John, Fin, Olivia and Elliott arrived at the hospital room that housed the John Doe. 'The federal agent,'Ellliott corrected himself. Olivia knocked on the door and saw six heads swing towards her.

She walked into the room and said, "I'm Detective Olivia Benson with the Special Victims Unit. This is my partner, Detective Elliott Stabler." She pointed at John and said, "That's Detective John Munch. And, his partner, Detective Odafin Tutuola."

"You can call me Fin, everyone does. They seem to find it easier," Fin said with a slight smile.

"Hello," Chris said as he shook hands with the four detectives. "We're with the Denver ATF and I'm Agent Chris Larabee. These are the men on my team." He pointed to each as he said their name, "Agent Nathan Jackson." "Agent Vin Tanner." "Agent Josiah Sanchez." "Agent Ezra Standish." "Agent Buck Wilminton." He sighed and said, "And, the one in the bed is Agent JD Dunne."

"We got a call from the hospital that he's awake. We need to speak to him," said Fin.

"That might be difficult," said Chris.

"Why?," Elliott asked.

"JD's out again. The doctor said he'll probably wake back up soon. He said that patients that incur severe head traumas are in and out until they awake permantly." Chris paused and said, "There's one other thing. He doesn't remember anything, not even who he is."

"What?," asked John.

Chris nodded and said, "The doctor said that it's normal. Most likely his memory will return but the doctor can't say when. Of course, there's the slight possability that it won't come back. But we know JD, and he's a fighter. His memory will be back."

"Do any of you know what happened? Why he was at Times Square?," asked Elliott.

"He left, telling me that he was going sight-seeing. Anyways, I warned him to be careful and he said he would. The next thing we know is, it's late at night and he hadn't checked in or arrived back. We're like family, he wouldn't leave us wondering where he was. So, we started calling the hospitals and reached one where a man fit the description we gave. We rushed here, saw him, and confirmed that it was him," explained Buck.

"Alright. We think that he was victim number eight. Someone or someones drug the victims, steal their wallets and, sometimes, rape them. Luckily, Agent Dunne wasn't raped," said Fin.

"We know, the doctor informed us of that. We're very thankful that didn't happen," said Josiah.

Olivia looked at her watch and saw that it was midnight, inwardly sighing. "Okay, it's pretty late. How about we come back in the morning...." Olivia started when she was interupted by the door being pushed open.

"Chris, Buck, guys, what's going on?! I went to the hotel and the lady at the front desk said that she heard you guys mention the hospital. Are you all of you alright?! I ried three hospitals before they told me you all were here," JD said in one breath before he stopped.

Everyone just stood there, not know ing what to say for a good minute.

"Who are you, sir?," asked John.

"Me? I'm JD Dunne. What's going on?"

"JD? Oh my God!," exclaimed Buck as he rushed to give JD a huge hug.

"Wait a minute. We need to figure out what the hell's goin' on! JD's there, then who's this in the bed?," Vin said after he had everyone's attention.

"Can we see your identification?," Elliott asked JD.

"Sure." He reached into his back pocket, pulling out a black wallet, and said, "Here."

Elliott flipped open the wallet and found an ATF badge and a lisence with the name John Daniel Dunne and his picture. He showed it to Olivia, John and Fin and said, "Can you tell us where you've been?"

"Uh, sure. I took a cab downtown, wanting to sight-see. I was just walking around, looking at everything, when I realized how late it was. I knew I had to get bvack to the hotel, the team has a conference tomorrow, and I realized that I was lost. I didn't know where I was and I was having a tiome trying to get a cab. I decided to call Josiah to let him and the others know what was going on and that I was fine. It started ringing when my cell cut off and it said that the battery was low. I couldn't find a damn payphone, so I waited until I could get a cab. It was a fourty minute cab ride and, then, when I got there I found out that they rushed to a hospital. I kept calling until I was told they were here." He stopped and sighed, "What a night."

"Okay, well, can you tell us who this is in the bed, Agent Dunne?" Olivia asked. None of them could believe what was going on. One minute, they thought there was a federal agent in the bed, the next minute, they find out that it's not. Olivia inwardly shook her head, this was going to be an intresting case.

Chapter Three-Coming Soon
My Magnificent Seven Fan Fiction
My Fan Fiction