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Welcome, Freak!

Dear Freaks-- Hey, I see you've stumbled onto this crappy website. Well howdy-doody-do to you. I congradulate you. Anywho, yeah, I just got really bored one afternoon and decided to make a site for the hell of it. It's not gonna be the best but I'm sure you'll get "adjusted" to it. It being retardely dumb. If you want any of the images on here, please ask first, don't take it right away. They're my images, and my images ONLY and I'll be happy to email them to you. Well, not happy, but screw that. And if you do take my images, I'm gonna have to kick your sorry ass to Afgahnistan, and it won't be a pretty sight. So fuck off if all your gonna do is steal my images. And if you are a cheerleader, GET OFF THIS FUCKING SITE RIGHT NOW! NOW, BEFORE IF HAVE TO DECONTAMINATE IT WITH FABREEZE. Now, have a jolly time on my site.

**Slut Of The Week**

This lucky week, Amanda Bauman has obtained slut of the week. This week, she decided to dress in a table cloth. (Literally) And over the past six months she's had 12 boyfriends. THATS A NEW BOYFRIEND EVERY TWO WEEKS!! What the fuck? And did I mention that she is Savvanah Harrarie's (last week's winner of slut of the week) best friend? Jeezus christ people. I swear, if i knew that we were supposed to dress sluttily, I would have to kick my own ass cuz there is no chance in hell that I would do that. But, fuck the world cuz cheerleaders run the world now obviously these days. "Oh my name is Amanda Blowjob, I MEAN, Amanda Bauman and I'm a slut. My girlfriend, I MEAN, boyfriend is Cassie Shattuck. And I'm a suck up whiney bitch. The End."

**Fag Of The Week**

John Heoft is the winner. Well, since my friend Anna and I make fun of him all the time we call him John Heffty cuz we didnt know his last name, and hes not even heffty. LoL, dont ask. But anywho, one of my best friends, Rachel, went out with the fucker. Now, he was a fucker not before the relation ship, but after. So after they broke up (which he didnt even have a reason for) he becomes this dickhead who I dont even remember and begs for forgivness. Why should i forgive someone who hurt one of my best friends? Jeezus John, if you read this, I've got one thing to say: FUCK YOU YOU BASTARD!

**Quote of the Week**

"Well slap my ass and call me Charlie!!" -Anna

This quote was said by Anna. See sometimes I wonder about Anna, because I'm a little unsure about what she has upstairs. (For all you dumbasses out there, I mean: I'm unsure about what she has as a brain) Yeah, it's her "line" for: wow! thats a big surprise. (non sarcastically) Yeah, thats all I have to say. Uh..yeah. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. LoL, sry.

**Song Of The Week**

"Over My Head" by Sum 41 is the song of the week. My boyfriend, Justin, decided on this song. He downloaded it. So anywho, I think this is a really good song for song of the week. I like this song, because there's stuff out there that supposidly we're supposed to worry about (ex: stereotyping..) but we can't do anything about it because it'll never stop. There fore its over our heads. Oh, I'm so good. But stereotyping sucks major ass, so to make yourself happy go to WalMart and watch fat people go shopping and remember, it'll make you smile and feel a warmth inside. (LoL, Quianna.)

**Joke Of The Week**

Q: What do you get when you have 20 blondes in a freezer?

A: Frosted flakes.

**Hate-Letter Of The Week** Dear Sarah, Cheerleaders rock. I like cheerleaders cuz they're hot. So shut up. -Matt

Matt, do me a favor and shut up yourself. The only reason you like cheerleaders is because they're "easy" and will have sex with any uglyass they see on the street. And don't even play, you know its true. Seriously, there are like no virgin cheerleaders out there because they all go around fucking around becasue they dont wanna be virgins cuz they're sluts. All of them. I mean, seriously, they are slutty because they go around fucking people (guys and girls, but mostly girls **cough**) and dress like fags and stuff. "Oh mi gawd. That is so untruee!"

Well That's all for this week. Ill talk to you later, so e-mail me if you really want to. And remember, cheerleaders have "Feelings" too. Thats a knee slapper.. -Sarah-

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