
"You wanted to see me, sir?" Undercover policeman Justin Timberlake said as he walked in to Captain Drew Lachey's office.

Captain Drew nodded, "Yes. You've been hanging out and buddying up to Joshua Chasez from the Bass Family for a year now. It's time that you get in to their circle. We need to bring them down.

Justin nodded, "Yes, sir. I'm suppossed to meet him for drinks in an hour. I'll start then."

"Very well." With that said, Justin walked out of the office and to his car. As he drove to Tabu, to meet Joshua, also known as JC, he thought about the past year. He had been assigned to get close to Joshua so that they could bring down the Bass Family, who was the most dangerous and known crime family of New York City, New York. So, he went to Tabu, a club that the Family frequeted often. He struck up a conversation, surprised at how nice JC was. They started talking every other day, and JC thought that they had become friends. Justin had to admit to himself that he wanted to be JC's friend, and felt bad for what he was about to do, but then he reminded himself that he had a job to do.

He pulled his car in to the parking lot of Tabu, at the VIP entrance, and walked up to the door. Trace Ayala, the bouncer, opened the door and let him in. As Justin started toward the VIP room, he passed Howard "Howie" Dorough, the owner and good friend of the Bass Family. "Hey, Justin, " he said with a smile.

Justin smiled back, "Hi. Is JC here yet?"

Howie nodded, "Yep. He got her a few minutes ago."

"Thanks." Justin walked to the VIP room door, puuting his doubts to the back of his mind. He walked in and walked over to the table that JC was sitting at. As he passed the bar, he told the waiter to bring him a beer. "Hey, man, " Justin said as he sat down.

JC looked up from the notbook that he was writing in and smiled, "Hey."

Justin looked at the notebook and said, "I've known you for a year. Are you ever going to tell me what you're always writing?"

JC slightly blushed and said, "'s songs. I like to write songs and music."

On the outside, Justin was excited, he loved music. On the inside, he groaned, that only made him like JC more. "That's cool, man. I like to sing and play guitar."

"JC's eyes lit up, "Really? That's cool!" A minute later, Justin's beer was delivered, and JC asked, "So, what have you been up to?"

Justin put on a frutrated look and sighed, "Trying to find a job. I have bills due and got laid off due to cutbacks at Lane Factories. There's nothing out there, I've been looking all day."
He hoped that JC had grown to trust him, and a few minutes later, his questions were answered. JC scratched the back of his head and said, "Well....I might have something." JC stopped talking, hesitating. He continued, "You can keep a secret, right?" Justin nodded, looking sincere. "I work for the Bass Family. I could vouch for you and get you a job."

Justin acted surprised, "You work with them? As what?"

"I'm the driver. When someone goes somewhere, I drive them there and back. I can find the shortest route anywhere in this city. But, if you're intrested, I can hook you up."

Justin nodded, "I could use a job. I'm in."

JC nodded and added, "Be sure this is what you want. If I vouch for you and we find out that you've betrayed or lied to us, we'll both be killed. That's the way it works."

Justin nodded and forced the lie out, "You can trust me. I won't betray anyone."

JC nodded with satisfaction and said, "Okay. Meet me here at two tomorrow afternoon." He looked at his watch and said, "I'll see you." And, with that JC was gone and Justin was left at the table, thinking about how complicated his life had gotten.

Chapter 1

At two the next afternoon, Justin sat at a table in the VIP area of Tabu, waiting on JC. A few minutes later, JC walked up to the table with two guys. One had spiky blond hair and green eyes, the other had a big build, brown hair with red tips, and brown eyes. He knew, from studing the file, who they were. The green-eye one was James Lance Bass, the head of the family. The brown-eyed one was Joseph Anthony Fatone, the muscle. They all sat down and JC did the introductions. "Justin, this is Lance and Joey. Guys, this is Justin Timberlake, the guy I was telling you about." Lance and Joey shook hands with Justin. Joey's eyes were warm and friendly, and Justin couldn't believe he was capable of the things he had done. On the other hand, Lance's eyes were cold, and held no hint of warmth, and Justin could believe that he was capable of what he'd done.

