Chris, Buck, Josiah and Vin had ran to where the others were when the shooting had started, trying to help. So far none of them had been shot and they all wanted to keep it that way. They just didn't know what the status of the agents and Mister Valim were in the warehouse.
Chris and his men decided that they were going to try and find a back way in, and get in undetected. They quickly but silently made their way to the back and were surprised to find another door standing open. Chris signaled for them to be careful and they made their way inside. Chris sighed in relief when he saw Nathan and Ezra, mostly unharmed, trying to sneak up on two of the gunmen. Buck, Chris, Vin and Josiah ran in Josiah's voice boomed, "ATF! FREEZE!" When the five gunmen turned around, their weapons aimed, the four armed ATF agents wasted no time in shooting their weapons. In two minutes, it was all over and the five gunmen lay dead. Nathan and Ezra retrieved their weapons from a table and walked over to their teammates.
"Are you two alright?," asked Buck.
Nathan and Ezra nodded and Ezra responded, "The miscreants just bound our hands."
Nathan looked at Ezra and said, "Thanks."
Ezra knew what he was talking about and said, "Mother taught me a few valuable things."
"Where's JD and Milo?," asked Vin.
"We do not know," answered Ezra. They all ran back outside, as the DEA agents and their dogs went inside searching for any types of drugs. They noticed the FBI agents getting in the car with Milo, JD and another man. They looked at each other and started running towards them.
"You should've had the car running, you fools!," yelled Matt at the two FBI agents.
Agent Harold turned the key, in the ignition, but the car didn't start. "You've got to be kidding me," he mumbled. Before he could turn the key a second time, the drivers side door was jerked open and a gun was pointed at him.
"Hands where I can see them and step out of the car. All of you," growled Chris.
"No," said Matt. "You might want to be careful withyour demands, I do have a gun pointed at a Agent Dunn."
All six ATF agents had their guns pointed at the car but were worried about JD. "Now, I'm going to take JD and Milo and we are going to comandeer a ride out of here. Without ay interuptions."
'This guy must be crazy if he thinks we're just letting him walk out of here,' thought Buck.
Chris knew that he would shoot JD, even if he went down. Chris sighed and said, "Fine."
Matt gave opened the car door and exited with JD and Milo. Matt had the gun barrell jammed into JD's side, not even bothering to cover Milo. Matt started backing up, taking JD wirth him. Milo caught Chris's eyes, trying to convey what was going to happen. At Chris's slight nod, Milo jumped Matt. Chris pointed his gun at Matt but couldn't shoot. He'd either hit JD or Milo. Buck and Vin had the same problem. Josiah, Nathan and Ezra had the two FBI agents out of the car and were gaurding them.
Milo punched Matt and knocked the gun out of his hand. JD staggered a little and turned to help Milo. Milo got a punch to Matt's kidney, then a kick between his legs. Matt dropped and Chris rushed forward to handcuff him. Buck rushed forward to make sure that JD was alright. In the commotion, nobody noticed Milo dissapear.
Half-an-hour later, the DEA agents confirmed that they had found drugs and were taking them to be analyzed. Detectives Stabler and Benson had found a journal, written detailing why the homeless men had been kidnapped. It was so they could be expeirmented on with the drug. Matt confimred that the journal wasd written by the man that had tried to inject Nathan with a deadly drug. He sometimes raped them, with objects, because he got some kind of perverse pleasure out of it. Josiah was putting Matt into a police car, when JD looked around and realized that he hadn't seen Milo in a while.
"Where's Milo?," asked Buck. He still couldn't believe that JD had a little brother. JD had told them who Milo was and that he had been kidnapped when they were young. Buck had no idea, thoughm that Milo was the assassin known as The Ghost.
JD sighed, "I don't know. He's gone." JD's heart broke as he realized that his brother was gone, again. He knew he was going to have to tell the others who Milo was. He didn't want to burden Nathan and Ezra with a secret that big. He wished that he would be able to get to know Milo, he had lost out on that all those years before. But he was also glad that Milo had dissapeared. Even though, Milo had committed those assassinations, JD knew that he couldn't stand the thought of having to arresst him and put him in jail.
JD followed Buck to a car as his sense of family and sense of duty wared with each other.
Milo Valim watched as his twin walked towards a car and sighed. He had wanted to find JD so bad, talk to him and would've been able to had Matt not interferred. He meant what he told Matt, his career as an assassin was over. He turned and walked down a side street as he inwardly cried for a mother he would never know. For a life that had been takenb from him. For what Matt had turned him into. And, for a brother that he had to leave behind.
My Magnificent Seven Fan Fiction
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