After everyone, except for Casey, had left, JD sat on the couch, thinking. "I'm going to go and fix us some dinner, okay?"

JD smiled at Casey and said, "You're too good to me."

"Don't you forget it!," said a smirking Casey.

"Never," JD responded softly as he watched Casey walk into the kitchen. JD sat there thinking about the plan that had been decided on just a couple of hours before. It had been decided that if the men showed up again, Chris and his men would try to apprehend them and call the cops. It was also agreed that Chris and his men would do whatever they had to to keep the bar's customers, staff and themselves safe. They were not going to rock the boat, they would let the men come to them. If tehy didn't, they would forget about them. JD knew those men would not give up easily. He sighed and thought, 'I hope everyone stays safe and those men don't show up again. But if they do, I'll be prepared.'

"You ready to eat? I made some grilled cheese and tomato soup," Casey said as she walked into the livingroom.

"Sounds good, Sweetie." Casey helped JD off of the couch and they walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table, which had two plates with the grilled cheese, two bowls of tomoato soup and two glasses of chocolate milk. "Man, I'm starved. I can't wait to sink my teeth into this," said a grinning JD.

After aboutten minutes of eating in silence, Casey spoke. "JD, what's the matter. And, don't say it's nothing, I can tell."

JD sighed, "Ya know me too well, woman." He paused for a moment and said, "I'm just thinking about what happened earlier. I still can't believe that everyone, well, almost everyone took what I said so well. Better than I expected. I just hope that none of you get hurt because of me."

"We won't, Sweetie. You need to quit fretting over that, whatever happens will happen."

"Well, if those men show up again, I'm going to be prepared this time."

"You're not going to do anything, are you?," asked a worried Casey.

"Not unles I have to." He was quiet for a couple of minutes and, then, resumed speaking, "Why do you think that Buck doesn't like me?"

"I'm sure he likes you. Why wouldn't he?"

JD shrugged, "You heard what he said earlier and there was that incident at the bar last week. I don't know, I just think he took an instant dislike to me. I don't know if I can trust him."

"Mister Travis wouldn't hire anyone that he felt couldn't be trusted. You need to talk to Buck and ask him, point blank, what his problem is. Try to come to an understanding."

JD nodded, "Yeah. You're right, I'll talk to him when I go back to work. Those contractors worked fast, having the bar ready to open back up tomorrow."

"I'm glad, I've actually missed Four Corners!," exclaimed Casey.

"I think we all have."

The next day, JD arrived at Four Corners at three and ready to set up to work. He saw Buck sitting in a chair, alone, and decided it was as good a time as any to confront him. "Hey, can I talk to you?," JD asked when he was standing in front of Buck.

Buck raised an eyebrow, "Why?"

Because I want to know why you don't like me," JD said, getting straight to the point.

"What makes you think I do?"

"Just you attitude, man. The vibes you put off. Of course, I don't know why you wouldn't like me, ya don't even know me."

"Look, I don't not like you, exactly. It's complicated." "Should you be at work?," Buck asked.

JD sighed and sat down in a chair across from Buck. "The Doctor said I was able to come back as long as I didn't do any heavy lifting, don't wanna pull the stitches. Anyways, quit trying to change the subject. Explain to me why it's complicated, why you don't like me."

Buck shook his head, "The bar'll be opening soon. Shouldn't you be trying to get ready?"

"Fine, man," said an aggrivated JD. He knew that Buck wasn't going to talk and he wasn't about to beg for answers. "If you ever decide to clue me in, ya know where to find me." With that said, JD walked over and got behind the bar. He didn't know why it was so important for Buck to like him, for Buck o let him know why he didn't. But he thought there was something about those five men. Vin, Buck, Chris, Nathan and Josiah. He, somehow, felt that they could all be really good friends. It was almost like he had known them before he met them. He shook his head, with a rueful smile, and thought, 'I'm crackin' up!'. He shrugged and decided that he'd just wait and see what happened with Buck and if Dirk's men would be back. Of, which, he had no doubt about.


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