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Shimmerelf Traditions

The history of our race goes back for thousands of years. An enormous amount of time, in which many events came to pass. Some of those events had an huge impact upon the Shimmer Elf society. And even today the effects of those happenings can still be seen as traditions or festivals. Some of these traditions may seem cruel or harsh to outsiders. But then again…people often judge that what they do not know…

Night of the Newborn

This tradition is one of the oldest to be found, it dates from the time after the great revelation. When a new Shimmer elf is born, it must already face its first challenge. It must spend the first night of his life outside the tent of its parents. If it survives the night on its own this new Shimmer elf is worthy to join with its people. This may seem cruel but most newborns survive their first night, those that not survive are not capable of living in the harsh and cruel world of Lunaris. It is seen as great achievement for both the parents and child if a child passes the Night of the Newborn. The day after its night, the encampment where the child is born celebrates this great happening. We feast that another soul has join their race and by feasting and celebrating we show our gratitude to the heavens that watch over us.

The Test of the Magi

During the Night of the Newborn a child usually has two options: it survives or it does not. However a third option remains…… Spiders and serpents are considered magical creatures by our race. And it happens to be that these creatures can alter the future of a newborn Shimmer elf. If a child is found alive the next morning it is celebrated….but it is covered with spiderwebs or with traces of serpents it is considered sacred! If such traces can be found on the child its live is forever changed…it is marked as a chosen.

The chosen Shimmer elves remain with their parents until they are old enough to walk and talk. After that time they will be taken to the Spider caves. The most ancient and only permanent stronghold that we still possess. Within this complex of tunnels and caves lies the royal residence and the home of our mages. The mages are the ones among our race that keep record of history and of the many mysteries concerning our people and lands. It is here where the joung ones will receive their training as a mage.

During a long period, the apprentice mages learn all about the craft and its secrets. When the time finally comes they will perform the test of the magi. If they survive this test they will be regarded as real mages and will receive their initiation into the order of Vashar, our first and true king. During this test they will be dropped somewhere within the Spider caves and they must make it out alone…without a map, light or help from outside…whith only their magic and a small weapon to aid them. The caves are inhabited by countless species of spiders and serpents…which makes this test extremely risky. But is picks out those that are strong enough to become magi…and protectors of their people.

Night of Fire

For as long as we can remember fire has kept us safe, it gave us warmth, it cooked our food and kept the evil at bay. Throughout our history fire has played an important role…a role that is to be honored and not to be forgotten. That is why we celebrate the Night of Fire once a year. When our mages predict the coldest night of the year we hold this feast.

During this festival we pay our respect to the fire. Every Shimmer elf throughout Lunaris joins in this celebration. All kinds of lights, candles, torches and bonfires are lighted and songs and poems are song to honor the flames. Young Shimmer elves run around with papers dragons and other creatures that have little lights inside. All kinds of spicy foods like hot sausages are served, even the drinks are red and are a hot delight to drink!

Till the next morning we sing and dance and symbolize the fire melting away the cold and the darkness..

This tradition is one of the oldest to be found, it dates from the time after the great revelation. When a new Shimmer elf is born, it must already face its first challenge. It must spend the first night of his life outside the tent of its parents. If it survives the night on its own this new Shimmer elf is worthy to join with its people. This may seem cruel but most newborns survive their first night, those that not survive are not capable of living in the harsh and cruel world of Lunaris. It is seen as great achievement for both the parents and child if a child passes the Night of the Newborn. The day after its night, the encampment where the child is born celebrates this great happening. We feast that another soul has join their race and by feasting and celebrating we show our gratitude to the heavens that watch over us.

The Trial of Blood

Due to our nomadic existence and the hostile enviroment of Lunaris most Shimmer elves practise a profession that envolves fighting. Rangers, hunters, scouts, runners and fighters are the most common jobs. Although there are those that have other functions like: foodsupliers, healers, shamans, mystics, mages and others that do not directly involve with fighting. But even those Shimmer elves know how to use a weapon and can put it to deadly use if necessary... Because there are constant threats of invasions and other horrors everyone needs to be able to defend their homeland if the call comes.

This is the reason why our children are taught to fight before they even learn to read and write... Defending our homeland is considered one the greatest honours a Shimmer elf can achieve and therefore many are eager to join our military forces. Once a Shimmer elf reaches the age of 90 years, he is given the choice to pick a profession. If he decides to join those that defend the honour of Lunaris, he must prove himself capable of doing so..

Every year all new recruits are taken to the area known as Lonely Forest. Inside this forest they will recieve a 2 month training that teaches them all the basiscs they need to know. In fact it teaches them 3 things: how to handle a sword, how to handle a bow and how to stay alive in combat. After these two hard months they will take the test known as the Trial of Blood.

Divided ito groups of 5 elves they must travel across the eastern borders and into Ogre territory. Each one is armed with a sword and a bow with only two arrows. During this test they must learn how to work together and to use stealth and cunning to succeed in their goal. The goal is simple: kill ogres!

If the group returns with the head of an ogre they have past the test and are seen as worthy fighters. They are given the option to either join the naval forces or the normal army that fights on the land. While those that return with 2 or more heads are given the honour to join the Shadow runners, this select group functions as scouts and assassins.

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