Here are Backstreet Boys and Nsync Fan Fictions that I HIGHLY recommend you read!

For The Girl..-What happens when the guys from NSYNC meet Gabby at a jazz club and take her on tour with them? Will the love she finds with one of the guys be strong enough to last when they find out a secret she's been keeping and her father threatens to destroy the life she's made?(COMPLETE)WARNING:Explicit sexual content, some swearing.
Come Together-A GREAT story about how the Backstreet Boys came together.
Crash-The Backstreet Boys bus crashes and the guys are stranded. Someone's after them, will they be able to make it out alive?
God Help the Outcasts by Elise- (This is sort of like the Outsiders by S.E. Hinton) Josh and Lance are brothers and, along with their friends, are always rumbling with the Socials. With some unexpected allies, emotions, and occurences, will all that change?(COMPLETE)
Mixed Feelings by Jen-Heather is the cousin to both JC from 'N Sync and Brian from Backstreet Boys. She decides to go visit Brian and get to know Leighanne a little better. Her boyfriend mentally abuses her and makes her feel guilty for going. One guy sees what's going on, but can her make her see in time? (COMPLETE) WARNING: Language
by Fanfic Queen-(COMPLETE)
Twenty-Four Years by Mags-Samantha and JC have been friends since birth and were always together. Follow them through their years of friendship, joy, sadness, and heartache. (COMPLETE)WARNING: Some language and sexual content.
Standing Outside the Fire by Lara- Lara is walking toward a federal building when an explosion rocks it to the core. Her best friend Ari suprises her with a visit from 'N Sync while she's in the hospital. Lara finds out some devestating news and looses the will to do anything. Lance decides that he wants to help her and becomes a volunteer at the hospital. What happens when she finds out the truth? And, will she decide that life is worth living after all?(COMPLETE)WARNING: Language.
What You Wish For by Symone and Terri- Justin Timberlake makes a wish the same time that another pop superstar does. They end up in taking over each other's lifes and finds out that things aren't always greener on the other side of the grass. (COMPLETE)
I'll Be There by Amy Lynn- Claudia lived next door to Lou Pearlman and got to meet 'N Sync when they were just starting out. She was always around and was like the annoying little sister to the guys. Oneday she moves away and returns a couple of years later. The guys all see that she's changed and one of them falls in love with her. Well, as they say nothing good lasts forever, and they find that out when they receive tragical news. Will Claudia be able to beat what the doctor told her or is she destined to be there only in spirit?(COMPLETE)
>Come What May by Tonia-While in class, tragedy strikes AJ. Will he ever get completely well? Can his friends help him come to terms with what happened? Or is it already too late? This is an Alternate Universe story(meaning they are not BSB in the story!) WARNING:Some strong language and a little violence. (COMPLETE)
Mizpah by Mare-Nick is dealing with a lot of stuff going on. He's going solo and he can't seem to make up with the guys. And, to top it off, he keeps getting letters that are not understandable. They seem to all end with Mizpah...
Will Nick be able to make amends with his friends? Will he be able to find out who's sending the letters before it's too late?(COMPLETE) WARNING:Strong language
Revelation by Mare- (This is the sequel to Mizpah) Nick has one year to live and is being held captive. Will the guys figure out where Nick is? Can Nick figure out a way to escape? Or will he become just like the others guys, dead?(COMPLETE)WARNING: *HIGHLY recommended that you read Mizpah first!* Contains strong langauage and violence.
Where Do We Go From Here? by Whitney-The Backstreet Boys are riding high admist their amazing successes when a horrific tradgedy threatens to destroy it all. Now their friendships will be tested to the limits as they try to pick up the pieces and rebuild all they have worked for. (Author's summery)(COMPLETE)WARNING:Strong language
Where You Belong by Krysi-Lauren Carter is a model, living in Orlando, Flordia. She finally is able to get away from her abusive boyfriend, with help from her friends. She thinks everything is going to be good, but nothing can last forever.(COMPLETE)WARNING: Language and abuse.(AN 'NSync Story!)
