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Our land Lunaris

Lunaris is a harsh, unfriendly place. It knows hot summers and extreme cold winters, there are grasslands, deep forests, high mountains and deep valleys.There are not much natural resources and we have to live from the hunt. Different continents surround Lunaris, namely the Troll region to the north, to the southwest the Maticore kingdom, to the east the Ogre territory and to the northeast lies Shadow dragon isle.

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Kings and Queens

Vashar Valderona Talranshande 0 - 732
Merik Valderona Talranshande 732 - 861
Sylvastra Valderona Talranshande (Q) 861 - 1314
Atuzial Valderona Talranshande 1314 - 1773
Danadyl Valderona Talranshande 1773 - 1991
Miryllie Culadyë (Q)1991 - 2149
Tunear Valderona Talranshande 2149 - 2899
Zimolus Valderona Talranshande 2899 - 3114
Merkazion + Vashardian Valderona Talranshande 3114 - 3252
Merkazion Valderona Talranshande 3252 - 3613
Estariten Valderona Talranshande 3613 - 4406
Annaebira Valderona Talranshande (Q) 4406 - 4700
Sarradin Valderona Talranshande 4700 - **

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