"Justin, what did you use to do as a job?"

"I worked for Lance Factories, but they did cutbacks and I got the pink slip."

"Have you ever been in trouble with the law?"

Justin knew what Lance was doing. Lance was feeling him out and would be doing a check-up on him. He nodded, "When I was younger. When I was fifteen, I spent time in Juvinile Hall for stealing a couple of cars. I stayed for a year. When I was sixteen, I went back for two years, for pulling a knife on a boy."

"How old are you know?"

"Twenty-two. I'll be twenty-three on January thirty-first."

Lance nodded and and steepled his index fingers and thumbs in front of him.

"Okay, I have a test for you. I want you to go with another man of mine. He's going to collect from somebody, and JC will be the driver. If you handle it well, you're in. If you don't...."

Justin nodded, in understanding. If he didn't he was dead. Probley, JC, also. "Okay, then. Follow us in your car and you can get started." They all walked outside. Justin headed toward his Ford Escord, JC, Joey, and Lance headed toward a Mercedeas Benz. Justin followed the Benz for about half-an-hour and then they stopped. Justin looked at the house in awe, before he got out of his car. The house was white, with a steel rod fence, security cameras, and a security shed with a security guard and two dogs. The gate opened and they pulled their cars in to the garage. When they got out of their cars, Lance led the way to the front door. When they got inside, there were several people, guys and women, scattered around. "Nick! Get over here, " Lance hollered to a blond-haired man.

'He's about my age, ' Justin thought.

Nick walked up and Lance said, "This is Nick Carter. Nick, this is Justin. He'll be going with you, we're trying him out."

Nick nodded and said, "Let's go." He headed outside, followed by JC and Justin. They got in to a black Sedan with tinted windows. When they got inside, JC got in the drivers seat and the other two in the back. Nick pulled on a pair of black leather gloves and handed Justin a pair. "Put these on." Justin did without hesitation.

A little while later they pulled up to a small house, with a rickety fence, and a cluttered yard. JC stayed in the car, keeping it running. Nick led the way to the door. He looked around and then proceeded to kick the door. With one kick, the lock fell off, and they entered the house. They heard a noise and Nick ran toward the kitchen. He gave a little smile, when he caught the small guy, and asked, "Where are you off to in such a hurry?"


"That's not what it looked like. Now, let's go to the living room." He kept his hand around the guys arm, as they all walked to the living room. Nick pushed the guy on to the couch and stood in front of him. "Marvin, Marvin. You owe Mr. Bass a lot of money. Were you planning on paying?"

The guy nodded, "I was! I just needed s-some time!"

Nick shook his head, "You've had plenty of time. Do you have Mr. Bass' money or not?"
Nick's eyes went ice cold, "Yes or no, Marvin. Do you have it?"

"I have ten-thousand."
"That's not enough. You owe fifteen-thousand. You bet and you lost. So, I'm going to have to take five-thousand out of your skin." The guy shrunk back in fear. Nick grabbed him by the shirt-front and threw him across the room, causing his head to hit the wall. He grunted and slid to the floor. Nick started punching him in the face. A few minutes later he said, to Justin, "Hand me that bat." On the inside, Justin was flinching and feeling sorry for the guy. But, he had to keep up appearences and handed Nick the wooden bat. Nick took the bat and hit Marvin on the right kneecap as hard as he could. Justin could hear the bones break as Marvin screamed in agony. Nick did the same thing to the left kneecap. He then threw the bat to the floor and said, "If you go to the police, I'll kill you. And, you'd better find a way to come up with the other five-thousand dollars by the day after tomorrow. If you don't I'll kill you. And, don't even try to leave town." Nick and Justin, then, walked out and got in to the car. A while later, JC pulled back in the Bass garage and they all walked in to the house.

Lance walked up to them and asked, Nick, "How'd he do?"
Nick nodded, "Pretty good. He didn't freak out and if I needed anything he would hand it to me."

