
"Okay," said Chris Larabee, "all of you be here by six in the morning. Our plane leaves at eight."

The other six ATF team members nodded their heads and Buck said, "Ya got it, Boss Man."

Chris just rolled his eyes and said, "I'll see ya'all in the morning." All seven team members walked down to the parking garage, got into their cars, waved and drove off.

The next morning, everyone was on time at the ATF building. Even Ezra was there, much to the surprise of the other six. "Has Hell frozen over?," quipped Nathan when Ezra walked up.

Ezra calmly took a drink of his coffee, out of a Starbucks cup, and proceeded to flip Nathan the middle finger on his right hand. They all knew that Ezra was almost comatose until his second cup of coffee and a few more hours of sleep, so they just laughed. "Okay, guys, let's get to the airport," said Chris. They all got into Chris's Dodge Ram and began the uncomfortable twenty minute ride to the airport. After they had arrived and the truck had been parked in a safe location, they grabbed their duffal bags and walked inside. Fifteen minutes later, they were all seated in coach and on their way to New York City for the conference they were attending.

New York City

A few hours later, Team Seven were unpacking in their hotel rooms. "Hey, Buck, you wanna go check out some sights tonight?" JD asked his roommate.

Buck smoothed his mustache and shook his head, "Nah. Not tonight, I've got a date."

"A date?! We just got here an hour ago. Who in the world do you have a date with?"

Buck smiled, "Ya know that pretty little filly at the reception desk?" When JD nodded, Buck said, "Her."

JD laughed and shook his head, "Figures."

"If ya got it, ya got it. Who am I to deny the ladies?," Buck said as he puffed out his chest and smiled.

"You got something alright," JD said as he rolled his eyes. "Well, I'm going to go and explore," he added.

"I don't know, you'd better check with Chris."

"I've already checked with dad and he said we could. But since you're not going, I'll just go alone."

"i don't know, man. This is New York."

"Ya think? Anyways, I've lived in Boson and, now, Denver. I think I can handle New York City. Don't worry, I'll be fine."

"Famous last words," murmered Buck.

JD just rolled his eyes as he grabbed his jacket and walked to the room door. "I'll be back in a little while. Have fun on your date and try to be good."

"Aren't I always?," asked an innocent looking Buck.

"Yeah. I might would believe that and that look if I didn't know that there's horns poking up under that hair." With that said, JD walked out and closed the door, leaving Buck sputtering for something to say.


"Do any of you have any leads on the cases? The commisioner is breathing down my neck, wanting answers. I'd like to have something to tell him," Captain Don Cragen said to his detectives that were sitting at their desks.

"Nothing new, Cap. Just what we knew before, all the victims are men and there's never any fluids or prints left at the scenes." Responded Detective Elliott Stabler as he looked up from a file he was reading.

Captain Cragen had his four best Special Victims Unit detectives working on the case, and no leads had made themselves known. What made the cases so strange was that some of the men were being raped and some of them weren't. But it looked like the men that were raped were being raped by a wooden object, splinters had been found inside the men. All of the cases were connected, that much they knew. The men were all young homeless men, usually in their late teens and early twenties, drugged with a drug that they hadn't been able to identify, some raped and some not, then they were robbed. But the perps weren't using any of the credit cards or anything else to leave a trail. The cases were starting to take their toll on everyone involved in the investigation, and the press was calling the cases The Homeless Rapes. Captain Cragen sighed, "Fine. Let me know the minute any of you have anything. I need something to tell the commisioner and the press. I want to try and catch whose doing this before they reach victim eight."

"Too late, Captain. There's another vic at the hospital, looks like it matches the others." Said Elliott's partner, Detective Olivia Benson.

Captain Cragen sighed and said, "You and Stabler get on down there." He turned to Detective John Munch and his partner, Odafin Tutuola, and said, "You two follow up on the past cases. See if you can find anything that might've been overlooked."

"We're on it," said Detective Tutuola.

Captain Cragen went into his office, sat at his desk, and started softly counting. "Five...Four....Three....Two...One..." When he hit one, the phone rang. Before Captain Cragen picked it up, he knew it was going to be the commisioner and he was right.

