"I love you, Billy." Maria Lopez told her boyfriend.

Billy looked at her and said, "Mabey you shouldn't."

Maria shook her head, "I should and I do."

Billy sighed, "You know what I do for a career and you still love me? Why?"

Maria looked at him, "The heart is a funny thing. You can run, deny, and you still cannot escape your destiny. I believe that you, Billy, are my destiny."

Billy saw the truth in her eyes and said, "I think I love you, too. I'm a bank robber, I can't offer you a stable life. I'm never going to settle down and I'm getting ready to leave town. But I have a feeling that I can't leave without you. Will you go with me?"

Maria smiled, "I could never say no. And, I do not care what kind of life we have as long as we share it together."

"How fast can you be packed and ready to go?"

Because I'm ready to start sharing that life. Now."

Maria laughed and Billy loved the way her eyes lit up. "Life with you will never be boring, Billy. Give me half-an-hour."

True to her word, Maria was ready to leave thirty minutes later. They walked outside, put her suitcase in the backseat, and climbed into Billy's black Chevy. Two hours later, they were heading toward the Great Lonestar State, Texas. Billy saw that Maria was trying to stay awake, but her eyes kept drooping. She was sitting in the middle of the seat, so he put his right arm across her shoulders. "Sleep, Maria. I'll wake you when we stop."

Maria yawned and smiled. "I love you, my renegade."

A few minutes later, Maria was sound asleep and Billy smiled. 'I'll always be your renegade,' he thought.

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