Lance gave a half-smile and said, "Good." He then turned to Justin and said, "I ran a check on you while you were gone and it was clean. You're in. But, you have to live here. All of my employees and their immediate family lives here. It's safer. Will that be a problem?"

Justin knew the house was huge and that there was plenty of room. He shook his head, "Not at all. I'll go get my stuff and move it over here, if that's okay?"

Lance nodded, "Yeah. JC will take you." Justin and JC walked back out to the car and when they were on the road, JC smiled. "I'm glad you got in, man."
Justin acted happy and nodded, "Yep, me too."

Three hours later, JC and Justin had gotten his stuff packed and delivered back to the house. "This is your room, " JC said, showing Justin in to a room on the third floor.

"Thanks, " Justin said before JC took off for bed. Justin looked around the room and had to admit that it was nice. It was the size of a small apartment, with a king-size bed, a walk-in closet, a balcony, a black dresser with gold trim, a lamp, a nightstand, a bathroom, and white walls. He changed in to pajama bottoms with no shirt and slid under the blankets, getting comfortable on the bed. 'What have I gotten in to now?' Justin asked himself, with a sigh.

Chapter 2

A Month Later

Justin was adjusting to life at the Bass estate and had met everyone that lived there and everyone that worked for Lance. He could see himself being friends with everyone there, they acted like normal people except for their jobs. 'If only things were different, ' thought Justin as he walked into the livingroom.

"Justin, " Lance said when he reached the livingroom, "I need you to run out with JC and pick up some things. I'm having a party tonight."
Justin nodded and JC asked, "You ready to go? We can grab some lunch in town."

"Yeah, let's go." They got into town and decided to eat first. "How about Applebees?"

"Sounds good, " answered JC. A few minutes later they were seated in a booth at Applebees.

"Hello, I'm Erin, I'll be your waitress this afternoon. Do you know what you would like to drink?"

"A Shirlie Temple, " said Justin.

"A draft beer."

"I'll be right back with that."

"Should you be drinking?" Justin asked, a little timidly.

JC smiled to put Justin at ease. "Don't worry. I NEVER get drunk and drive. This is going to be the only beer that I drink."

Justin nodded as the waitress walked back over to them. "Here y'all are. Do you know what you would like to order? Or do you need a few more minutes?"

"I'm ready. Justin?"

Justin nodded and said, "I'll have the chicken fajita roll-up." The waitress wrote that down and then turned to JC.

"I'll take the bacon chesseburger."

The waitress smiled and said, "I'll be back with that in a few minutes." After gathering the menus, she walked off.

"JC, I just want to thank you, again, for the job. All the people seem really nice....considering..."

JC, softly, laughed, "Yeah. That's what I thought when I first started working for Lance, also."

"How did you start?"

"Well, actually I had known Lance when I was a teenanger. Well, we drifted apart when I left for college. I got my bachlors in creative writing, but couldn't find a job that paid enough to pay the bills. Well, I was a restraunt and I ran into Lance. He offered me a job and I took it. I wouldn't chnage it for anything."

"Do you like what you do? Do you ever worry about being caught by police?"

JC had a serious look on his face, "Everyone does to an extent. But, I do enjoy what I do. I mean, I don't exactly like people being beaten and all, but that's the job. When you cross someone, there's always consequences that you have to deal with. Plus, Lance and the others are like family. We would do anything for each other, but if you cross one of us....well....

"I know. Lance seems like a nice guy....but..."

JC nodded, "I understand. He's a nice guy, but he also expects his orders obeyed. He doesn't take crap from anybody. His father taught him that. He started getting Lance ready to take over the family when he was young. If you double-cross Lance or anyone close to him, you're regret it. But, don't worry, you have nothing to worry about."

"That's good, " said Justin with a laugh.

They finished eating and headed to the back to the car. When they were on the road, Justin asked, "What do we have to get? And, who all is going to be at this party?"
"We have to get some more alcohol, so Chris can bartend and we have to get some food. The party is basically us, and a few other people. From another family around here. Lance wants to feel them out, see if they're going to be trouble."