"Yes, sir, I understand that. We're doing everything we can." "Okay, sir, have a good day." After Cragen hung up, he shook his head and muttered, "Do it better. We do everything we can now. It's not like we don't want to catch the people responsible." He sighed and massaged his temples, trying to get he stress to drain out.

Half-an-hour later, Elliott and Olivia were at the hospital and talking to Doctor Milsworth. "The John Doe was brought in about an hour ago. He has no identification on him and he's still out. He was drugged but we can't get results on what it was. He incured a head injury, has a broken wrist, a fractured nose and two cracked ribs. We did a rape case and it came back negative. He should make a full recovery, physically, in time. He needs his rest though."

"Who brought him in, Doctor?," Olivia asked.

The ambulence. Dispatch received a call and the EMT's said that a woman directed them to where John Doe was. While they were stabalizing and loading him, she dissapeared. The two EMT's are sitting over there, I thought you might want to talk to them."

"Thank you, Doctor. When can we see him?," asked Elliott.

"Someone will let you know when he wakes up. It could be tonight, it might not be until tomorrow. Now, if you'll exscuse me, I need to make my rounds."

Olivia and Elliott walked over to the two EMT's and Elliott said, "I'm Detective Stabler. This is my partner, Detective Benson. You were the ones to pick up the John Doe?"

"Yes," answered a petite woman. I'm Susie Miller and this is Dan Crowell."

"Can you run us through what happened?," asked Olivia as she got out her small notebook and pen, ready to take notes.

"Sure," answered Dan. He continued, "We were dispatched to that alley right off of Times Square and a woman waved us over. We saw the John Doe laying on the gorund, unconciencess. We made sure that he was breathing, put in on the bed and loaded him into the ambulence. Susie turned to ask the woman if she wanted to ride to the hospital with us, we thought she might've kown the young man, but she was gone. We went ahead and brouht him here."

"Can you describe the woman that waved you down?," asked Elliott.

"Sure. She was about my height, five-five, and had curly red hair. It was abourt shoulder-length and she was dressed all in dark clothes. Couldn't make out the exact color," said Susie.

"Sounds like you got a good look at her," commented Olivia.

"We're trained to always get a good look at our surroundings, especially at night. You never know what can happen," Susie said.

"Very true. Could you two come down to the station with us and talk with our sketch artist?," Olivia inquired.

Dan shrugged, "Sure, our shift's over. That John Doe was our last call." Elliott walked to the nurses' station and said, "I'm Detective Stabler. I want someone to call us as soon as the John Doe awakens in room two-fifty."

He handed her a card and she said, "Will do."

"Thanks," he said before rejoining his partner and the two EMT's. They drove to the station and walked Susie and Dan to a room and Olivia said, "The sketch artist will be with you in a minute. Would you guys like anything to drink?" Susie and Dan both shook their heads no and the two detectives walked away to let the sketch artist Marlin Brown know that he had some work to do.

A few minutes later, they were back at their desks and Elliott spoke to John Munch. "You and Fin find anything?"

"Nada. Just a lot of the same. You two?"

"It's a John Doe. Looks like he was beat worse than the others but his wallet is missing and he was drugged with the same unknown drug. Until he wakes up, we don't really know what happened."

Two hours later, at eleven that night, Elliott's desk phone rang and he answered, "Detective Stabler." "Okay, thank you, we'll be right there." "What? Are you sure?" "Okay, thanks." When he hung up, he saw Olivia and Captain Cragen waiting to see what he had to say. "That was the hospital. The John Doe woke up."

"Good, you and Olivia get over there and talk to him."

"There's something else, Captain. Our perp or perps are escalating, this guy isn't homeless like the others. He's a federal agent."

At that, everyone was speechless. A moment later, they heard Captain Cragen curse, "Oh, hell." "You two get down there while I talk to the commisioner. John, Fin, you two go with them."

Chapter Two-Coming Soon
My Magnificent Seven Fan Fiction
My Fan Fiction