JD arrived at work a hour early so he could get he alcohol stocked behind the bar. He opened the door, not paying attention, and accidently bumped in to the tall bouncer with the mustache. He remembered that his name was Buck. Before he could apologize, Buck spoke. "Watch it, Kid."

"I'm sorry..." JD tried to apologize, his voice trailing off as Buck continued walking away. He rolled his eyes and thought, 'Great.' He continued inside, letting the door shut behind him.

"He takes some getting used to," said a voice to his left.

JD saw that it was the long-haired bouncer speaking and walked over to him.

"I'd say so." he held out his hand and said, "JD Dunne. I tend the bar."

Vin nodded, shaking his hand, "Vin Tanner."

"I'd better get over there and get that alcohol stocked before the doors open."

Vin nodded, "Talk to ya later."

"Yeah," JD said before walking off. He was putting the last bottle of Vodka on a shelf behind the bar when Cassie and Li Pong walked up. "Hey, girls," said a smiling JD.

"Hello, JD," replied Li Pong.

"Hey," Cassie said before JD gave her a small peck. Before they any of them could say anything else, Buck walked up to them.

"Give me a coffee with cream," he said toJD. He saw Cassie and Li Pong and faced them, smiling. "And, who are you beautiful ladies?"

"I'm Cassie and this is Li Pong, we're waitresses here."

Buck smiled, "Could I intrest you two women to a quick dinner before work?"

Cassie looked at her watch, seeing JD frown out of the corner of her eye. He thumped the cup of coffee down on the bar in front of Buck and said, "Here."

Buck raised an eyebrow at his tone and turned back to Cassie and Li Pong. Cassie said, "I can't."

"Why?," Buck asked.

"Two reasons. We open the doors in twenty minutes and, most importantly, JD's my boyfriend."

Buck nodded and turned to Li Pong, "What about you, darlin'?"

Li Pong shook her head, "No, thank you."

Just then Ezra walked over to them and spoke to Li Pong, "Sorry I am tardy in meeting you before work. Mister Travis needed me to go over some of the finances with him, come along to my office. We can talk there until you have to start waitressing." They walked off and Buck mumbled, "There's my answer as to why she won't go out with me." He grabbed his coffee and started back over to Josiah, Nathan, Chris and Vin. They saw him looking disappointed as he walked over to them and shook their heads.

"I see you struck out, Brother Buck," said Josiah when he had reached them.

Buck sighed, "Yeah. One's datin' the kid, the other is datin' that fancy dressed accountant." "Tough break, I'm sure you'll survive," said Nathan.

Buck smiled, "There'll be beautiful ladies here tonight."

"Buck, you know the rules, work first," said Chris.

"Have I ever failed ya, old friend?" Chris didn't say anything, there was nothing to say. Buck never had failed him.

"Hey, Buck, what's your problem with JD?," asked Vin. At Buck's confussed look, Vin elaborated. "JD, the bartender...."

Buck nodded, "Oh." He shrugged, "Nothin'. Why?"

Vin returned Buck's shrug, "You were kind of rude to him earlier."

"I just told him to watch where he was going. No big deal."

Chris decided to change the subject, afer seeing the time, and said, "It's time to get to in position. The doors'll be opening in five minutes." Josiah took his place beside the door, Chris went to the right side of the room, Vin went to the left side of the room, Nathan went to the back of the room where the jukebox was and Buck went to the back and stood close to where Nathan was. A few minutes later, the doors were opened and the crowd started pouring in. JD was kept busy filling drink orders, the waitresses were walking their feet off trying to keep up with their tables and the cook was sweating in the hot kitchen as he fixed the food orders.

Orin was standing in Ezra's office, as Ezra did the paperwork for that week's staff paychecks, and spoke. "Buisness sure is good tonight."

Ezra looked at Orin's smiling face and nodded, "It is astounding, Mister Travis. I just hope that those men you hired are as good as they say they are. In case those ruffians show up tonight."

Orin nodded, "I'm sure they are. Well, I'll leave you to your buisness." Orin walked out and shut the office door, heading to the bar for a cup of Irish coffee.

Everything was going fine, the customers were having fun and the staff were able to slow down for a few minutes. Around eleven that night, there was a commotion at the door. Everyone's eyes were drew to what was going on. Josiah was preventing four guys from entering and they were cursing him and trying to get past him.

Chris decided to help Josiah and walked over to him. "You, gentlemen, need to leave," Chris calmly said.

"Says who?," sneered one of the young men.

Chris said, "I do." JD stood behind the bar, watching the whole scene unfold and admired the way Chris held himself against the men. He saw something mettalic flash and saw a gun aimed at Chris. Before anyone could react, Chris smashed his fist into the man's nose and took the gun away from him. By this time, the other three bouncers were standing with Chris and Josiah.

JD let out a breath and thought, 'That coulda gotten ugly.' There was a loud noise and JD felt himself falling against the shelves that were holding the alcohol. He reached his right hand to his left side and felt something wet and sticky. When he looked at his hand, he was slightly shocked to see blood. He made eye contact with Cassie and saw her pale face staring at him in horror. Chaos erupted as JD hit the floor and heard the screams around him. The customers were screaming, the staff were trying to take cover and he could faintly hear sirens.

"JD?!," cried Cassie as she hit her knees beside him.


"Oh my God, help's on he way." He saw Orin, Ezra, Evie and the other staff members standing on the other side of the bar, looking at him with fear and concern.

"What...happened....?" JD's voice trailed off as the pain got worse and blackness got the best of him. The last thing he could hear was Cassie screaming his name.

Chapter Three
My Magnificent Seven Fan Fiction
My Fan Fiction