(Be warned that there are lyrics to a song that are explicit and suggesstive)

Nine months later

"Hey, baby," JC said with a smile as he gave Magdelena a kiss.

She smiled,"Hey. This is a suprise."

"Well, today's your birthday and I thought that I'd pick you up at school. And, I know how you love my motorcycle, so, viola!"

Magdelena laughed,"Thanks."

"Well, come on. Hop on the bike and let's roll!"

She put a helmet on and climbed on the back, behind JC,"Where are we going?"

"You'll see," he said as he started down the street.

'He is so sweet!,' Magdelena silently gushed. Twenty minutes later JC parked his motorcycle and climbed off.

"Come on, baby," he said as Magdelena took her helmet off. She looked around with curiosity at the deserted building. She took his hand and let him lead her into the building.

They stepped through the door and all of a sudden she heard,"SUPRISE!"

Magdelena just stared wide-eyed for a minute and then, through laughter, said,"Oh my God, ya'all!" She looked around and saw red and blue balloons floating and streamers tied everywhere. She saw that Cassandra, Joey, Lance, Justin, Chris, the other members of JC's gang and their girlfriends.

"Ya like?," asked Cassandra.

Magdelena furiously nodded her head,"Yeah! How did ya all do this? Why?"

"Because, it's your birthday and you deserve a party. We decorated and all while you were in school." Justin said.

"So, this is why you missed school. It had nothing to do with a doctor's appointment," Magdelena said to Cassandra.

Cassandra shrugged,"I had to come up with something."

Magdelena shook her head,"I can't believe you all did this! Thanks!"

"Okay, enough of this mushy stuff. Let's get some music on and paaarrrrttttyyyyy!!!" Exclaimed Joey, doing a John Travoltra move from Saturday Night Fever, where he jutted his hip out with his left finger pointing at the floor and his right finger pointing at the ceiling.

Everyone laughed and Cassandra, while shaking her head, joked,"I don't know him. He's not really my brother."

"Oh come on sis! Ya know ya love me!," Joey replied as he rubed his knuckles on her head.

"Hey, watch the hair!," exclaimed Cassandra.

"Okay, okay, on with the fun!" Said Lance.

"What music should I put on?" Julian, a member of JC's gang, asked as he stood by the cd player.

"How about Ludacris?," asked Chris.

"That okay with you Maggie?," JC asked. Magdelena nodded with a smile, silently laughing about him calling her Maggie. He was the only person that could call her Maggie and not have any physical harm done to him. Julian pushed play and "What's Your Fantasy?" blarred out of the speakers.

"I love this song!," exclaimed Magdelena.

"I like it, let's dance," said JC. Everyone was dancing and Magdelenahad her arms around JC's waist and he had his arms around hers, while they grinded.

JC started mouthing the words, while staring into Magdelena's eyes.

"I wanna get you in the Georgia Dome on the fifty yard line
while the Dirty Birds kick for t'ree
And if you like in the club we can do it
in the DJ booth or in the back of the V.I.P.
Whipped cream with cherries and strawberries on top
Lick it don't stop, keep the door locked while the boat rock
We go-bots and robots so they gotta wait til the show stop
or how 'bout on the beach with black sand
lick up your thigh then call me the Pac Man
Table top or just give me a lap dance
The Rock to the Park to the Point to the Flatlands
That man Ludacris (woo) in the public bathroom
or in back of a classroom
how ever you want it lover
lover gonna tap that ass soon
see I cast 'em and I past 'em get a tight grip and I grasp 'em
I flash 'em and out last 'em
and if ain't good then I trash 'em while you stash 'em
I'll let 'em free."

Magdelena smiled and licked her lips as she started mouthing the words to the chorus.

"I wanna, li-li-li-lick you from yo' head to yo' toes
And I wanna, move from the bed down to the down to the to the flo'
Then I wanna, ahh ahh - you make it so good I don't wanna leave
But I gotta, kn-kn-kn-know what-what's your fan-ta-ta-sy."

She gave his neck a kiss and felt him grow hard. "I think someone's happy," she said with a smirk.

JC playfully rolled his eyes at her and nodded,"I'll say."

As they continued grinding, Joey shouted out, "Get a room!" Magdelena blushed, as JC shot daggers at Joey.

Joey just stood there innocently and said,"What? I was just trying to get your attention. We wanted to know if Mags wants her cake now."

JC slighty growled as Magdelena laughed,"Come on. Let's get some cake, babe."

They walked over to the table and Lance said,"Birthday girl sits at the head of the table." Magdelena took her seat as Jeremy and Bobby, two more of JC's gang members, walked in with a sheet cake, and sat it in front of her. It had white icing, with HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY!!!, and held eighteen candles.

"Come on, make a wish," shouted Chris as everyone cheered.

'JC was my wish,' Magdelena thought with a smile. She took a deep breath and blew on the candles, leaning back when they went out. A second later they relighted.

"What the...," asked a shocked Magdelena. She blew them out again, only to have them relight.

Realization dawned on her and she asked,"Okay. Who's smart idea was it to get me trick candles?" Everyone in the room pointed at JC.

"Traitors," he mumbled.

"Aww, sweetie." Magdelena said with a laugh as she kissed him.

"If I'd known that's what he was going to get, I woulda said I got 'em!," joked Justin.

"Don't even think about J, I'll have to hurt ya!," said a smiling JC. Magdelena shook her head and thought about her weird friends. She cut the cake, handing out peices and opened her presents, which were mostly cds, with a few miscillanious items thrown in for good measure.

'I bet half of these are stolen,' she thought as she opened the last present. She mentally shrugged, 'Oh well!'

Around eleven that night the party started winding down and Magdelena said,"Thanks everyone for this! It really meant a lot to me and the cake and all was beautiful!"

"We were happy to do it, sweetie," said Cassandra as she hugged her best friend. Magdelena hugged everyone and put the presents in JC's car, and they started toward her house.

(*Lyrics: "What's Your Fantasy?" sung by Ludacris featuring Shawna* No copyright infringement is intended)

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