Cabin Fever by Amy-Nick is severly ill and takes a turn for the worse while the guys are a a cabin. To make matters worse, there's a storm going on. The guys need to get Nick to the hospital, but will they make it there? Or, will they be too late?(COMPLETE) WARNING: A tad of language.
Forbidden Love, Unrelenting Hate by Ivory-Brian has a secret that he's been keeping for years and finally gathers enough courage to tell his bandmates. When he tells Nick, everything doesn't go as planned and the friendship is lost. Later that day a tragedy happens. Will Brian survive or will he be another statistic of a hate crime?(COMPLETE) WARNING: Contains homosexuality(NO Homosexual scenes, IS NOT slash!), strong language, and violence.
Seven Days by Refuse2Lose-The Backstreet Boys are kidnapped by a woman and her henchmen. They are dropped in a place, having no idea where they are. Can they make it out alive or are they, along with their friendship, doomed?(COMPLETE) HIGHLY Recommended! WARNING: Strong language and some violence. Also, read the sequal Out of Nowhere
Black-Dove January by Lyns-Brian and Kevin run into a girl that is homeless, and Kevin wants to take her home to help her. Will this girl be the love of his life? Or, just another homeless teenager?(COMPLETE) WARNING: Strong language and sexual content.
Cry by J(a.k.a. "Neen")-(Be warned that this story is a tearjerker...had me teraing up!) Nick has something seriously wrong with him and he went to his beach house to think about it. He runs into someone he used to go to school with and they get off on the wrong foot. Well, they end up sitting out a hurricane together and get closer. What happens when she finds out what's wrong with him? Will she stay or run? (COMPLETE) HIGHLY recommended* WARNING: Language and a little sexual content.
Starting Over by Neen-AJ's cousin goes to live with him, to get away from her abusive mother. She quickly gets to be one of the "Backstreet family" and gets close to Nick inparticular. Will everything be happily ever after? Or will her mother and Kevin's strange behavior ruin it? (COMPLETE) HIGHLY recommended* WARNING: Strong language and sexual content.
Secret Kisses by Lena-Marlena Carter is Nick's younger sister and he's very protective of her. What happens when he finds out that the only guy he really trusts has been seeing Marlena behind his back? How do these three people deal with lost friendship, betrayal, and hurt? (COMPLETE)HIGHLY recommended* Warning: Strong language and sexual content. Read the sequal With Everything I Am
Never Again by Lena-This is a story about two sisters that have been hurt their whole lives. They fall in love, but are scared. Follow AJ, Kellie, Brian, and Marlena as they experience the ups and downs of being in love. (COMPLETE) WARNING: Language and sexual content. Read the sequal Love Heals Everything
Slip Through the Cracks with Frick and Frack by Kat and Amy- It's 1997 and the guys are in Europe. Nick's tired of working and having no time for fun, so he comes up with a plan. Against better judgement, he goes along with Nick's idea. What does Britian, a carnaval, a magic show, a zoo, a hotdog, an opening door, and a goat equal? TROUBLE!(COMPLETE) WARNING: A tad of language. Also, be prepared to laugh until you're crying!
Can You Keep A Secret? by Kat and Amy- Brian's just joining the guys again after his heart surgery. Nick feels like something's wrong and stays distant from Brian. The others are so busy fussing over Brian that they can't see Nick deteriating right in front of them, and they won't listen to Brian. Suddenly Nick's in the hospital with a mysterious ailment. Will it claim Nick's life and end the friendship of Frick and Frack? Or, will Nick live, leaving everything to come out in the open, leaving room for no more secrets?(COMPLETE) WARNING: Just a tad of language and heartbreaking.
It Was An Accident by Ashalee-Justin Timberlake meets Maggie Jones, a college student. Can they handle a relationship or will it be too much? (COMPLETE)
Nothing's Worth It by ?-(Short story, 4 chapters) Alex thinks her life is over, but someone helps her realize it's not.(COMPLETE) Strong language, a little sexual content, and deals with issues of suicide
Journey Into Dreams by Bobbie-What do you do when you find out that the path your life takes isn't completely upto you? Well, see what these two guys do...(COMPLETE)

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