Justin nodded as they pulled into the alcohol store. They walked in and Justin grabbed a buggy.

"Okay, " mused JC as they walked down an aisle, "we need to get four bottles of Tequila, three bottles of Jack Daniels, three bottles of Rum, and a case of beer. Everything else should be at the house." Justin nodded and started to help put the alcohol in the buggy. They paid and half-an-hour later they were at the grocery store. By the time they walked out of there, they had lemons, salt, potato chips, dip, and Jolly Ranchers, to make drinks. An hour later they were back at the house, with JC pulling the car into the garage.

Maricle-Rose, Lance's twenty-year-old sister, walked out of teh house and over to them. "Let me help y'all, " she said with a smile.

"Thanks, " said Justin. She smiled at him, grabbed a couple of bags and walked back inside.

He looked over at JC, who was giving him a knowing look, and asked, "What?"

"You like Maricle-Rose, don'tcha?"

Justin sighed, but stayed silent. JC nodded, "That's what I thought." Justin rolled his eyes, grabbed a bag and the case of beer, and walked into the house. JC grabbed the last two bags and shut the trunk, with a slight laugh, and followed.

"Did you guys get everything?, " asked Brian Littrell asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Yep, "said a nodding JC.

"Cool, " Brian said as he helped put the stuff up.

At seven that night the party guests started arriving. They had set a table up in the basement with all the food, Chris was behind the bar serving drinks, and Staind was playing on the sound system. Justin looked around at the people that were there. He saw Lance and Joey at the bar talking to Chris, Brian and Nick were in a corner talking to, Leighanne, Brian's wife and, Lily, a girl that Nick was trying to get with. Lance's sister, Stacy, was dancing with her husband, Ford. Lance's mother, Diane, was talking to AJ McLean and a man named John Howard. Justin knew that they belonged to the Family that Lance was having the party for, so he could see if he was going to have problems. He caught sight of JC and saw him walking over to him. He slid a smile onto his face and slapped high fives with JC. "Hey man."

"Hey, you enjoying the party?"

Justin nodded, "Yeah. It's pretty cool. So, who all is in this Family that Lance is checking out?"

JC looked around and, subtly, started pointing them out. "Well, as you know there's AJ and John. Then, over there is AJ's fiance Sarah and John's girlfriend, Leigh. And, over there is the second in charge, Kevin Richardson and his wife, Kristin. And, the Family Boss, Tim. He's Kevin's older brother."

Justin nodded, stroring all of the information into his memory. "Where's Leighanne and Brian?"

"They went upstairs to check in with the nanny and make sure that Baylee's alright."

"They make good parents."

"Yeah, they do." JC looked wistful, "I hope to have all that one day. A wife and kids."

Justin, softly, smiled, "It'll happen. I want the same thing."

JC smirked, "Ah. Well, you may get it before me." At Justin's confused look, he said, "Maricle-Rose is coming over." Justin looked in her direction and couldn't help the smile that appeared on his face.

Maricle-Rose reached them, smiling, "Hey guys."

"Hey. Well, I'd better start mingling. I'll talk to y'all later."

"Does this feel like a set-up to you?, " Maricle-Rose asked with a smile.

Justin laughed, "My sentiments exactly."

"Would you like to dance?," Maricle-Rose asked with a shy smile.

With a gentle smile, Justin nodded. He took Maricle-Rose's hand and led her to the floor, "Let's show them how it's done." They started dancing to Samatha Mumba's "I'm Right Here." Maricle-Rose had her wrms loosly hung around Justin's neck and Justin had his hands on the small of her back. Maricle-Rose started singing the lyrics, so only Justin could hear.

He's got a good style/ Beautiful smile/
Wears that cologne/
That drives women wild/
Takes more than just looks/
To get me shook/
If he captures my mind/
He'll have me hooked/
Wanna guy with intelligence/
A perfect gentleman/
To be more than a lover/
More than my man/
A guy who could be my best friend/

I'm looking for a guy/
To play the lead in my life (In my life)/
I'm sure that in due time/
That I'll find my Mr. Right/
To all the good men who are out there/
All the single ladies wanna know where (Where)/
So put your hands up in the air/
And say.."

