nothing. I'm just so excited about seeing them. It's been a year."
"I'm kinda nervous." Brad admitted.
Sarah smiled, "Don't be. They're all very nice." At 3:30p.m. they landed at the Flordia airport. They got off the plane, got their luggage, and Sarah spotted a guy holding a sign that read: SARAH SMITH!
She said, "Come on guys." They walked over to the guy and she said, "I'm Sarah." He looked at a picture and opened the door to the limo. They got in and he took them to Howie's house.
Brad softly whistled amazed at how big it was. "Wow!," was Jul ie and Ted's respnse.
Sarah laughed and said, "It's a real nice house. It has a basketball court and a swimming pool." They grabbed their bags and walked upto the door. Sarah knocked and Howie answered. She hugged him and he hugged her so hard that he lifted her up off the floor. "Where're the others?" She asked.
"In the livingroom." They walked into the livingroom and saw the others sitting in there. They all jumped up and gave Sara huge hugs.
Sarah done the intros: "This is A.J., Brain, his wife Leighanne, Kevin, his wife Kristin,and Nick. Guys this is my mother Julie, my stepfather Ted, and my beau Brad."
They all said, "Hi", and shook hands.
"Let's all sit down." Said Howie.
They all found a seat and Sarah said, "D I got somethin' to give ya."
"And, what would that be?" He asked. She stood up, walked over to him, and plopped down 200 dollars.
He looked at it confused. "I told you I was going to pay you back for those clothes."
They all laughed and he said, "I don't want it. Take it back."
"No, no. I owe and I insist you keep it." Sarah said with a determined look on her face. He shrugged and put the money in his pocket.
Around 6:30p.m. A.J. asked, "How about we eat at McDonald's?"
They all agreed and Sarah said, "How about I go get it and bring it back? Is that okay with everyone?"
They all agreed and she asked Howie, "Can I borrow your car big bro?"
He smiled, "Sure li'l sis." (It was a joke among them because they considered each other brother and sis ter).
He tossed her the keys and Brad said, "How about I go with you?"
"You don't have to, I'll be fine alone."
"What about those guys?" He wanted to know.
"They're in jail. i'll be fine."
"I'd just feel better if I came with you," Brad answered.
"Okay you big ole worry wart." She said affectionatly. "We'll be back in a little bit." She said to the others.
Brad and Sarah got in How ie's car and Brad asked, "A purple corvette?"
Sarah laughed and answered, "His favorite color." With that said they strted toward McDonald's.


Brad and Sarah got back in the car with the food when they heard a shot and Sarah relized that Brad had been shot. "Oh my God! Brad!" She screamed. Just then she felt a cloth go around her mouth and nose and she started getting drowzy. A few seconds later she entered a sea of black.
Howie heard a knock at the door and Nick said, "I'll go get it." Nick answered the door and when he saw the two policemen he turned his head, toward the livingroom, and yelled, "Howie, man. You'd better get in here." Howie and the others all went to the door and were shocked to see the policemen.
"Is there a problem officers?"
One said, "I'm officer Malone and this is officer Reed. May we come in?" Howie nodded and they entered. Howie got a bad feeling and he found out that it was justified. "Are you Mr.Howie Dorough?"
"Yes, "Howie said nodding.
"At McDonald's there was a shooting and a kidnapping. A Mr. Brad Miller got shot. When we arrived though he was able to tell us about Miss. Sarah Smith. And he told us that you are good friends with her." Said officer Malone.
"Is she okay?" Asked a worried Howie.
"We hope so, sir. But, she's been kidnapped and there appears to be signs of a struggle." Replied officer Reed.
"Oh my God," whispered Julie. She was crying while Ted tried to comfort her. The others were all still in shock.
Officer Malone started speaking, "We understand that she testified against three men last year and they got put away for twenty years. Is that correct?" Everyone nodded.
Officer Reed and officer Malone looked at each other and officer Reed said, "Those are our number one suspects. They escaped from jail a couple days ago. And they left a note vowing they'd get revenge. So, we're going to post a couple officers here for protection. And we are going to do our best to try and find her."
"Thank you." Said Ted. The officers nodded and left.


