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undefined Suta-Raito
Welcome! This is the sitely ticker I made just for fun. ^^ Suta-Raito is different from the other sites because I think a site should be fun, colorful and have originality. All the images here were made by me, and are for everyone out there to use! ^^ ( must put a link back to Suta-Raito though.)·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·The ticker keeps going and going and going·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·If you need digimon images there are a few here, all new. Pokemon too·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·If you see an animation at the bottom of the page or an image, that's just one of the image escapers. They run away a lot·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·Hey if anyone still doesn't know, suta-raito is starlight in japanese ^^;·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·Wow are you still reading this?·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·Let's play a game! On the count of 3 tell everyone about suta-raito...¹ ² ³!! ^^; Hey it was worth a try·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·Is the ticker coming to an end·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·Are we there yet?·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·Hey, look a little down on the screen to the left...see the Lataisu? It's sorta like the spell checker. Actually he doesn't do his job very well, it's missed a lot of errors·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·It's still going!·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·Hey why don't you go check out some pages·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·Why are you still reading this?·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·You're making me type a lot! <(>:<)>·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·Okay and the ticker ends...·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·Haha fooled you.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·No really, it ends NOW·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·Gotcha again.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·^^;.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·I'm the craziest webby you've eva seen! <(^:~)> (But I make my site fun for everyone ^~).·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·Hey...did you see that? A Pikachu just ran by your window!!.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·Interesting News Ticker isn't it.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·I can't believe you are still reading this.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·Never put Pikachu by Vegeta.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·Never put Vegeta by Goku <(@_@)>.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·Never give Guilmon Peanut butter, he will NOT stop eating it!.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·If you don't know what a Pokemon is maybe you shouldn't really be here....·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·Ever wonder if Ash can really understand Pikachu? I think he makes it all up.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·Newsflash!Uh...wait...I forgot...End of Newsflash.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·Ticky Ticker...Ticky Ticker!.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·And it's still going.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·I like cookies...especially the ones with chocolate in them....·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·I have a neopet! Wanna become neofriends? ^^ My user is kontenia.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·My neopet laughs at me...she's mean....·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·I am running out of things to type.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·This is like the Energizer Bunny, it keeps going and going and going and going....·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·
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These are the Stamps.There so
These are the adoptables/blibkies.There so
Geez,it's,its jut not up yet=P
These are the These are some pics of pok`emon that i brewed up.There cool..
#1 Link
Top Affy's:

Um ok,i realized this is a pok`emon and Zelda site so if you need help with anything,neomail me on neopets(That is the only way i will let you contacket me)!
Welcome,please join's fun:)
Here's an Example of one of the Blinkers here:
Here's a Clique I made:
Ermm,it must be
And Here's on of the Stampies:
I have a Lugia Stamp!
There are a lot more, so check it out for yourself!

Latest News:
Hey,welcome.I changed the name to suta-raito instead of the sacraed elements thingie......I cant realy think of anything to type.Oh!The new Zelda game isnt comeing out till Febuary,3 2002!Thats sad ay?

Pokemon Games
Pokemon Snap
Card Game (GB)
Puzzle Challenge
Pokemon Stadium (1)
Zelda quiz & pok`emon Quiz comeing soon

Comeing soon

All images, icons and animation were made only for people who respect the copyrights and link back to this page.