Justin smiled and said,"I'm Right Here."

Maricle-Rose smiled at him and when the song ended, they walked to a couch in a corner and sat down. "Maricle-Rose, would you like to go out with me tomorrow night?"

Maricle-Rose smiled, "I'd love to. I'll have to ask Lance, but I'm sure he won't mind. He doesn't trust many people, but he trusts you. After only a month."

"I'm glad," Justin smiled on the outside, but on the inside he was starting to feel guilty. 'What's wrong with me?, ' he silently asked. He knew, he just didn't want to acknowledge it.

"I'm going to go get some water from upstairs. I'm not much for alcohol. And, I'm going to change and all and, you wanna watch a movie? I'll make sure that Lance doesn't mind us skipping out."
Justin nodded, "Sounds good to me."

Great. I'll get everything ready, give me half-an-hour."

"Sure thing." Justin answered. As he watched Maricle-Rose walk over to Lance, he knew he was smiling like an idiot. A few minutes later, Lance walked over.

"Hey, Justin, " he said as he sat down.


"So, you and Maricle-Rose are going to go out tomorrow night? And, watching a movie tonight?"

Justin nodded, "You don't mind, do you?"

Lance shook his head, "Nope. But, she is my twin sister and I'll tell you the same thing that I told every guy iintrested in her and Stacy. If you hurt her, I'll kill you."

Justin could tell, by looking into Lance's eyes, that he was completely serious about his threat.
Justin nodded, "You have my word. I won't hurt her."

Lance smiled, "Good. You'd better get up there, to watch that movie. Maricle-Rose hates to be left waiting."

Justin laughed, "Okay. Thanks for trusting me with your sister." Lance nodded and left, while Justin started toward the stairs. He walked upstairs, looking around for her.

"Maricle-Rose? Maricle-Rose! Where are ya?" Justin looked in the bedrooms, livingroom, everywhere, and couldn't find Maricle-Rose. He was starting to get worried and he started jogging through the house. "Maricle-Rose?! Answer me, where are you?!" He heard a muffled noise through a closed door, and quickly opened it. It was dark and he blinked his eyes, to adjust to the darkness.

"Help..., " said a weak voice.

Justin searched in the room, noticing that it was a closet, and said, "Maricle-Rose?" He saw her lying on the floor, and rushed over to her. He knelt over her and asked, "What happened?"

"I-I....Brent....Snow..." That was all Maricle-Rose got out before she passed out. Justin, gently, picked her up, walking back to the stairs that led to the basement.
He laid her down and yelled, "LANCE!"

Lance's head jerked at the shout of his name and he ran up the stairs, telling everyone else to stay put. "Oh my God! Maricle-Rose! What the HELL happened?!" Lance demanded.

Justin looked at him, with a mix of helplessness and anger, "I have no idea! I went looking for her and, finally, found her in the closet. She said Brad Snow and passed out. I know you have a Doctor here and she needs one, quick. I saw blood on the back of her head. I knew that you wouldn't want me to call an ambulance."

Lance nodded as he looked at his twin sister. He saw that her shirt was ripped down the middle and her skirt was on lopsided. "Whoever did this is going to pay!" Lance dangerously growled. He walked downstairs and got Stephen, who was the Doctor at the estate. "Everyone just stay here, I'll be back." Lance said as people glanced around in confussion.

"Oh, Lord, what happened?" Stephen murmered as he examined Maricle-Rose. He looked at her head and said, "Well, she's going to need stitches. I can do that in my office, upstairs. The bruises on her face will fade in a few days. And, her wrist is broken, I'll put a cast on it in my office." He paused and glanced at Lance, "I also want to do a rape test." Lance, silently nodded.

"Do you know when she will wake up?, " asked Justin.

Stephen nodded, "She passed out from the pain. After I set her wrist and all, I will use smelling salts and that should wake her up. I'll get my wife, and we'll get started."

Chapters 4-6-COMING SOON
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