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Creatures of Lunaris


Many strange and weird creatures live inside our world Lunaris. Since we: the Shimmer Elves are skilled hunters and rangers we know the existence of most of those creatures. We know of manticores roaming the sky in the western mountain isles, we know of Shadow Dragons darkening the sky around them, we know of the filty ogre creatures who curse the ground by just walking upon it and we know of many more creatures who inhabit our beloved Lunaris...

But one of those creatures remains much of a mystery even to us... this creature we call the Belzador...

The Belzador are strange monsters who are known to exist inside the region known as the March of Dispair. They are rarely seen, but if we encounter them they always appear different...sometimes they are hairy but also happens that they are scally or have strange leatherlike skin. But one thing remains always the same....they are incredible strong and they attack with an incredible fury!!! Lucky for us they don't use magic and may the heavens prevent them from ever learning it!

We don't know much about these monsters but we know that they come out of strange black orbs. Maybe these orbs are a way to reproduce? Or maybe they have a winter sleep inside these sinister looking things? It is even possible that they are a side effect of a magic spell that went wrong thousands of years ago. We don't know and we aren't eager to find out either. But we do know that if a Belzador comes out of this orb it is instantly full grown and ready to kill!

We also know that only through heat and sunlight these creatures come out of their orbs, that is the reason why we throw those orbs into the sea if we happen to find them. Our current king: Sarradin Valderona Talranshande is said to have one orb securely locked away inside a special constructed box which keeps it cool and out of the light....

Be warned! These creatures are very rare but if you happen to find one or an orb, the best thing to do is leave it alone!!!!!!!!!!!

The Ogres

The vast plains to the east are inhabited by a race of creatures known as Ogres. These creatures look like very primative humans, with the exception that they are twice as big and have a large horn on their forehead. They usually dress themselves in crude armors that are made of animal hides. They prefer crude weapons like huge wooden clubs and crudely made throwing axes.

Ogres are not known for their great intelligence and their behaviour can be seen as a mix between a child and a wild beast. They spend most of their times fighting among their own kind or hunting anything they can find (which is usually weaker than the ogre itself). They can live up to a hundred years and spend that time living together in large tribes. Those tribes are led by either a huge and fierce fighter or a shaman. Ogres are incapable of practicing magic..they simply miss the brains to do so.

The tribes among these filthy beings have all kinds of brutal and primitive names. Tribe names as: Skull crushers, The Bone eaters and Broken horn clan are very popular among ogre kind. Names like these clearly show that the ogres are capable of doing only one thing: making war!

Since ancient history the ogres have been trying to invade the lands that so truly belongs to us. It isn,t the invidual skill of a ogre that makes them deadly but the great numbers that they send into a battle that makes them a fearfull foe. Luckily for us, they must travel through miles of mountain passes and very rough terrain before they reach open ground. It is needless to say that we won,t allow them to simply walk through these passes.

Throughout our history many great battles have been fought against the ogre agressors from the east. Till the last Shimmer elf we will continue to defend ours lands and blood will be repaid by blood. But even the most stuborn among us fear the day that they will finally outnumber us in numbers so great that even we will fall......

The Estarra

Inside the forest named as the Serpent Forest lives a mysterious race of creatures known as: The Estarra.The Estarra are also kown among our kind as Serpent People and as the Scally Ones.

The Estarra have lived inside this huge and ancient forest for as long as we can remember, and even during the dark times of our race we left them alone. Our ancestors had much respect for these snakelike people, and history has taught us to do the same. They take terms as territory and tresspassing very seriously..those that enter their realm without permission are never heard of again. Rumors speak of people with faces like lizards and snakes..appearing out of nowhere from between the trees and attacking with deadly speed and skill..and blending into the forest just a fast after that...leaving only one intruder alive to tell the message: No intruders wanted....

There has never been much contact between are two races, they respect as and we do the same. Although we do not have an alliance or something similar with the Estarra, they do protect a large portion of our eastern mountain passes. The edges of their forest lies very close to our eastern border and therefore serves as an excellent barrier against ogre invasions.

Although our two races have never embraced eachother with open arms. There isn,t any lasting hatred either. The same can not be said about the Ogres however... The ogres are known to have no respect for nature whatsoever and the Estarra know this all to well. The ogres on the other hand seem incapable of remembering important lessons. And so it happens that once in while a small army of ogres enters Serpent forest with the idea of crossing the forest to attack our southern lands by suprise. They mostly enter the forest shouting phrases like: “We squash the snake boys!” and “Who cuts of a snake tail last is a stupid ogre!” After a while the shouting turns into screams....and after a while even that stops... It is uncertain what they do with the corpses...perhaps it is better not to know...

Sea Sprites

Not only the mountains, forests and plains of Lunaris are inhabited by strange and often mystical creatures. The lakes and oceans surrounding our land are the inhabbited by countless of bizarre and strange beings...

Since the day that our ancestors set foot on Lunaris we have been known to sail the seas around our lands. Even though our fleet is now only a fraction of what it used to be in the glorious days of old, we still ride the waves and eagerly learn the lessons that the sea grants us...some creatures of the deep however are lessons best left alone....

In the waters known as the Dark Sea there lives a creature that has haunted our sailors for countless ages. These creatures are called Sea Sprites and although their name may sound pleasant, believe us they are not..

The Sea Sprites make their homes inside underwater caves and the remains of sunken ships. They live of seaweed and all kinds of meat that they can find. The Sprites in their normal form look like small, green, lizardlike creatures that are covered with brown and green seaweed. Because of their their rather scary looks, most creatures won,t allow them to come near them. To overcome this problem the Sea Sprites use their inborn magical talents to alter their appearance.

Most Shimmer elves that have sailed the sinister waters of Dark Sea have witnessed the cunning and evil hunting tactics of the Sprites. Because of the dark and misty weather that covers Dark Sea it is often impossible to see more than a dozen yards in front of a ship, The Sprites use this to their advantage and try to trick the unsuspecting men aboard the ships that have the unfortunate luck to travel through their hunting grounds... Countless stories tell the tragic events of Shimmer elves pulled overboard by many slimy fingers when they tried to pull a body out of the water that “looked” like one of their friends..

There are even some rumors that claim that these beings have the ability to crawl upon land....if this is true they can be easily mistaken for a drowned Shimmer elf that has been washed upon the shore...

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