Sarah woke up on a cold wooden floor. She was still groggy, so it took her a few minutes to focus her eyes to see. When she could see clearly she saw that she was in some type of building. 'Mabey a warehouse, ' she thought to herself. She thought she heard something so she listened closly. What she heard was Nelly's "Country Grammer" and some guys trying to sing along with it. Pitiful! 'They sound like dogs howling!, 'Sarah thought in disgust. A few minutes later three guys entered through a door and she couldn't believe who she saw. It was Tad, Ben, and Ralph(the three guys that she helped put in jail).
"Judging by the look on your face I'd say you're surprised to see us." Tad said laughing. Just the sound of his voice mad Sarah cringe and shudder.
"Why aren't you guys in jail?,"she asked struggling to keep her voice steady.
"We exscaped. And now you're going to die." Ben said, shrugging like it was the most normal thing in the world.
"My friends'll find me." She said with determination.
Tad laughed and replied,"I don't see how. They don't even know where you're at. And it's not as if your little boyfriend could give them much help." Everything flooded back to her and she remembered that Brad had been shot.
"You..." Sarah star ted.
But Ben interupted her and said,"Now, now. I wouldn't say something I'd regret." Somewhere deep in her mind she noticed that Ralph wasn't speaking. 'Mabey I can pull him over to my side, 'she thought to herself starting to form a plan.
"So what are you going to do with me?,"asked Sarah.
"We don't know yet. But give us some time." Answered Ben. Then Ralph, Tad, and Ben walked through the door and into another room. Sarah silently prayed to God asking for help, strength to make it through that ordeal, and for Brad to be okey. A few hours later Ralph walked in. She thought mabey they'd figured out what to do with her. Boy, was she in for the shock of her life!
"I came in here to help you." He told her.
Her mouth fell open and she asked,"What?!"
"Shh! Whisper. The ot her two are asleep so I thought this was the perfect time."
"Why are you doing this for me?" She wanted to know.
"I've always thought of you as a friend and I just can't bring myself to let you be killed. I know what we did was wrong and that we deserve whatever punishment." She was still kind of amazed. Ralph untied her arms and feet. She stretched and he handed her a peice of paper, "Here. This is a map, sort of. I drew it and hopefully it'll help you find your way outta of these woods." She smiled and was on the verge of tears.
She hugg ed him and whispered, "Thanks so much. I'll never forget it."
"Don't go getting all mushy on me now. You'd better get going." They tiptoed over to the door and Sarah found out that it lead into another room. he pointed to the door and motioned for her to go. She smiled one last time at him and left. Ralph then went and made it look like Sarah got loose on her own, then he went to bed. Before he drifted off to sleep he had one last thought, 'Good luck Sarah.'

Other than the full moon, it was black outside but luckily for Sarah it shown just enough light to highlight the map. She tried to follow the directions. She walked and walked. She was scared out of her mind but she knew that she had to get away. The dim light of dawn was begining to show. She started feeling weak,which she thought was a mixture of hungar,dehydration 'cause of the heat, and the after effects of the ether. The father she went the more she struggled with each step. Just when she thought she couldn't go any father she saw a road. She dropped to her knees. It seemed like forever before she heard a car. Actually she heard the music blasting: Backstreet Boys "The Shape of my Heart". She smiled and fell backwards. Her eyes were so heavy she couldn't hold them open any longer. The car stopped and she heard two girls' voices. the first one said, "Oh my God! What do we do?"
The second one replied, "Get the cell out of the car and dial 911."'Thank you God, 'was Sarah's last thought be fore she drifted into unconcissnous. Twenty-four hours later she woke up in a strange room and she saw that there was a lady in the room with her.
"Wh-where am I?" She asked the lady.
"You're in the hospital. I'm Ann Jones,your nurse. I'll get the Doctor for you." A few minutes later the doctor walked in.
"Hello Mi ss. Smith. I'm Doctor Mackenzie. How are you feeling?"
Sarah shrugged, "Okay I supposse. Kind of hungrey." The doctor checked her vitals and exammined her and concluded that she seemed to be doing fine.
"I'll have the nurse bring you some breakfast and there are some people here who'd like to see you." He said before walking out the door. The nurse took her some food: scrambled eggs, toa- st, and orange juice. She was starring at her plate when BSB, Leighanne, Kristin, her mother, and her stepfather walked in. They all walked over to her bed.
"Tha nk God you're okay!" Her mother said hugging her. Ted then hugged her and one by one they each hugged her.
"Are you okay? We were all so worried." Said How ie.
She nodded and said, "Yeah. You wouldn't beleive it but Ralph actually gave me a map and freed me. I heard a car stopping and boy was I glad. I heard "The Shape of my Heart" playing on their radio." They all laughed.
"Are you goi ng to eat?" Asked Kristin.
Sarah scrunched up her face and said, "I don't kn ow." She caustiously took a small bite of her scrambled eggs. She thought she was going to gag but she somehow got it down.
"What's the matter?" Asked Lei ghanne laughiing a bit.
"It taste's like cardboard!" Exclaimed Sarah. Everyone laughed at the expression on her face. Just then she remembered about Brad. "How's Brad?" She asked axiously.
Ted answered,"He's fine. The bullet didn't hit anything vital."
"I wanna go see him." She said. Julie nodded and said, " Okay. Let me get you a wheelchair." A few minutes later they were all on their way to Brad's room. They all went in to say hi. Then they left Sarah and Brad alone.
"I'm so sorry this happened." She said.
Brad smiled,"It's not your fa ult." "So, did they catch the guys?"
Sarah nodded, "They were still in the ware house when the police got there."
"Idiots, "Brad murmered.
Sarah nodded, "Well Ralph wasn't that bad. He actually helped me escape."
"For that part I'm gra- teful."

A week later Sarah and Brad were released. BSB, Leighanne, Kristin, Julie, Ted, Brad, and Sarah were walking out the door when Sarah exclaimed, "Finally! I'll get some food I can actually digest!" They were all still laughing when they walked out into the sunlight.